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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 The Girl With the Pendant Pearl, Cajun and Crby James Pumpelly (.ePUB) The Girl with the Pendant Pearl - Cajun and Creole Recipes, contains over fifty authentic New Orleans and Acadian recipes, some reflecting other cultural influnces. Three examples are the Italian Cream Cake, Cajun Shrimp Fettuccini, and South of the Border Squash Casserole recipes. ♻️ Book's Info: Author The Girl With The Pendant Pearl, Cajun And Crby James Pumpelly Size 11MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/5JvrFldCCj0d https://devuploads.com/6sy1n3r1iebc
  2. 📮 Matsutake Worlds by Lieba Faier (.PDF) The matsutake mushroom continues to be a highly sought delicacy, especially in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cuisine. Matsutake Worlds explores this mushroom through the lens of multi-species encounters centered around the matsutake’s notorious elusiveness. The mushroom’s success, the contributors of this volume argue, cannot be accounted for by any one cultural, social, political, or economic process. Rather, the matsutake mushroom has flourished as the result of a number of different processes and dynamics, culminating in the culinary institution we know today. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lieba Faier Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Ra34J9GgncoL https://devuploads.com/ftxg302aoiml
  3. 📮 Cody's War series by Todd McCaffrey (.ePUB) Todd McCaffrey is the New York Times Bestselling author of over forty books, hailed by some as "A Modern Master Of The Craft." ♻️ Book's Info: Author Todd Mccaffrey Size 3.8MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 1. Flight Of The Hope1. Flight Of The Hope - A rookie shuttle pilot and a hotshot girl lead a daring bunch of survivors in a desperate bid to warn the star system Deneb of an alien attack. Will they get there in time? And, if so, what will they do? 2. Flight Of The Wasp2. Flight Of The Wasp - The starship Hope died saving five hundred million people. But did they stop the aliens? Or will the aliens attack the next star system? And, without a fleet, or even a ship, how will Cody Ford and his crew stop them? 3. Flight Of The Phoenix3. Flight Of The Phoenix - At a place called Midway they fought the alien ships. Twenty-three patchwork ships against twenty-five aliens. In the end, only four ships survived. And now, Cody Ford and his survivors must answer the question: What Next? 5. Flight Of The Davis 5. Flight Of The Davis - The Thrakzz are destroyed. But not by Cody Ford. ANOTHER alien species finished them off. The aliens sent a message: “Prepare to meet.” Meet how? And where? 6. Flight Of The Crump 6. Flight Of The Crump - Jasmine Crump is willing to risk everything to save everyone. She’s even willing to risk her newest ship, and she’s a sweetie. But an Admiral has got to do what an admiral has to do! 7. Cody's War7. Cody's War - The universe is in peril as a massive alien ringworld known as the Gem, housing over 30,000 alien species, hurtles toward a Bridge in space. This Bridge, a tear in the fabric of reality connecting to a higher energy universe, threatens to unravel the very existence of everything. The Gem's arrival was preceded by a wave of smaller alien ships that surrendered to humanity. However, the Gem itself remained silent, its motives shrouded in mystery. Humanity, having recently faced devastating attacks from other alien species, the Thrakzz and the Mynix, finds itself on the brink of annihilation. To survive, they must unravel the secrets of the Gem and the Bridge, forming alliances and navigating treacherous diplomatic waters. As the clock ticks down to the Gem's arrival at the Bridge, a small group of brilliant minds race against time to decipher alien languages, uncover hidden agendas, and forge unlikely partnerships. But in a universe teeming with unknown dangers, even the most brilliant strategies could backfire, leading to unforeseen consequences. The fate of humanity—and perhaps the universe—hangs in the balance as the countdown to the Gem's arrival at the Bridge continues. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/quuVrCwbcQiu https://devuploads.com/cgjr1852wglq 7. Cody's War https://uploda.sh/6BY2mE8WvNLp https://devuploads.com/ie9r9w2qdzb0
  4. 📮 365 Health and Fitness Hacks by Joey Thurman (.ePUB) We all want a quick fix to all of our problems, and getting healthy is no exception. If there was only a magical pill to fix our every ill; but until then we will have to put in good old fashioned hard work! Hard work is imperative for overall success, but most of us spread ourselves pretty thin and the thought of making a change may seem overwhelming; especially if we are unsure as to where to begin. So that’s where I come in; to provide you with more efficient ways to get your health back on track that you can realistically incorporate in your everyday life. We need to get away from being OVERFED and UNDERNOURISHED and use the tools in this book to provide our body with the continuous TLC it so desperately needs. You can use this book however you wish; you don’t necessarily have to read through the entire book front to back in one sitting. Take a look at the contents and find the best sections that apply to you and your scenario. This book will give you tips and tricks….or ‘HACKS’ to make yourself healthier, happier, more efficient, and ultimately save your life! Why not keep this book at your bedside table and read a few tips every day? Use it as a hub of useful information; or a Do-It-Yourself go to guide, that you can refer back to at any point. Some hacks may provide different strategies and methods (like a full body workout vs. split body workout) so it’s about finding what hacks work best for you and your life. Let today be the first step to a brighter and healthier future and let this book be your ‘bible of knowledge’ to keep as a reference. Enjoy the journey! Celebrity fitness expert Joey Thurman will give you 365 health and fitness hacks to truly take the guesswork out of your health and fitness! After reading this book you will have every tool necessary to live a life full of health and happiness! Chapters: The Demolition: this is where you clear your mind and focus on what you want in life with a clearing exercise. The Restoration: The importance of sleep. Tips to help you sleep better, get more out of your night, getting rid of distractions, and even the importance of sleeping naked! The Foundation: Nutrition: A comprehensive discussion on nutrients, foods that will feed your body and mind, and tips to increase your metabolism. The Framework: Exercise. Why you need to exercise. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Joey Thurman Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/XbVgoydCuG5m https://devuploads.com/clq4fs20idok
  5. 📮 The Ultimate Steak Lover's Cookbook by Ana Rose (.ePUB) Turn your kitchen into a homey version of your favorite steakhouse restaurant with the simple, step-by-step guidelines provided in this illustrated recipe compendium. It's possible to enjoy top-notch grilled meat dishes without leaving the comfort of your own home. When The Steakhouse first opened its doors back in 1988, little did anyone realize that it would develop into a thriving chain boasting thousands of locations across the planet? Part of what makes every visit to The Steakhouse memorable and irresistible is the warm ambiance emanating from their halls, coupled with the large portions that come along with affordable pricing. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ana Rose Size 11MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/z9OX8jWcnZry https://devuploads.com/41440b4pg5u1
  6. 📮 Stalked By the Alphas by Eve Newton (.ePUB) My life was supposed to follow a perfect path: a nice job, mated by twenty-five, and children after that. But fate has other plans. Now, a week from turning twenty-five, I have a successful bookshop that I love, but the rest has remained elusive. Always within my reach but never managing to hang onto an alpha for long enough to mate... and then there is the pact in the back of my mind. An alcohol-fuelled promise on my twentieth birthday, jokingly giving my alpha childhood friends a chance if we're all single in five years. I’m as single as they get, but who knows about them? We drifted apart when I moved up North to start my new life. But that's when things turn a lot darker. I discover I have a stalker. Someone who knows me inside out, and this twisted obsession has turned dangerous. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eve Newton Size 1.1MB Category Fiction > Romance Sci-Fi File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/BpMLQ4siJQHj https://devuploads.com/c4krvqfsr144
  7. 📮 The Stolen Sparkler by Magda Alexander (.ePUB) A stolen diamond necklace. An engagement at risk. Can an inquisitive lady and an enigmatic duke join forces long enough to find the missing gem? Mystery, romance, and a Christmas intrigue. Lady Rosalynd arrives at her dear friend’s, Lady Eleanor, country estate eager for a festive weekend of merriment. But the holiday cheer quickly turns to panic when her friend’s prized diamond necklace—an heirloom to be worn at the Christmas Ball—goes missing. The necklace’s disappearance threatens to ruin Eleanor's engagement to Lord Cumberforth, as his father disapproves of the match. So when her friend begs for help, Lady Rosalynd has no choice but to look into the matter. Her efforts are unexpectedly complicated by the arrival of the Duke of Steele, an enigmatic peer enlisted by Eleanor’s father to investigate the theft. Reluctantly joining forces, Lady Rosalynd and the duke begin a delicate inquiry, questioning the household staff and guests alike. Their pursuit of the truth to flush out the culprit unveils hidden motives and dark secrets that point to several suspects. As tensions mount and suspicions swirl, Rosalynd and the duke must work quickly to recover the missing sparkler. If they don't find it before the Christmas Ball, Lady Eleanor’s engagement is doomed to fail. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Magda Alexander Size 2.9MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Snm21peqwlIu https://devuploads.com/x764tvglhure
  8. 📮 Masala: Indian Cooking for Modern Living by Mallika Basu (.ePUB) Masala is a seminal Indian cookbook for a modern generation that reflects the way we live, cook, entertain and eat today. Food writer Mallika Basu grew up enjoying exotic flavours from across India in an unconventional, bustling home in Kolkata – and then spent years recreating them in a London kitchen. Now she shares those recipes, techniques and shortcuts so you too can cook with real Indian flavours without compromising on taste or texture. Embrace weekday dinners with mustard coconut and chilli-slathered baked fish, wok-friendly Goan chilli beef fry or silken kofta curry made with packs of ready-rolled meatballs. For leisurely weekends, tuck into a feast of Vindaloo pulled pork; give your Sunday roast a sumptuous twist with spicy marinades or enjoy a whole roasted cauliflower encrusted with nut butter. Brunch as Indians do with dosas and whole moong crepes; entertain with crowd pleasing do-it-yourself Calcutta kati rolls, easy-to-assemble platters of baby aubergines drenched in peanut, sesame and coconut, and much, much more. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mallika Basu Size 92MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/WcicKQ8NNq66 https://devuploads.com/ldobnnvs646v
  9. 📮 Success in French Grammar (Perfect Tense) by Kieran Ball (.ePUB)+ Learn to manipulate the French language to allow you to say whatever you want. The present perfect tense is a tense you can use to talk about the past. It's made up of two parts and, in English. This book is perfect for GCSE, A level and degree students who want to improve their understanding of the French language. The good thing about this tense is that it has various meanings in English, so you can learn one thing in French and use it to say many things in English! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Kieran Ball Size 555KB Category Non-Fiction > Educational > Language > Grammar > French File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/G72M0e14sDjC https://devuploads.com/dcb59v8pb5te
  10. 📮 Austrian Desserts by Toni Mörwald (.ePUB) More than 500 irresistible dessert recipes from an Austrian pastry master. For Austrians, dessert is the culmination of any meal—the crowning achievement that can make or break a culinary experience. In this beautifully photographed cookbook, Austrian pastry master Toni Mörwald, and award-winning restaurant critic Christoph Wagner, share the secrets to crafting more than 500 perfect Austrian desserts. From Old World traditional dishes such as Linzertorte and Apfelstrudel, to contemporary and diet-conscious recipes, Austrian Desserts has it all. With easy-to-understand recipes, Mörwald and Wagner allow chefs of any skill level to create and serve iced temptations for sultry summer days, fresh berry roasts and pies, crème brulées with an Austrian twist, varieties of flaked baumkuchen (layer cake), chocolates, candied confections, and so much more! Sprinkled between these delicious recipes are tips and tricks from a kitchen connoisseur, suggestions for health-conscious substitutions, and notes on the traditional origins of numerous Austrian dishes. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Toni Mörwald Size 23MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/YAK1OJLvOPsU https://devuploads.com/fyh6e29iprrm
  11. 📮 Ayoade on Ayoade by Richard Ayoade (.ePUB) 'This book contains all the hot Ayoade-on-Ayoade action any self-respecting adult could reasonably withstand.' Charlie Brooker 'This book changed my sex.' Noel Fielding 'So, it's not about Ayoade at all?' Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 News 'Hilarious.' Caitlin Moran In this book Richard Ayoade - actor, writer, director, and amateur dentist - reflects on his cinematic legacy as only he can: in conversation with himself. Over ten brilliantly insightful and often erotic interviews, Ayoade examines himself fully and without mercy, leading a breathless investigation into this once-in-a-generation visionary. Only Ayoade can appreciate Ayoade's unique methodology. Only Ayoade can recognise Ayoade's talent. Only Ayoade can withstand Ayoade's peculiar scent. Only Ayoade can truly get inside Ayoade. They have called their book Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey. Take the journey, and your life will never be the same again. Ayoade on Ayoade captures the director in his own words: pompous, vain, angry and very, very funny. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Richard Ayoade Size 1MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/3Q2zT8nURObJ https://devuploads.com/du3wievxn897
  12. 📮 Lonely Planet's Ultimate Eats by Lonely Planet Food (.ePUB) The world’s top 500 food experiences, ranked! We asked the planet’s top chefs, food writers and our food-obsessed authors to name their favorite, most authentic gastronomic encounters―and this is the result! You’ll discover the planet’s most thrilling and famous culinary experiences, the culture behind each one, what makes them so special, and why the experience is so much more than what’s in the plate, bowl or glass in front of you. How many have you tried and what’s your number one? With contributions from Andrew Zimmern, Gail Simmons, José Andrés, Curtis Stone, Eric Ripert, Florence Fabricant, Ben Shewry, Dan Hunter, Monica Galetti, and many more. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lonely Planet Food Size 151MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/yUpdAUuwEHLg https://devuploads.com/hs4oi31zy510
  13. 📮 How to Invest: Masters on the Craft by David M. Rubenstein (.ePUB)+ A master class on investing featuring conversations with the biggest names in finance, from the legendary cofounder of The Carlyle Group, David M. Rubenstein. What do the most successful investors have in common? David M. Rubenstein, cofounder of one of the world’s largest investment firms, has spent years interviewing the greatest investors in the world to discover the time-tested principles, hard-earned wisdom, and indispensable tools that guide their practice.​ Rubenstein, who has spent more than three decades in the hypercompetitive world of private equity, now distils everything he’s learned about the art and craft of investing, from venture capital, real estate, private equity, hedge funds, to crypto, endowments, SPACs, ESG, and more. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David M. Rubenstein Size 3.79MB Category Non-Fiction > General > Investments > Stocks > Management File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ZbsxcObi5Y9f https://devuploads.com/ohu8vwnijlef
  14. 📮 Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook, 4th Edition by Yan-Kit So (.PDF) Learn to cook traditional Chinese food with this extensive collection of authentic Chinese recipes from Chinese cookery expert Yan-kit So. Dim-sum, dumplings, Cantonese food — you name it — this classic book has every recipe and cooking method you need to prepare delicious, authentic Chinese food. With thirty years as a favorite in home kitchens everywhere, Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook is a staple for cooking traditional Chinese food. Now this bestselling cookbook is reborn with wonderful photography that makes cooking Chinese food recipes understandable and simple. Even inexperienced cooks can find easy recipes in this complete collection, and more experienced chefs will find plenty to challenge and delight them as well. Step-by-step instructions, tips and techniques, and complete menu ideas make Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook inviting for home cooks of all skill levels: Find a new favorite dim-sum recipe, learn a great technique for dumplings, or polish your proficiency in the art of delicious Cantonese food. Yan-Kit's proficiency and expertise in cooking authentic Chinese food makes her the ideal chef to begin a journey into cooking Chinese food, and a trusted ally in guiding you in more expert Chinese dishes. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Yan-Kit So Size 33MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/FfPGwdLMixMS https://devuploads.com/scgbz8eexz4b
  15. 📮 All-Time Best Dinners for Two by America's Test Kitchen (.ePUB) Leave it to America's Test Kitchen to help you get a perfectly scaled dinner for two on the table–no guesswork required. Because small households, newlyweds, empty nesters, college students, and other two-person families shouldn't have to rely on recipes meant to serve four or six, we've reengineered our favorite dinner recipes from the ground up. We used equipment in unexpected ways, such as ramekins to make individual Chicken Pot Pies, and also found clever techniques for scaling recipes with ease, such as swapping in smaller blade steaks for a large chuck roast to make a streamlined Yankee Pot Roast for just two. An appendix with 15 side dish recipes offers fuss-free options for rounding out your meals, while an introduction full of tips and tricks will help you avoid waste and shop for small-scale recipes more efficiently. ♻️ Book's Info: Author America'S Test Kitchen Size 271MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/2T7DEKGvGYQO https://devuploads.com/ton5batlq7bt
  16. 📮 Titus Awakes (Gormenghast #4) by Maeve Gilmore & Mervyn Peake (.ePUB)+ Mervyn Peakes Gormenghast trilogy is widely acknowledged to be, as Robertson Davies pronounced, 3a classic of our age. In these extraordinary novels, Peake created a world where all is like a dream--lush, fantastical, and vivid. Yet it was incomplete. Parkinsons disease took Peakes life in 1968, depriving his fans of the fourth and final volume of the series, "Titus Awakes" except for a few tantalizing pages, after which his writing became indecipherable. Or so it seemed. In January of 2010, Peakes granddaughter found four composition books in her attic. They contained the fabled "Titus Awakes" in its entirety. Peake had outlined the novel for his wife, Maeve Gilmore, who had at last finished Peakes masterpiece. It starts with Titus leaving Castle Gormenghast. Peake 3With every pace he drew away from Gormenghast mountain, and from everything that belonged to his home. That night, as Titus lay asleep in the tall barn, a nightmare held him. Fans of Peake will delight in this new, wonderful novel, published one hundred years after his birth, every bit as thrilling and masterfully written as his famed trilogy. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Maeve Gilmore & Mervyn Peake Size 619KB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Classic > Gothic > Horror > Magical Realism File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/WVEE0K0mCAt9 https://devuploads.com/uh8o7pe96bf8
  17. 📮 Rebels and Conflict Escalation by Isabelle Duyvesteyn (.PDF) Violence during war often involves upswings and downturns that have, to date, been insufficiently explained. Why does violence at a particular point in time increase in intensity and why do actors in war decrease the level of violence at other points? Duyvesteyn discusses the potential explanatory variables for escalation and de-escalation in conflicts involving states and non-state actors, such as terrorists and insurgents. Using theoretical arguments and examples from modern history, this book presents the most notable causal mechanisms or shifts in the shape of propositions that could explain the rise and decline of non-state actor violence after the start and before the termination of conflict. This study critically reflects on the conceptualisation of escalation as linear, rational and wilful, and instead presents an image of rebel escalation as accidental, messy and within a very limited range of control. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Isabelle Duyvesteyn Size 2.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/qfMjKUZT9xPB https://devuploads.com/retsfe4qjyt0
  18. 📮 Making Prussians, Raising Germans by Jasper Heinzen (.PDF) Reframing the German War of 1866 as a civil war, Making Prussians, Raising Germans offers a new understanding of critical aspects of Prussian state-building and German nation-building in the nineteenth century, and investigates the long-term ramifications of civil war in emerging nations. Drawing transnational comparisons with Switzerland, Italy and the United States, it asks why compatriots were driven to take up arms against each other and what the underlying conflicts reveal about the course of German state-building. By addressing key areas of patriotic activity such as the military, cultural memory, the media, the mass education system, female charity and political culture, this book elucidates the ways in which political violence was either contained in or expressed through centre-periphery interactions. Although the culmination of Prusso-German state-building in the Nazi dictatorship represented an exceptionally destructive outcome, the solutions developed previously established Prussian-led Germany as one of the most successful states in recovering from civil war. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jasper Heinzen Size 5.2MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/f978C9uFdR9a https://devuploads.com/ketenv4uhnpe
  19. 📮 Alone on the Colorado by Harold H. Leich (.ePUB) Harold Leich set out on a westward journey in the summer of 1933. His travel narrative details his river trip down the Yellowstone River and the first descent by boat of the upper Colorado River from Grand Lake, Colorado, through Cataract Canyon, Utah. He was the first to push through this entire upper section, running rapids that had never known a paddle, rebuild­ing his kayak along the riverbanks, camping rough, and meeting ranchers and railroad workers in these remote regions. Leich's sudden change of fortune in Cataract Canyon, in the most isolated part of Utah, and his soul searching as he worked his way out of a perilous situ­ation, will speak to anyone who has ventured beyond roads and trails and faced potential tragedy alone. Alone on the Colorado takes readers on the adventure of running rivers and riding the rails, while painting a unique and optimistic portrait of Depression-era America. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Harold H. Leich Size 18.3MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/78EObjutTrZL https://devuploads.com/9uvx0926pw0a
  20. 📮 Hitler's Heralds 1918-1923 by Nigel Jones (.ePUB) A dramatic history of a group that would give birth to Nazism… The birth pangs of Nazism grew out of the death agony of the Kaiser's Germany. Defeat in World War I and a narrow escape from Communist revolution brought not peace but five chaotic years (1918-1923) of civil war, assassination, plots, putsches and murderous mayhem to Germany. The savage world of the trenches came home with the men who refused to admit defeat. It was an atmosphere in which civilised values withered, and violent extremism flourished. In this chronicle of the paramilitary Freikorps - the freebooting army that crushed the Red revolution and then themselves attempted to take over by armed force - historian and biographer Nigel Jones draws on little-known archives in Germany and Britain to paint a portrait of a state torn between revolution and counter revolution. Raised in the chaotic aftermath of war, the Freikorps were composed mostly of veteran soldiers, embittered and out of place in civilian life, and young, right-wing students determined to crush those forces who had “betrayed” their homeland. The ideology of the Freikorps was adopted, almost unmodified, by the Nazis, who, fittingly, marked their arrival in 1934 with the massacre of many former Freikorps members. Nigel Jones, assistant editor of BBC History Magazine, is author of several histories and biographies, includingThe War Walk: A Journey along the Western Front,Rupert Brooke: Life, Death and Myth and Sir Oswald Mosley. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Nigel Jones Size 1.5MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/hZMIoRREt3qp https://devuploads.com/rwuajs0rmao7
  21. 📮 The Hitler Conspiracies by Richard J. Evans (.PDF) The renowned historian of the Third Reich takes on the conspiracy theories surrounding Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, in a vital history book for the 'post-truth' age The idea that nothing happens by chance in history, that nothing is quite what it seems to be at first sight, that everything is the result of the secret machinations of malign groups of people manipulating everything from behind the scenes - these notions are as old as history itself. But conspiracy theories are becoming more popular and more widespread in the twenty-first century. Nowhere have they become more obvious than in revisionist accounts of the history of the Third Reich. Long-discredited conspiracy theories have taken on a new lease of life, given credence by claims of freshly discovered evidence and novel angles of investigation. In The Hitler Conspiracies renowned historian Richard Evans takes five widely discussed claims involving Hitler and the Nazis and subjects them to forensic scrutiny: that the Jews were conspiring to undermine civilization, as outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; that the German army was 'stabbed in the back' by socialists and Jews in 1918; that the Nazis burned down the Reichstag in order to seize power; that Rudolf Hess' flight to the UK in 1941 was sanctioned by Hitler and conveyed peace terms suppressed by Churchill; and that Hitler escaped the bunker in 1945 and fled to South America. In doing so, it teases out some surprising features that these, and other conspiracy theories, have in common. This is a history book, but it is a history book for the age of 'post-truth' and 'alternative facts': a book for our own troubled times. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Richard J. Evans Size 3.2MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/tXYKER95mEvP https://devuploads.com/hfh1jd7defzd
  22. 📮 8 Novels by Irwin Shaw (.ePUB)(.AZW3) Irwin Shaw (1913 - 1984) was an American playwright, screenwriter and novelist who was also a highly regarded short story author. He was born Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff in the South Bronx, New York City, to Russian-Jewish immigrants. His parents were Rose and Will. His younger brother, David Shaw, became a noted Hollywood producer. David died in 2007. Shortly after Irwin's birth, the Shamforoffs moved to Brooklyn, and Shaw changed his surname upon entering college. He spent most of his youth in Brooklyn, where he graduated from Brooklyn College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1934. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Irwin Shaw Size 32.2MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics > Historical > Various File Type ePUB Bread Upon the Waters:Bread Upon the Waters: Bread Upon the Waters: With one act of kindness, the fate of a New York City family is forever altered - not, perhaps, for the better. The Strands are a happy family, save for the occasional financial struggle. Allen, the father, has a decent job as a schoolteacher, a lovely wife, and smart, ambitious, and compassionate children. When Allen's daughter witnesses a mugging, she takes the victim back to the Strand home for help and a warm meal. The Strands have no clue that the man they are helping is Russell Hazen, a powerful and wealthy Wall Street lawyer. In his gratitude, Hazen offers gifts, vacations, networking opportunities - even plastic surgery. But with each reward comes baggage, and soon the Strands begin to lose sight of what matters most in life. Evening in Byzantium:Evening in Byzantium: Evening in Byzantium: 'They were honest mean and thieves, pimps and panderers and men of virtue. Therewere beautiful women and delicious girls, handsome men with the faces of swines...' 'They were all gamblers in a game with no rules, placing their bets debonairly or in the sweat of fear...' These are some of the characters in Irwin Shaw's bestselling EVENING IN BYZANTIUM. The place is Cannes, the setting, a film festival. The hero is Jesse Craig, forty-eight years old, whose survival is at stake in the midst of this gaudy carnival. Nightwork:Nightwork: Nightwork: Douglas Grimes, penniless ex-pilot, is waiting for the future to start living again. A fortune in cash by a dead body in New York City brings opportunity. Miles Fabian, debonair, jet-set con-man, shows the way...Fast cars, fancy hotels, fancier woman. St Moritz, Paris, Florence, Rome Racehorses, blue movies, gambling, gold. Wild and woolly schemes, all wonderfully profitable. But the day of reckoning must dawn. Who will appear to claim the stolen money? And when? Short Stories, Five Decades:Short Stories, Five Decades: Short Stories, Five Decades: Featuring sixty-three stories spanning five decades, this superb collection-including "Girls in Their Summer Dresses," "Sailor Off the Bremen," and "The Eighty-Yard Run"-clearly illustrates why Shaw is considered one of America's finest short-story writers. The Top of the Hill:The Top of the Hill: The Top of the Hill: The world famous author of Rich Man, Poor Man and Beggarman, Thief has created one of his most memorable characters for one of his most unusual novels; a brilliantly written story of a man who needs to risk death to feel fully alive, a man who turns away from a comfortable, outwardly successful life toward dangerous pleasures. Michael Storr's joy comes from physical danger as a parachutist, a surfer, a hang glider, a free faller, a reckless skier. Oppressed by his life in New York City, he feels choked by his career as an executive in a high powered office, choked by the airless world of air conditioned towers. His own sanity depends on his finding a purer, simpler, more vigorous existence, and he sets out to search for one, even though he loses his wife in the process. He finds the physical excitement he craves but along with it developments he has not contemplated. For some of the personal relationships in which he becomes entangled prove as threatening as the most dangerous of his sports. The Top of the Hill promises to be not only another best seller but another of Irwin Shaw's landmarks. It is filled with scenes that only a master novelist and lifelong athlete could give us and that rank with the most exciting he has ever written. The Troubled Air:The Troubled Air: The Troubled Air: Irwin Shaw's provocative classic about courage and morality at the height of McCarthyism. Clement Archer, head of a popular radio show, faces a profound dilemma: Five of his employees stand accused of being communists, and a magazine threatens disclosure unless Archer fires each and every one. Despite his efforts to meet his own moral standards and avoid self-incrimination, Archer finds himself hounded from both ends of the political spectrum for his seemingly righteous actions. The Young Lions:The Young Lions: The Young Lions: The Young Lions is a vivid and classic novel that portrays the experiences of ordinary soldiers fighting World War II. Told from the points of view of a perceptive young Nazi, a jaded American film producer, and a shy Jewish boy just married to the love of his life, Shaw conveys, as no other novelist has since, the scope, confusion, and complexity of war. Two Weeks in Another Town:Two Weeks in Another Town: Two Weeks in Another Town: struggling actor’s last chance becomes an unforgettable Roman holiday. World War II derailed John Andrus’s acting career. Marred by a facial scar and burdened by a new family, Andrus works for NATO in Paris. A producer from his past shows up with an attractive acting job—involving two weeks in Rome and a hefty salary. How can he pass it up? In Rome, Andrus quickly realizes that the job is not at all what he expected. Bounced between movie sets, directors, producers, and women, he grows more uncertain of his future with each passing day. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/x21g3rPZCJMh https://devuploads.com/ne32f5c7ppxc
  23. 📮 Anatolia by Somer Sivrioglu and David Dale (.ePUB) Re-imagining the traditions of Turkish cuisine in images, stories and delicious recipes... Anatolia is a richly illustrated, entertaining and informative exploration of the regional cooking culture of Turkey. Turkish-born chef Somer Sivrioglu and co-author David Dale re-imagine the traditions of Turkish cooking, presenting recipes ranging from the grand banquets of the Ottoman empire to the spicy snacks of Istanbul's street stalls. In doing so they explain their take on the classics and reveal the surrounding rituals, myths, jokes and folk wisdom of both the old and new Turkey. More than 150 dishes are featured, and images of the recipes are complemented by specially commissioned photographs shot on location in Turkey. Feature spreads on local Turkish chefs and producers and their specialities add a fascinating layer of interest and flavour. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Somer Sivrioglu And David Dale Size 104MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/7ZJO8ZOf0Bt4 https://devuploads.com/z7pgjhb8zcqo
  24. 📮 The Best Little Army In The World by J. L. Granatstein (.ePUB) This is the story of the Canadian First Army that fought its way from Juno Beach at D-Day in June, 1944, through Normandy, into the Netherlands to liberate that country, to the terrible battles in the Scheldt area, and finally into Germany in 1945. This is also the story of how Canada, which had no army to speak of in 1939, raised a citizen army and turned it into one of the very best fighting armies in World War II, one which helped defeat the most implacable, desperate and battle-hardened German army over the course of 11 months in ’44 and ’45. Canada has always produced astonishingly effective soldiers, and this book is about one of their finest moments. ♻️ Book's Info: Author J. L. Granatstein Size 5.7MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/nobBdODCJsQn https://devuploads.com/7hk99fbgz2av
  25. 📮 Prussia in the Historical Culture by Marcus Colla (.ePUB) No example demonstrates the fluidity of the past within the German Democratic Republic more powerfully than the history of the Prussian state. Initially attacked in East German official histories as the historical engine of German militarism and reaction, Prussia underwent a remarkable transformation in official and public memory from around the end of the 1970s. This was the so-called 'Prussia-Renaissance', in which, for the first time, the East German state began to recognise and even celebrate figures from Prussian history who had not served a 'progressive' agenda. But the 'Prussia-Renaissance' was also a political and cultural phenomenon with a wide public resonance. The 'Prussia-Renaissance' may have been a relatively short-lived phenomenon, but it evidently opened a deep vein in the historical memory of the German Democratic Republic that defied reduction to 'high politics' alone. This book asks why. Using the case study of Prussia, Marcus Colla presents a multi-perspective approach to the way that a distinctive 'historical culture' was constructed in the German Democratic Republic. It not only evaluates the roles played by political figures, historians, and cultural elites, but also heritage preservationists, exhibition curators, heimat museums, television producers, novelists and playwrights, and singers - the purveyors of what we might more generally term 'popular culture'. In essence, Colla poses four fundamental questions for our understanding of life, politics and culture in communist East Germany: how was history there made? How was it understood? How was it contested? And how was it used? ♻️ Book's Info: Author Marcus Colla Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/5NgiByvy2BEr https://devuploads.com/5ehbz9twbwgx

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