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Legendary Reader
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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 Broken Nation: Australians in the Great War by Joan Beaumont (.ePUB) The Australian experience of war in all its complexity - from the home front as well as the battlefront - as the men and women who experienced it chose to understand and remember it. 'If you read only one book about Australia's experience of World War I … make it Broken Nation, an account that joins the history of the war to the home front, and that details the barbarism of the battlefields as well as the desolation, despair, and bitter divisions that devastated the communities left behind.' - Marilyn Lake, Australian Book Review The Great War is, for many Australians, the event that defined our nation. The larrikin diggers, trench warfare, and the landing at Gallipoli have become the stuff of the Anzac 'legend'. But it was also a war fought by the families at home. Their resilience in the face of hardship, their stoic acceptance of enormous casualty lists and their belief that their cause was just made the war effort possible. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Joan Beaumont Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/fchU1GL9klO9 https://devuploads.com/ncaf8gmelq36
  2. 📮 The Force of Truth by Daniele Lorenzini (.ePUB) A groundbreaking examination of Michel Foucault's history of truth. Many blame Michel Foucault for our post-truth and conspiracy-laden society. In this provocative work, Daniele Lorenzini argues that such criticism fundamentally misunderstands the philosopher’s project. Foucault did not question truth itself but what Lorenzini calls “the force of truth,” or how some truth claims are given the power to govern our conduct while others are not. This interest, Lorenzini shows, drove Foucault to articulate a new ethics and politics of truth-telling precisely in order to evade the threat of relativism. The Force of Truth explores this neglected dimension of Foucault’s project by putting his writings on regimes of truth and parrhesia in conversation with early analytic philosophy and by drawing out the “possibilizing” elements of Foucault’s genealogies that remain vital for practicing critique today. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Daniele Lorenzini Size 1.0MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/VDS7W8rLnCuR https://devuploads.com/ssnzukvm0s2h
  3. 📮 Damp Squid by Jeremy Butterfield (.ePUB) How many words are there in the English language and where were they born? Why does spelling 'wobble' and why do meanings change? How do words behave towards each other - and how do we behave towards words? And what does this all mean for dictionary-making in the 21st century? This entertaining book has the up-to-date and authoritative answers to all the key questions about our language. Using evidence provided by the world's largest language databank, the Oxford English Corpus, Butterfield exposes the English language's peculiarities and penchants, its development and difficulties, revealing exactly how it operates. Interpolating his expert knowledge of dictionary-making, Butterfield explains how dictionaries decide which words to include, how they find definitions, and how a Corpus influences the process. Whether you are happy to give the language free rein (free reign?), or whether you are more straight-laced (strait-laced?) when it comes to change, you will be amazed at what is revealed when the English language goes buck naked. (Or should that be butt naked?) ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jeremy Butterfield Size 18MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/eJcDoBfXy585 https://devuploads.com/mhirskplu5qz
  4. 📮 Immaculate Forms by Helen King (.ePUB) Throughout history, religious scholars, medical men and - occasionally - women themselves, have moulded thought on what 'makes' a woman. She has been called the weaker sex, the fairer sex, the purer sex, among many other monikers. Often, she has been defined simply as 'Not A Man'. Today, we are more aware than ever of the complex relationship between our bodies and our identities. But contrary to what some may believe, what makes a woman is a question that has always been open-ended. Immaculate Forms examines all the ways in which medicine and religion have played a gatekeeping role over women's organs. It explores how the womb was seen as both the most miraculous organ in the body and as a sewer; uncovers breasts' legacies as maternal or sexual organs - or both; probes the mystery of the disappearing hymen, and asks, did the clitoris need to be discovered at all? ♻️ Book's Info: Author Helen King Size 19MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/oST0lwPCvj8D https://devuploads.com/j2xugzbw47bj
  5. 📮 The Golden Age of Children's TV by Tim Worthington (.ePUB) For decades, British children's TV was surely the finest entertainment in the world. From Thunderbirds to The Clangers, Blue Peter to Magpie, Camberwick Green to Tiswas, and Captain Pugwash to The Magic Roundabout, there was a huge variety on offer for kids - and adults - to enjoy. Now, in The Golden Age of Children's TV, Tim Worthington brings back the joy of those times and the programmes we loved, sharing a deep-dive behind the scenes of key programmes, how they came about and the stories behind the shows. From Saturday morning telly to teatime favourites, discover everything you never knew about the programmes you loved as well as the gossip from behind-the-scenes. Written with affection but also with a wry appreciation of the shortcomings of the times, this is the hugely engaging and entertaining story of a key part of our pop culture, from a time long before streaming and the internet, when we sat down together to watch brilliant British telly. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Tim Worthington Size 700KB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/MvS8ckH4H7FB https://devuploads.com/wo18646wyqnc
  6. 📮 Abandoned Ireland 2 by Rebecca Brownlie (.ePUB) In Abandoned Ireland 2, photographer Rebecca Brownlie travels further off the beaten path to explore and showcase Ireland’s forgotten buildings before nature or the demolition man claims them forever. Through her evocative photography, we cross the threshold of deserted mansions, cottages, convents and hotels, mills and shopping centres, wandering through once-lively rooms that have now fallen silent, where only mementos of the past stand sentinel. Amid the decay, tables are elaborately set for tea, coats hang by the door and well-thumbed books lay poised and open, as if their owner will be back at any moment. From a castle where King James II stayed before the Battle of the Boyne to a manor house whose occupants mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the night, the arresting and poignant photography on every page is a love letter to Ireland’s buildings abandoned to time. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Rebecca Brownlie Size 217MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/2rZmh9MF2X5P https://devuploads.com/r18g3glomsgz
  7. 📮 White Sharks of Wall Street by Diana B. Henriques (.ePUB) In The White Sharks of Wall Street, New York Times investigative reporter Diana Henriques provides the first biography of this pivotal figure in American business history. She also portrays the other pioneering corporate raiders of the postwar period, such as Robert Young and Louis Wolfson, and shows how these men learned from one another and advanced one another's takeover tactics. She relates in dramatic detail a number of important early takeover fights -- Wolfson's challenge to Montgomery Ward, Young's move on the New York Central Railroad, the fight for Follansbee Steel -- and shows how they foreshadowed the desperate battle waged by Tom Evans's son, Ned Evans, to keep the British raider Robert Maxwell away from his Macmillan publishing empire during the 1980s. Henriques also reaches beyond the business arena to tally the tragic personal cost of Evans's pursuit of success and to show how the family dynasty shattered when his sons were driven by his own stubbornness and pride to become his rivals. In the end, the battling patriarch faced his youngest son in a poignant battle for control at the Crane Company, the once-famous Chicago plumbing and valve company that Tom Evans had himself seized in a brilliant takeover coup twenty-five years earlier. The White Sharks of Wall Street is a fascinating portrait of an extraordinary man, whose career blazed across the sky and then sank into obscurity -- but not before he had provided the template for how American business would operate for the next four decades. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Diana B. Henriques Size 500KB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/csMgKvduB0ne https://devuploads.com/9v606r9ua940
  8. 📮 Some Men in London: Queer Life, 1945-1959 by Peter Parker (.ePUB) The first part of a major new anthology which uncovers the rich reality of life for queer men in London In the 1940s, it was believed that homosexuality had been becoming more widespread in the aftermath of war. A moral panic ensued, centred around London as the place to which gay men gravitated. In a major new anthology, Peter Parker explores what it was actually like for queer men in London in this period, whether they were well-known figures such as John Gielgud, ‘Chips’ Channon and E.M. Forster, or living lives of quiet – or occasionally rowdy – anonymity in pubs, clubs, more public places of assignation, or at home. It is rich with letters, diaries, psychological textbooks, novels, films, plays and police records, covering a wide range of viewpoints, from those who deplored homosexuality to those who campaigned for its decriminalisation. This first volume, from 1945 to 1959, details a community forced to live at constant risk of blackmail or prison. Yet it also shows a thriving and joyous subculture, one that enriched a mainstream culture often ignorant of its debt to gay creators. Some Men In London is a testament to queer life, which was always much more complex than newspapers, governments and the Metropolitan Police Force imagined. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Peter Parker Size 988KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/UPryLIYSK8lo https://devuploads.com/nxgt4mqkeu55
  9. 📮 The Ultimate Guide to Doing a PhD by Merle Van Den Akker (.ePUB) Have you ever considered doing a PhD, but have no idea where to start? Or are you doing a PhD and feel like you're losing the plot? Deciding to do a PhD is going to be one of the most impactful choices you'll ever make. It's a multi-year commitment that can really shape your career and your life. Yet as important as the PhD is, there's not much collated information about the process as a whole: this is where this book comes in! It explores every aspect of doing a PhD from application to graduation, and the whole mess in between. There are chapters on the motivation to do a PhD, the application process itself, questions around workload, time management, mental health, (peer) pressure, supervisor (mis)communications, teaching, networking, conference attendance, all the way up to publishing your thesis, and preparing for the next steps. And no, the next steps don't necessarily mean continuing to work in academia. This book addresses both career pathways, whether leaving or staying in academia, equally. This book aims to take a PhD student or prospective student by the hand and outline the entire PhD process, answering every question you might possibly have along the way. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Merle Van Den Akker Size 700KB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0x2tAu4p8INx https://devuploads.com/25jshsrl4313
  10. 📮 The Last Confederate Ship at Sea by Paul Williams (.ePUB) The CSS Shenandoah fired the last shot of the Civil War and was the only Confederate warship to circumnavigate the globe. But what was Captain James Waddell's true relationship with his Yankee prisoner Lillias Nichols and how did it determine the ship's final destination? Without orders, Waddell undertook a dangerous three month voyage through waters infested with enemy cruisers. He risked mutiny by a horrified crew who, having been declared pirates, could be hanged. This is the true story behind the cruise of the Shenandoah–one of secret love and blackmail–brought to light for the first time in 150 years. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Paul Williams Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Az8gvm4f0Hs3 https://devuploads.com/ik3p28txsyvo
  11. 📮 The Involuntary American by Carol R. Gardner (.ePUB) A Common Man’s Survival After Being Captured at the Battle of Dunbar and Sold into Servitude in America In the winter of 1650–51, one hundred fifty ragged and hungry Scottish prisoners of war arrived at Massachusetts Bay Colony, where they were sold as indentured laborers for 20 to 30 pounds each. Among them was Thomas Doughty, a common foot soldier who had survived the Battle of Dunbar, a forced marched of 100 miles without food or water, imprisonment in Durham Cathedral, and a difficult Atlantic crossing. An ordinary individual who experienced extraordinary events, Doughty was among some 420 Scottish soldiers who were captured during the War of the Three Kingdoms, transported to America, and sold between 1650 and 1651. Their experiences offer a fresh perspective on seventeenth-­century life. The Involuntary American: A Scottish Prisoner’s Journey to the New World by Carol Gardner describes Doughty’s life as a soldier, prisoner of war, exile, servant, lumberman, miller, and ultimately free landowner. It follows him and his peers through critical events: the apex of the Little Ice Age, the War of the Three Kingdoms, the colonization of New England, the burgeoning transatlantic trade in servants and slaves, King Philip’s and King William’s wars, and the Salem witch crisis. First­person accounts of individuals who lived through those events—Scottish, English, Puritan, Native American, wealthy, poor, working class, educated or not— provide rich period detail and a variety of perspectives. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Carol R. Gardner Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/VMpFMcvX0L1L https://devuploads.com/274ufqq3t136
  12. 📮 Who Stole the Secret to Industrial Revolution? by Glynis Cooper(.ePUB) English schoolchildren are taught that Sir Richard Arkwright ‘invented the water-frame and was the father of the Industrial Revolution and the factory system.’ That is simply not true. The water-powered spinning frame and the ‘modern factory system’ were pioneered in Italy over 300 years before Richard Arkwright was born. This book tells the story of how the Industrial Revolution in textile manufacture really began. Not in England with Richard Arkwright and the English cotton industry, but in Italy, with Italian Renaissance engineers and the Italian silk industry. Proof lies in the achievements of medieval Italian engineering, English archives and English legal case records. Italy was the leading technological power in Europe from the 13th to the 17th centuries. The Italian Renaissance and the devastation caused by the Black Death (1347-49) brought forth a wealth of technological innovation and invention and the Italians automated much of the production of silk fabrics, using water as their power source, because there were no longer enough people left alive to carry out the work. English organzine was inferior to Italian organzine. In the first recorded case of industrial espionage a young Derby engineer resolved to steal Italian silk manufacturing secrets. Water powered silk throwing machinery, reconstructed by John Lombe from his stolen plans and drawings, provided the blueprint for water powered cotton spinning machinery (water frame), and Cromford Mill, (built 1771), was modelled on Derby Silk Mill (built 1719). ♻️ Book's Info: Author Glynis Cooper(.Epub) Size 14MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type Who Stole the Secret to Industrial Revolution? by Glynis Cooper(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/hoXjoXCO84Ia https://devuploads.com/hkq501zwg4r8
  13. 📮 Disaster Nationalism by Richard Seymour (.ePUB) Liberal civilisation is in crisis - now is a time of monsters. The rise of the new far right has left the world grappling with a profound misunderstanding. While the spotlight often shines on the actions of charismatic leaders such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, the true peril lies elsewhere. Defeating these people will not stem the tide driving them forward. They are merely the embodiment of profound forces that are rarely understood. Propelled through the vast networks of social media and fueled by far-right influencers, enthralled by images of disaster and fantasies of doom, they have emerged from a reservoir of societal despair, fear, and isolation. Within this seething cauldron, we witness not only the surge of far-right political movements but also the sparks of individual and collective violence against perceived enemies, from ‘lone wolf’ killers to terrifying pogroms. Should a new fascism emerge, it will coalesce from these very elements. This is disaster nationalism. Richard Seymour delves deep into this alarming development in world politics, dissecting its roots, its influencers, and the threats it poses. With meticulous analysis and compelling storytelling, Seymour offers a stark warning. The battle against disaster nationalism is not just political; it is a struggle for our collective soul and the future of civilization itself. Unless we understand the deeper forces propelling the far-right resurgence, we have little chance of stopping it. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Richard Seymour Size 1.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/bzN6OyCp8yu8 https://devuploads.com/eshoreplh06o
  14. 📮 What Ever Happened to Orson Welles? (Updated) by Joseph McBride(.ePUB) In this intimate and often surprising personal portrait, Joseph McBride challenges the conventional wisdom that Welles's career after Citizen Kane, widely regarded as the greatest film ever made, fell into a long decline. The author shows instead how Welles never stopped directing radical, adventurous films and was always breaking new artistic ground as a filmmaker. McBride is the first author to provide a comprehensive examination of the films of Welles's artistically rich yet widely misunderstood later period in the United States (1970–1985), when McBride knew the director and worked with him as an actor on The Other Side of the Wind, Welles's personal testament on filmmaking. To put Welles's later years into context, the author reexamines the filmmaker's entire life and career. This newly updated edition rounds out the story with a final chapter analyzing The Other Side of the Wind, finally completed in 2018, and his rediscovered 1938 film, Too Much Johnson. McBride offers many fresh insights into the collapse of Welles's Hollywood career in the 1940s, his subsequent political blacklisting, and his long period of European exile. What Ever Happened to Orson Welles? serves as a major reinterpretation of Welles's life and work. McBride's revealing portrait changes the framework for how Orson Welles is understood as a man, an actor, a political figure, and a filmmaker. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Joseph Mcbride(.Epub) Size 17MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type Updated 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/bf2PIzqFgBbT https://devuploads.com/jzx62vqvbo9h
  15. 📮 The Concept of Mind in Hindu Tantra by Gavin Flood (.ePUB) This book presents an account of the concept of mind in Hindu Tantra through a study of religious and philosophical texts in the medieval period. Offering an understanding on how the mind is conceptualized both as that which keeps a person bound to the cycle of reincarnation and as having transformative potential in allowing a person to achieve liberation or salvation, this book examines mostly previously untranslated sources. It shows how there are different understandings of the mind that relate to different ideas of redemption. The main tantric tradition, the Śaiva Siddhānta, adopts a model of mind from Yoga in which the wandering mind keeps us trapped, whereas the nondualist Śaiva tradition, sometimes called ‘Kashmir’ Śaivism, sees the mind as inherently pure and free. The book traces a history of the concept of mind from early sources, especially Buddhism, through to the tantric medieval period, and ending with the eighteenth century. The author shows how the concept changes and what is retained. A comparison of the tantric ideas of mind with those of some European philosophy – notably Descartes’ dualism and German idealism’s non-dualism – sharpens the concept of mind in the tantric tradition. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Gavin Flood Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/1aQkD2ECUmq5 https://devuploads.com/6zy0ho13t0dw
  16. 📮 Seeing Baya by Alice Kaplan (.ePUB) The first biography of the Algerian artist Baya Mahieddine, celebrated in mid-twentieth-century Paris, her life shrouded in myth. On a flower farm in colonial Algeria, a servant and field worker known as Baya escaped the drudgery of her labor by coloring the skirts in fashion magazines. Three years later, in November 1947, her paintings and fanciful clay beasts were featured in a solo show in Paris. She wasn’t yet sixteen years old. In this first biography of Baya, Alice Kaplan tells the story of a young woman seemingly trapped in subsistence who becomes a sensation in the French capital, then mysteriously fades from the history of modern art—only to reemerge after independence as an icon of Algerian artistic heritage. The toast of Paris for the 1947 season, Baya inspired colonialist fantasies about her “primitive” genius as well as genuine appreciation. She was featured in newspapers, on the radio, and in a newsreel; her art was praised by Breton and Camus, Marchand and Braque. At the dawn of Algerian liberation, her appearance in Paris was used to stage the illusion of French-Algerian friendship, while horrific French massacres in Algeria were still fresh in memory. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alice Kaplan Size 14MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vqnAaP4axJJ9 https://devuploads.com/oc5pyjovukvo
  17. 📮 Crooks: The Stories Behind the Headlines by Paul Williams (.ePUB) For almost forty years, Paul Williams has chronicled the life and crimes of some of Ireland's most notorious godfathers, killers and thieves. In Crooks he brings his readers for a ride-along, taking us behind the scenes of his most notorious scoops, describing the run-ins he's had with unsavoury, dangerous criminals and the high price of his line of work. From pursuing the General to death threats from PJ 'The Psycho' Judge, exposing the Westies and tracking the Kinahan cartel, Paul's extraordinary career doubles as an eyewitness account of the evolution of organized crime in Ireland. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Paul Williams Size 8MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/6yQocnQGJfit https://devuploads.com/aia7s3k4tplc
  18. 📮 Flight 232: Disaster & Survival by Laurence Gonzales (.ePUB)+ A dramatic and extraordinarily rare survivors’ view of a major air crash, twenty-five years after the tragedy. July 19, 1989. While the crippled airliner—United Airlines flight 232—wallowed drunkenly over the bluffs northwest of the airport at Sioux City, Iowa, hundreds of fire and rescue workers were waiting. The plane slammed onto the runway, broke into pieces, and burst into a vast fireball. The rescue workers did not move; they stared: nobody could possibly survive that crash. And then people began walking out of the cornfield lining the runway. Miraculously, 184 of 296 passengers lived, and 138 of those came away without a scratch. Laurence Gonzales, a pilot himself, has interviewed dozens of the survivors of Flight 232. He takes us through the gripping detective work that found the fatal flaw in an exploded titanium fan disk. More powerful still is the heroism of this unforgettable narrative: pilots flying a plane with no controls; flight attendants keeping their calm in the face of certain death; passengers sacrificing themselves to save others. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Laurence Gonzales Size 3.85MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs > Survival > Aviation > History > Tragedies File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dAWwF3qINf6H https://devuploads.com/9ns7661kej49
  19. 📮 The Dressmaker's Mirror by Susan Weiss Liebman (.ePUB) My niece was 36, newly married, and “on top of the world,” when she collapsed and died. Her autopsy report caused us to panic—there was something in our blood that could trigger sudden death. As a mother, I prayed for the curse to spare my children. As a geneticist, I plotted to find the killer. Without planning to do so, I became a medical detective. The book tells of the sorrows a mutation caused my family for generations, revealing a history of resilience and hope. As the stories unfold, I weave in discussions about genetic testing, screening, and gene therapy. The aim is to raise awareness of the crucial role of genetic testing in safeguarding personal health and patient care. I believe I became a geneticist at a time when few women pursued this path because I was destined to help understand the family illness and advocate for genetic testing. Experts agree on the value of genetic testing when there is a family history of disease, or if the patient has an illness frequently caused by a mutation. Knowing the disease mutation lets other family members find out if they have it too and need preventive care. The book explains that doctors can order tests with genetic counseling at relatively low cost and how this will help them prescribe preventive actions, make earlier diagnoses, and get better outcomes. The book’s genetic discussions also delve into the implications of broad-based genetic screening without a family history. Policymakers are currently considering the benefits and drawbacks of this approach and I present both sides of this debate. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Susan Weiss Liebman Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/gQCXgBUjDFfr https://devuploads.com/2p27u6rzhxi1
  20. 📮 Restoring the Pitchfork Ranch by A. Thomas Cole (.ePUB) The Pitchfork Ranch is more than another dusty homestead tucked away in a corner of the Southwest. It is a place with a story to tell about the most pressing crisis to confront humankind. It is a place where one couple is working every day to right decades of wrongs. It is a place of inspiration and promise. It is an invitation to join the struggle for a better planet. Restoring the Pitchfork Ranch tells the story of a decades-long habitat restoration project in southwestern New Mexico. A. Thomas Cole explains what inspired him and his wife, Lucinda, to turn their retirement into years dedicated to hard work and renewal. The book shares the past and present history of a very special ranch south of Silver City, which is home to a rare type of regional wetland, a fragile desert grassland ecosystem, archaeological sites, and a critical wildlife corridor in a drought-stricken landscape. ♻️ Book's Info: Author A. Thomas Cole Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vndifZ9LapM7 https://devuploads.com/3dll1swykjom
  21. 📮 The War Memoirs of Charles de Gaulle by Charles de Gaulle (.ePUB) The complete war memoirs of the resistance leader Charles de Gaulle, who led France out of its darkest hour during the Nazi occupation during World War II. “Faced with the political disaster, I had to become France.” This was how Charles de Gaulle answered the call of history. One of the few French battlefield leaders to have distinguished himself in May 1940, he had become the undersecretary of state for national defense. But when the government rejected his calls to fight on and prepared to capitulate to Hitler, he escaped to London. There he instigated a resistance calling on “all the French who want to remain free to listen to me and follow me” in the legendary radio address of June 22. He was sentenced to death in absentia as his country made a disgraceful peace, but his Free France movement rallied people around the world to resist German occupation and fight for the liberation of Europe. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Charles De Gaulle Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/NtTgjoBHM4tr https://devuploads.com/awpqajdiqzr2
  22. 📮 Taking Back Control? States and State by Wolfgang Streeck (.ePUB) The era of hyperglobalization once hailed as the 'end of history' was characterised by boundless capitalist expansion. The neoliberal revolution gave rise to a politics of scale aimed at the centralization and unification of states and state systems: the replacement of national with global governance or, in Europe, of the nation-state with a supranational superstate, the European Union. The 'New World Order' proclaimed by the United States in the wake of the Soviet collapse proved to be ungovernable by democratic means. Instead, it was ruled through a combination of technocracy and mercatocracy, failing spectacularly to provide for political stability, social legitimacy and international peace. Marked by a series of economic and institutional crises, hyperglobalization gave rise to various kinds of political countermovements that rebelled against and ultimately stopped the upward transfer of state authority in its tracks. This book analyses the ongoing tug-of-war between the forces of globalism and democracy, of centralization and decentralization, and unification and differentiation of states and state systems, and how they are tied to the advance of global capitalism and the prospects for its social and democratic regulation. Exploring the possibility for states and the societies they govern to take back control over their collective fate, the book is an attempt at a renewed theory of the state in political economy. Inspired by the work of Karl Polanyi and John Maynard Keynes, it discusses the potential outlines of a state system allowing for democratic governance within and peaceful cooperation between sovereign nation-states. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Wolfgang Streeck Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/08LS7nfQlCEX https://devuploads.com/b0ya4dv809rz
  23. 📮 How Will Capitalism End? by Wolfgang Streeck (.ePUB) The provocative political thinker asks if it will be with a bang or a whimper In How Will Capitalism End? the acclaimed analyst of contemporary politics and economics Wolfgang Streeck argues that capitalism is now in a critical condition. Growth is giving way to secular stagnation; inequality is leading to instability; and confidence in the capitalist money economy has all but evaporated. Capitalism’s shotgun marriage with democracy since 1945 is breaking up as the regulatory institutions restraining its advance have collapsed, and after the final victory of capitalism over its enemies no political agency capable of rebuilding them is in sight. The capitalist system is stricken with at least five worsening disorders for which no cure is at hand: declining growth, oligarchy, starvation of the public sphere, corruption and international anarchy. In this arresting book Wolfgang Streeck asks whether we are witnessing a long and painful period of cumulative decay: of intensifying frictions, of fragility and uncertainty, and of a steady succession of “normal accidents.” ♻️ Book's Info: Author Wolfgang Streeck Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cieS43faq8Nm https://devuploads.com/qgrsrs1jro4u
  24. 📮 Restoring Our Sanity Online by Mark Weinstein (.ePUB) This is a must-read for anyone concerned with where we are today and looking for a better path forward.” ―Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple Inc. Big Tech is driving us, our kids, and society mad. In the nick of time, Restoring Our Sanity Online presents the bold, revolutionary framework for an epic reboot. What would social media look like if it nourished our critical thinking, mental health, privacy, civil discourse, and democracy? Is that even possible? Restoring Our Sanity Online is the entertaining, informative, and frequently jaw-dropping social reset by Mark Weinstein, contemporary tech leader, privacy expert, and one of the visionary inventors of social networking. This book is for all of us. Casual and heavy users of social media, parents, teachers, students, techies, entrepreneurs, investors, and elected officials. Restoring Our Sanity Online is the catapult to an exciting, enriching, and authentic future. Readers will embark on a captivating journey leading to an inspiring and actionable reinvention. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mark Weinstein Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/BGIhWS335UXR https://devuploads.com/qdhg0eq3qsz1
  25. 📮 Dinner in One Take by Bo Corley (.ePUB) Making an impressive dinner doesn't have to take an impressive amount of time. Grill, roast, air fry, and sear your way to a perfect family dinner with recipes that mix creativity with simplicity. Get ready to grill, roast, air fry, and sear your way to a perfect dinner with recipes that mix creativity with simplicity. From a crowd-pleasing taco Tuesday to brined chicken and epic Brussels, this is your playbook to delicious meals no matter the night. Bo Corley (aka @bothegoattv), known for his recipe videos on TikTok and Instagram, invents dishes that work smarter, not harder, to build showstopping flavor and texture. These recipes are designed with busy weeknights in mind, using easy-to-find ingredients that won't stretch your budget. (Okay, the brisket recipe is not inexpensive, but there had to be a few treats too!) Yes, you can enjoy delicious dinners in minutes rather than hours. Whether you're after a sit-down meal or need dinner on the go, there's something for everyone. Chapters and recipes include: ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bo Corley Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/uH0gmvVpHm9a https://devuploads.com/y84dayz0sa7q

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