Everything posted by JARVIS
Snarky As F*ck by Lawrence Dorfman (.ePUB)
📮 Snarky As F*ck by Lawrence Dorfman (.ePUB) Learn how to become the most glorious a**hole the world has ever seen. Are you tired of everyone’s bullsh*t? Responding to their dumba** questions? Making boring small talk and offering robotic replies? Can’t take one more monotonous, people-pleasing conversation with a distant family member or a friend’s friend? If you have no f*cks left to give and want to dish out some serious snark, grab a copy Snarky as F*ck, the premiere guide to all things sarcastic and sardonic. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lawrence Dorfman Size 24MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/RQc5mW5bn3E5 https://devuploads.com/dy8kaczoqx5r
The Self-Reliant Kitchen by Michelle Mullennix (.ePUB)
📮 The Self-Reliant Kitchen by Michelle Mullennix (.ePUB) Traditional skills, heritage recipes, and food preparation techniques from the generations before us. If you're ready to stop relying on overly processed foods from the grocery store and start nourishing yourself and your family with healthier options, this book is for you. Through easy-to-follow recipes and traditional cooking skills, this cookbook inspires and empowers you to create a more self-reliant kitchen. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Michelle Mullennix Size 98MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/a16nieGpeKBD https://devuploads.com/w4dv6yvpqbzw
Not Your Granny's Granny Squares by Babette Ulmer (.ePUB)
📮 Not Your Granny's Granny Squares by Babette Ulmer (.ePUB) There was a time when granny squares were reserved for afghans and arcmchair covers. Not anymore! Fashion designer and crochet master Babette Ulmer shows you how to make nostaligc crochet squares and turn them into fun, fashion-forward, contemporary pieces of wearable art. Granny squares have been around for more than 125 years and for a long time, they were just for making blankets. But now they can be seen everywhere, from social media to the pages of Vogue. Far from being old-fashioned, these works of crocheted art are the fashion world’s hottest trend. And now, with Not Your Granny’s Granny Squares you can make some of the coolest granny square clothes you’ll ever see. Crochet master and fashion designer Babette Ulmer has created patterns for everything from headbands, scarves, and tote bags to gorgeous halter tops, skirts, cardigans, dusters, and more. With detailed instructions on how to make all kinds of squares, easy-to-follow patterns, and even a bit of history about the granny square itself, this is the only book you’ll need to crochet your own iconic granny square look. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Babette Ulmer Size 52MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/e1W6EbFg27oI https://devuploads.com/63660obtyv72
Knitting Van Gogh by Krista Ann (.ePUB)
📮 Knitting Van Gogh by Krista Ann (.ePUB) For the first time ever, you can knit stunning hats, scarves, blankets and more, all inspired by the legendary paintings of Vincent van Gogh. Published in collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum, Knitting Van Gogh celebrates the artist’s life and legacy by interpreting his paintings into beautifully knit pieces. From van Gogh’s almond blossoms and wheat fields to his stunning self-portraits and still lifes featuring Irises and Sunflowers, van Gogh’s most famous themes are the inspiration for these exquisite knit pieces. Knitting van Gogh features a wide variety of patterns for knitters of every skill level, from a vase cozy inspired by van Gogh’s Sunflowers and a cap inspired by his famous An Old Woman from Arles, to a lacey shawl invoking his Almond Blossom, a scarf inspired by his swirling nighttime backgrounds, and a tote emblazoned with his famous Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette. Featuring van Gogh’s original artworks, quotes from the artist himself, and easy-to-follow instructions by professional knitter and world traveler, Krista Ann, you can learn more about Vincent and his work while creating art of your own. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Krista Ann Size 60MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/gS1zf6qdp31D https://devuploads.com/47257a8o0x7f
The Modern Navajo Kitchen by Alana Yazzie (.ePUB)
📮 The Modern Navajo Kitchen by Alana Yazzie (.ePUB) Nourish your body and mind through food with these 60 recipes celebrating Navajo culinary traditions. The Modern Navajo Kitchen takes you on an exhilarating journey for your taste buds. This beautifully photographed cookbook ties together traditional Navajo recipes as well as global recipes with a Navajo spin, creating a truly unique culinary experience! Choose from a plethora of drinks, breads, breakfasts, soups, mains, sides, and desserts—the sky's the limit. Incorporating traditional and modern ingredients, some of the deliciously nourishing and comforting recipes include: ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alana Yazzie Size 19MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Sjuz3IqZiNuV https://devuploads.com/5i3htuqu7f8c
How To Get A Job You Love by John Lees (.ePUB)
📮 How To Get A Job You Love by John Lees (.ePUB) A career change programme in one volume from the UK's best-known career strategist. Through a blend of inspiration and practical guidance, it moves readers forward into practical action aimed at career satisfaction. ♻️ Book's Info: Author John Lees Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/aTcMxl12NHVv https://devuploads.com/9h7ikbcfsq0q
Marketing in Web 3.0 by Simon Kingsnorth (.ePUB)
📮 Marketing in Web 3.0 by Simon Kingsnorth (.ePUB) Shurick Agapitov's Once Upon Tomorrow unpacks the sometimes vague concept of the metaverse and shares the opportunities that are and will be available within this new world. Thirty years ago, the advent of the internet changed the world. For the first time in human history, the collected knowledge of all mankind was freely available to every man, woman, and child on the planet with the click of a few buttons. Fifteen years ago, the world changed again with the widespread availability and adoption of smartphones that put the full power of the internet in the palm of our hands whenever we want and wherever we are. As monumental as these advancements were, they were just the warmup for the change that's coming next. In just a few years, we won't think of "going on the internet" to look up information and find entertainment. Instead, we'll already be in the internet, living, working, and playing in an endless virtual world that will turn everything we think we know about the internet on its head. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Simon Kingsnorth Size 11MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/rCbHgzParIuq https://devuploads.com/27d4wr64rg50
Managing Stress, 11th Edition by Brian Luke Seaward (.ePUB)
📮 Managing Stress, 11th Edition by Brian Luke Seaward (.ePUB) Offering a greater focus on anxiety reduction and self-care, Managing Stress: Skills for Anxiety Reduction, Self-Care, and Personal Resiliency, Eleventh Edition provides a comprehensive approach to stress management, honoring the balance and harmony of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Referred to as the “authority on stress management” by students and professionals, this book equips readers with the tools needed to identify and manage stress while also coaching on how to strive for health and balance in these changing times. The holistic approach taken by internationally acclaimed lecturer and author Brian Luke Seaward gently guides the reader to greater levels of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by emphasizing the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection.Key Features:- New Chapter (1) on Living in an Upside-Down World- New Learning Objectives open each chapter offering direction to students in the learning ahead.- New Self-Care Toolboxes within each chapter provide helpful suggestions for taking care of oneself.- New Chapter (27) on Getting a Good Night’s Sleep- Updates throughout, including new studies and updated statistics that align with current literature.- Added coverage of newer social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok- New final chapter (28) provides “Additional Relaxation Techniques”, combining and revising content from chapter, 24, 25, and 26 of prior edition.- Unparalleled student resources, including “The Art of Peace and Relaxation” digital workbook, interactive eBook with audio introduction, knowledge check questions, eBook quizzes, relaxation media, flashcards, and more. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Brian Luke Seaward Size 155MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/aZcYhuGglFvs https://devuploads.com/5wydumtn0922
Meritocratic Democracy by Elena Ziliotti (.ePUB)
📮 Meritocratic Democracy by Elena Ziliotti (.ePUB) Meritocratic Democracy puts into dialogue contemporary works in Western democratic theory and Confucian political theory to examine the effectiveness of democracy as a decision-making system, the role of political leaders and political parties in real-world democracies. The result is a unique cross-cultural theory of democracy, meritocratic democracy, which combines democratic principles with a system of 'partisan juries' at the party level to enhance the quality of political leaders in democracy. Ultimately, this book shows that cross-cultural dialogue is imperative to generate innovative solutions to pressing political issues and foster reciprocal corrections. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Elena Ziliotti Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/pYEtuZqFYSiZ https://devuploads.com/7sook2ydap33
A Concise History of Modern Korea by Michael J. Seth (.ePUB)
📮 A Concise History of Modern Korea by Michael J. Seth (.ePUB) Now in a fully revised and updated edition including new primary sources and illustrations, this comprehensive and balanced history of modern Korea explores the social, economic, and political issues it has faced since being catapulted into the wider world at the end of the nineteenth century. Placing this formerly insular society in a global context, Michael J. Seth describes how this ancient, culturally and ethnically homogeneous society first fell victim to Japanese imperialist expansionism, and then was arbitrarily divided in half after World War II. Seth traces the postwar paths of the two Koreas—with different political and social systems and different geopolitical orientations—as they evolved into sharply contrasting societies. South Korea, after an unpromising start, became one of the few postcolonial developing states to enter the ranks of the first world, with a globally competitive economy, a democratic political system, and a cosmopolitan and dynamic culture. By contrast, North Korea became one of the world's most totalitarian and isolated societies, a nuclear power with an impoverished and famine-stricken population. Considering the radically different and historically unprecedented trajectories of the two Koreas, Seth assesses the insights they offer for understanding not only modern Korea but the broader perspective of world history. All readers looking for a balanced, knowledgeable history will be richly rewarded with this clear and concise book. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Michael J. Seth Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/TJahepSIPWmz https://devuploads.com/ncm7nk7xxfek
The Disruptors by Sally Percy (.ePUB)
📮 The Disruptors by Sally Percy (.ePUB) Fearless, innovative, driven and daring. These are the qualities of a disruptor: a business that is willing to take risks to achieve incredible success. In The Disruptors, leading business journalist Sally Percy investigates the stories behind some of the world's most innovative businesses, who took unconventional and trailblazing approaches to overcome the competition and achieve success. Spotify, Nintendo, TikTok and A24. These are all businesses that have taken disruptive pathways to success and have redefined their industries. The Disruptors dives into the strategies behind these stories, offering valuable insights into innovative and daring entrepreneurship. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sally Percy Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0TLgksw60zGj https://devuploads.com/6yidpgswo983
Happy Economics by Mark Price (.ePUB)
📮 Happy Economics by Mark Price (.ePUB) Happiness at work matters. But what does happiness mean? How can managers measure it and have more of it? And what happens to organizations when they get happiness right? Ask anyone. Happiness and wellbeing are important for all organizations, because they undeniably lead to economic happiness and financial success for everyone involved. But how does happiness drive growth and how should business leaders develop happier companies? In Happy Economics, business expert Mark Price clearly demonstrates why the opportunity represented by happiness is huge for businesses. Using real-world examples of those organizations who have got it right, he explains what happiness economics is, why happiness metrics matter, connects high levels of happiness with high performance, explores how to create happy teams and shows you how to craft a corporate happiness plan that can be used by any business. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mark Price Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/NAYMJWpUg1U2 https://devuploads.com/ycn5onkxp7nm
The Silent Rebellion by Chris Lewis, Inez Robinson-Odom (.ePUB)
📮 The Silent Rebellion by Chris Lewis, Inez Robinson-Odom (.ePUB) Leaders ask questions. Rebellious leadership is about asking the right ones, such as 'who needs to act' and 'what needs to be done to make this better'. In the aftermath of the global pandemic, everything has changed, and the fault lines of leadership were exposed. No area remains untouched. Government, education, health care social media, public, private and third sectors have all shifted. The failures of leadership demand a reimagining of how we will move ahead. Yet, it's not all doom and gloom. There is a way forward. Leadership expert, Chris Lewis, and business coach, Inez Robinson-Odom, address the challenges facing leaders today. This is not just theory. The lessons they teach come from working together in a commercially successful global enterprise, specializing in campaigns for commercial and community causes. The Silent Rebellion highlights the leaders of those communities and how they make a difference as modern leaders. The Silent Rebellion shows you how to be a different sort of leader. It considers the lessons of history and how they inform the future. Taking inspiration from unexpected places and unique figures such as Pauli Murray, Thomas Aquinas, George Washington Carver and Rene Descartes, you'll learn what it means to be a modern leader. The book also uses QR codes to link videos and examples of related content to bring the material to life. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Chris Lewis, Inez Robinson-Odom Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/unKN4cyMXaMG https://devuploads.com/d3mngsf8o1ki
Disrupt With Impact by Roger Spitz (.ePUB)
📮 Disrupt With Impact by Roger Spitz (.ePUB) Disruption's far-reaching effects are inevitable, bringing both unprecedented challenges and opportunities to creatively shape our futures. Disrupt With Impact is the ultimate guide to thriving in today's complex business landscapes. It offers strategies that will allow you to navigate uncertainty and change through strategic decision-making. Covering major challenges such as sustainability, AI, geopolitics and cybersecurity, this book is your compass for exploring the uncharted waters of the future. These paradigm shifts will redistribute trillions of dollars, presenting opportunities for immense value creation, while those clinging to business as usual face growing risks of value destruction. Through fascinating research and original frameworks, Disrupt With Impact offers the knowledge and confidence you need to lead your business through disruption. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Roger Spitz Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/A4X2SjOF89xM https://devuploads.com/ss8n37tx9yly
The Revenue Operations Manual by Sean Lane (.ePUB)
📮 The Revenue Operations Manual by Sean Lane (.ePUB) Growing a business is a team sport, and Revenue Operations - the number 1 fastest-growing job on LinkedIn - is how you can deliver that growth. Learn how to bring revenue-generating teams, business context, and technology together to build a high-achieving, predictable and scalable revenue machine. The Revenue Operations Manual takes you through every aspect of this evolving function, whether that's understanding what exactly it is, or how to effectively build your team, technology and partnerships to ensure your go-to-market strategies support business goals and revenue growth. Using case studies, examples of best practices (and of what not to do), this book offers expertise and interviews from world-class operators and provides a blueprint on the mindset required to build and scale this critical business function. Understand the value that Revenue Operations can bring to your business, the right time to invest in it, and how to maximize the outcomes this team can drive. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sean Lane Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Oo1lrXvAU90K https://devuploads.com/7ksfo7w82rbd
Be Data Analytical, 2nd Edition by Jordan Morrow (.ePUB)
📮 Be Data Analytical, 2nd Edition by Jordan Morrow (.ePUB) In the fast moving world of the fourth industrial revolution not everyone needs to be a data scientist but everyone should be data literate, with the ability to read, analyze and communicate with data. It is not enough for a business to have the best data if those using it don't understand the right questions to ask or how to use the information generated to make decisions. Be Data Literate is the essential guide to developing the curiosity, creativity and critical thinking necessary to make anyone data literate, without retraining as a data scientist or statistician. With learnings to show development and real-world examples from industries implementing data literacy skills, this book explains how to confidently read and speak the 'language of data' in the modern business environment and everyday life. Be Data Literate is a practical guide to understanding the four levels of analytics, how to analyze data and the key steps to making smarter, data-informed decisions. Written by a founding pioneer and worldwide leading expert on data literacy, this book empowers professionals with the skills they need to succeed in the digital world. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jordan Morrow Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/bbdUjhq8teCa https://devuploads.com/eo0ncy43jsx9
Leading Sustainable Innovation by Jo North (.ePUB)
📮 Leading Sustainable Innovation by Jo North (.ePUB) Leading Sustainable Innovation shows how to deliver eco-innovation within technical environments. It is tailored to support innovation leaders and managers in fields such as transport, engineering, infrastructure, energy, utilities and sciences. This book offers practical methodologies, tools, frameworks and actionable steps that readers can implement to create lasting sustainable change for their projects and programs. Through following a step-by-step process, readers will craft a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable innovation, customized for any team or organization. It is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Leading Sustainable Innovation examines multiple drivers of sustainable innovation, such as innovation strategies, state-of-the-art technologies, circular solutions and organizational factors necessary for success. It emphasizes distinguishing good ideas from weak ones and provides guidance on building a sustainable innovation culture. It features real-world, global examples and case studies such as the Microsoft Sustainable Datacenters (global), the Sellafield Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning (UK), Wunsiedel (Germany), Clean Path (New York), Roads and Transport Authority (Dubai) and Agriphotovoltaic Assets (China), enabling readers to learn valuable lessons from adjacent industries. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jo North Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/hd9YxLrl76X1 https://devuploads.com/5m5r6ig90l3t
Fifty Places to Travel Solo by Chris Santella (.ePUB)
📮 Fifty Places to Travel Solo by Chris Santella (.ePUB) Chris Santella and award-winning writer DC Helmuth's Fifty Places to Travel Solo provides a roadmap to the best, and safest places, for those who choose to adventure on their own. If there's one striking travel trend in recent years, it's a massive rise in solo travel. Fifty Places to Travel Solo will feature idyllic venues from around the world, interviews with solo travel experts, including lifestyle bloggers and representatives from companies that cater to solo travelers, and a mix of urban and outdoor adventures well‑suited for individuals. Influencers from a range of races, genders, physical handicaps, lifestyles, and ages offer their candid advice to the budding solo travelers of the world, about which place didn't just make them feel welcome, but left the greatest impact on their lives. With both young and mature travelers alike beginning their solo travel journeys, this guide will feature two different travel options for each destination, "On a budget" and "Luxe," so no matter who you are, or where, you will find the perfect accommodations to satisfy your wanderlust! These locations offer the perfect mix of whatever solo trip you are yearning for, whether it be the serenity found in the crystal‑clear waters of the Greek Isles, the adventure of hiking the unbelievable waterfalls and glaciers of Iceland, or the exciting culture found walking the streets of Portugal. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Chris Santella Size 58MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/RaRAkhRdUkXy https://devuploads.com/xp3lf8b65qwa
The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook by Meredith Mann (.ePUB)
📮 The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook by Meredith Mann (.ePUB) Enjoy the quick, easy, and tasty foods you love while balancing your blood sugar with this game-changing cookbook. New studies show that about 90% of non-diabetics have blood sugar dysregulation—which means out-of-whack hunger hormones, chronic inflammation (the cause of most diseases), and always being in the dreaded fat-storing mode, even if you’re eating minimal calories and making “healthy” food choices. The balance of what you put on your plate is vital. In The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook, beloved Instagram influencer Meredith Mann of @thepeachiespoon provides recipes that taste like the high-glycemic favorites you love but keep your blood glucose levels stable. Each recipe in the book includes nutritional information so you know you are getting the carbs, protein, and fat you need. Also find tips and tricks for keeping your blood sugar in the low-glycemic, weight-balancing zone. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Meredith Mann Size 9MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Lk0GI9XgQ6gZ https://devuploads.com/s1fj8r41jyrs
The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients, 3E by Stephen Chin(.PDF)+
📮 The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients, 3E by Stephen Chin(.PDF)+ Build enhanced visual experiences and design and deploy modern, easy-to-maintain, client applications across a variety of platforms. This book will show you how these applications can take advantage of JavaFX's latest user interface components, 3D technology, and cloud services to create immersive visualizations and allow high-value data manipulation. This book is a professional reference for building Java applications for desktop, mobile, and embedded in the Cloud age. It offers end-to-end coverage of the latest features in JavaFX 21 and 23. This third edition has been updated to include new features introduced in JavaFX 21 and 23, including NEW APIs: Map, FlatMap, and OrElse fluent bindings for ObservableValue, along with the new Subscription API. Additionally, it's updated to account for new bug fixes and overall improvements to existing functionality in Java. After reading this book, you will be equipped to upgrade legacy client applications, develop cross-platform applications in Java, and build enhanced desktop and mobile native clients. For professional Java developers who are interested in learning the latest client Java development techniques to fill out their skills set. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Stephen Chin(.Pdf)+ Size 29.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients, 3E by Stephen Chin(.PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dWcOIJEZhfZj https://devuploads.com/rxlevsyv5sp5
Designing Distributed Systems, 2E by Brendan Burns (.ePUB)+
📮 Designing Distributed Systems, 2E by Brendan Burns (.ePUB)+ Every distributed system strives for reliability, performance, and quality, but building such a system is hard. Establishing a set of design patterns enables software developers and system architects to use a common language to describe their systems and learn from the patterns and practices developed by others. The popularity of containers and Kubernetes paves the way for core distributed system patterns and reusable containerized components. This practical guide presents a collection of repeatable, generic patterns to help guide the systems you build using common patterns and practices drawn from some of the highest performing distributed systems in use today. These common patterns make the systems you build far more approachable and efficient, even if you've never built a distributed system before. Systems engineers and application developers will learn how these long-established patterns provide a common language and framework for dramatically increasing the quality of your system. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Brendan Burns Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/4MbUX2fF4PM2 https://devuploads.com/pgdl6akhusyn
The Big Book of Bread by James Morton (.ePUB)
📮 The Big Book of Bread by James Morton (.ePUB) Flour, water, salt. The Big Book of Bread explores bread in its myriad forms, and offers delicious recipes for recreating loaves from across the globe. With basic ingredients and equipment, and step-by-step explanations, Dr James Morton guides you through classic key bakes, many offered and selected by bakers from their countries of origin. Covering savoury favourites including Soda Bread, Sourdough and Shokupan, as well as sweet treats such as Babka, Buns and Brioche, this book showcases a world of awesome loaves. Illustrated throughout with stunning photography, The Big Book of Bread is a compendium of baking knowledge and insight, and a vital book for every bread enthusiast. ♻️ Book's Info: Author James Morton Size 69MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/4w6NT0sV4L4a https://devuploads.com/qg619vuk8q25
Super Simple Baking Recipes for Kids by Leah Brooks (.ePUB)
📮 Super Simple Baking Recipes for Kids by Leah Brooks (.ePUB) Make baking a joyful adventure with fun and accessible recipes for kids of all ages. Adapted from the best-selling Baking with Kids, Super Simple Baking Recipes for Kids is the ultimate guide for parents to introduce children to the joys of baking. Celebrated chef and instructor Chef Leah Brooks creates a safe and engaging environment with: ♻️ Book's Info: Author Leah Brooks Size 18MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/sFCZgb08QTWo https://devuploads.com/9qkw5lsxjj1n
Great Scandals of the Victorians by Debbie Blake (.ePUB)
📮 Great Scandals of the Victorians by Debbie Blake (.ePUB) Several sensational stories from 19th Century Britain from royal scandals to controversial court cases. Great Scandals of the Victorians features a collection of true stories that shocked, outraged, angered or simply amused the Victorians in nineteenth-century Britain. Drawing on a wide variety of original material, seven disreputable stories that dominated the national newspapers for many weeks are explored, including the Great Warwickshire Scandal, a highly publicized divorce case where for the first time in history a Prince of Wales was called to give evidence in court; a ‘baby’ scandal that disrupted Queen Victoria’s court and threatened the monarchy; the sex scandals of the Abode of Love, a mysterious religious cult founded by a defrocked clergyman, Henry James Prince and the sensational trial of Fanny and Stella, two outrageous cross-dressers accused of sodomy. Some scandals, though traumatic for the people involved, produced a positive outcome, such as the scandalous custody battle between Caroline Norton and her husband, which led to the passing of the Custody of Infants Act, granting mothers custody of their children following a divorce, and the case of 13-year-old Eliza Armstrong, sold to a brothel keeper for £5, which caused a major scandal and public outrage, but also led to a change in the law, raising the age of consent from 13 to 16 years. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Debbie Blake Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/qqDKg8Zjm7dl https://devuploads.com/kzz8rclal2qy
The Spiritual Adventure of Henri Matisse by Charles Miller (.ePUB)
📮 The Spiritual Adventure of Henri Matisse by Charles Miller (.ePUB) Henri Matisse described the Chapel of the Rosary, the chief labour of his final years, as the 'gathering together' of his lifetime's work. Although widely known as 'Matisse's Chapel', the building's remarkable 'modern' design and decoration emerged from a surprising friendship and artistic engagement with a group of Dominican sisters and brothers keen to see the Church embrace 'Modern Art' and modern artists. With the advantage of hitherto unexplored archive and printed materials this study highlights that mutual encounter and explores how their shared artistic adventure became for Matisse himself an opportunity to express his 'religious' vision of art and to rediscover his natal Catholic Faith in its post-war avant-garde form. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Charles Miller Size 19MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/IoT15TwXKzPA https://devuploads.com/p0ytx8ne1smk