Everything posted by JARVIS
Blacksound by Matthew D. Morrison (.ePUB)
📮 Blacksound by Matthew D. Morrison (.ePUB) A new concept for understanding the history of the American popular music industry. Blacksound explores the sonic history of blackface minstrelsy and the racial foundations of American musical culture from the early 1800s through the turn of the twentieth century. With this namesake book, Matthew D. Morrison develops the concept of "Blacksound" to uncover how the popular music industry and popular entertainment in general in the United States arose out of slavery and blackface. Blacksound as an idea is not the music or sounds produced by Black Americans but instead the material and fleeting remnants of their sounds and performances that have been co-opted and amalgamated into popular music. Morrison unpacks the relationship between performance, racial identity, and intellectual property to reveal how blackface minstrelsy scripts became absorbed into commercial entertainment through an unequal system of intellectual property and copyright laws. By introducing this foundational new concept in musicology, Blacksound highlights what is politically at stake-for creators and audiences alike-in revisiting the long history of American popular music. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Matthew D. Morrison Size 30.6KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/HWNaHE1gBwo0 https://devuploads.com/fk27c1010u8b
LSD and the Mind of the Universe by Christopher M. Bache (.ePUB)+
📮 LSD and the Mind of the Universe by Christopher M. Bache (.ePUB)+ A professor of religious studies meticulously documents his insights from 73 high-dose LSD sessions conducted over the course of 20 years. On November 24, 1979, Christopher M. Bache took the first step on what would become a life-changing journey. Drawing from his training as a philosopher of religion, Bache set out to explore his mind and the mind of the universe as deeply and systematically as possible—with the help of the psychedelic drug LSD. Following protocols established by Stanislav Grof, Bache's 73 high-dose LSD sessions over the course of 20 years drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Christopher M. Bache Size 1.16MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy > Spirituality > Religion > Psychology > Self-Help File Type ePUB This book:-This book:- ► Chronicles, with unprecedented rigor, the author's systematic journey into a unified field of consciousness that underlies all physical existence ► Makes a powerful case for the value of psychedelically induced spiritual experience and discusses the challenge of integrating these experiences into everyday life ► Shows how psychedelic experience can take you beyond self-transformation into collective transformation and help birth the future of humanity 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/iP8Gj9YqEkZq https://devuploads.com/vz1dp9tvy120
Castaway Odyssey (Boundary #5) by Eric Flint, Ryk E. Spoor (.ePUB)
📮 Castaway Odyssey (Boundary #5) by Eric Flint, Ryk E. Spoor (.ePUB) Number five in the Boundary series universe, and sequel to Castaway Planet, by New York Times multiple best-selling author Eric Flint and veteran science fiction and fantasy author Ryk E. Spoor. Worst-Case Scenario: Sergeant Samuel Morgan Campbell had been in plenty of tight spots before, but nothing like this. It had happened in a few terrifying seconds: the starship he and his crew travelled on, the Outward Initiative, shattered to pieces before their eyes and disappeared, leaving them stranded in the endless night of deep space on Lifeboat LS-88—all systems dead, light-years from any known colony. Somehow, Sergeant Campbell and his crew of half-trained children—ranging from freshly graduated Xander Bird down to eight-year-old Francisco—have to repair systems with no tools, navigate with no computers, and—if they could find a planet they could live on—land a shuttle whose controls were more than half-destroyed. And if they manage all of that, then the real challenge begins; the only planet in range has secrets that even Sergeant Campbell cannot imagine! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eric Flint, Ryk E. Spoor Size 0.5MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ryaFqRtjZR8f https://devuploads.com/4f1yjz6pj92g
Just Eat It by Laura Thomas (.ePUB)
📮 Just Eat It by Laura Thomas (.ePUB) Just Eat It isn’t just a book. It’s part of a movement to help us take back control over our bodies. To free us from restrictive dieting, disordered eating and punishing exercise. To reject the guilt and anxiety associated with eating and, ultimately, to help us feel good about ourselves. This anti-diet guide from registered nutritionist Laura Thomas PhD can help you sort out your attitude to food and ditch punishing exercise routines. As a qualified practitioner of Intuitive Eating – a method that helps followers tune in to innate hunger and fullness cues – Thomas gives you the freedom to enjoy food on your own terms. There are no rules: only simple, practical tools and exercises including mindfulness techniques to help you recognise physiological and emotional hunger, sample conversations with friends and colleagues, and magazine and blog critiques that call out diet culture. So, have you ever been on a diet? Spent time worrying that you looked fat when you could have been doing something useful? Compared the size of your waistline to someone else's? Felt guilt, actual guilt, about the serious crime of . . . eating a doughnut? You're not alone. Just Eat It gives you everything you need to develop a more trusting, healthy relationship with food and your body. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Laura Thomas Size 8.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/lin5n802Gxv5 https://devuploads.com/ef6jg8lhvmv7
Ashes of Empire Series by Eric Thomson (.ePUB)
📮 Ashes of Empire Series by Eric Thomson (.ePUB) Humanity’s thousand-year-old interstellar empire has been rotting from the inside for over a century, thanks to venal, corrupt, and power-hungry sovereigns from a dynasty many consider illegitimate. The latest in that lineage, an increasingly psychotic empress, is pushing her realm toward catastrophic collapse as admirals and generals rebel against her rule. That rebellion quickly drags the once mighty Imperial Fleet into a devastating fratricidal conflict between factions. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eric Thomson Size 4.7MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 1. Imperial Sunset1. Imperial Sunset Humanity’s thousand-year-old interstellar empire has been rotting from the inside for over a century, thanks to venal, corrupt, and power-hungry sovereigns from a dynasty many consider illegitimate. The latest in that lineage, an increasingly psychotic empress, is pushing her realm toward catastrophic collapse as admirals and generals rebel against her rule. That rebellion quickly drags the once mighty Imperial Fleet into a devastating fratricidal conflict between factions. With civil war raging across human space, a Navy torn asunder can no longer protect frontier colonies, and barbarians long confined to the galactic badlands see an opportunity. After generations of hard existence on worlds beyond the bounds of human civilization, they hold life cheap, especially that of others. The barbarians will gladly steal everything they find and condemn defenseless star systems to technological and demographic collapse. That is if they don’t wipe them out entirely from sheer bloodlust or by selling survivors on alien slave markets. One man, Captain Jonas Morane of the cruiser Vanquish, saw the empire’s collapse coming years before the first admiral rebelled. When he finds himself the senior surviving officer of a loyalist Navy unit almost entirely annihilated by rebels, Morane puts in motion a plan he developed long ago. This plan was designed to not only save his ships and crews from certain death but keep humanity’s accumulated knowledge from being obliterated by the long night of barbarism. However, before his dream can become a reality, Morane must lead the remains of the 197th Imperial Battle Group through an intricate wormhole network across a shattered empire, dodging his former colleagues from both sides, to the sanctuary he selected. Along the way, he rescues an Imperial Marine Corps Pathfinder battalion and the survivors of a religious order known for its mysticism from certain death, and enlists them in his cause. But will Morane’s sanctuary survive both the flames of rebellion and the depredations of invading marauders before his rag-tag fleet can reach it? 3. Imperial Night 3. Imperial Night Humanity's interstellar empire died in fire and blood, leaving wrecked star systems to face the long night of barbarism. One tiny spark of civilization remains: The Republic of Lyonesse, tucked away at the end of a wormhole cul-de-sac. Yet that last bastion could suffer the same dire fate. 4. Imperial Echoes4. Imperial Echoes The collapse of humanity's first interstellar empire is passing into legend, perhaps even myth, now that the ones who could remember those tumultuous years have merged with the Infinite Void. Tiny Lyonesse, the self-appointed guardian of all human knowledge tucked away in its wormhole cul-de-sac, has spent generations preparing to carry out Jonas Morane's plan of reuniting humanity. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/gWca5Vz2a1MB https://devuploads.com/wt14e2a6gqi8
How to Do Hard Things by Veronica Dearly (.ePUB)
📮 How to Do Hard Things by Veronica Dearly (.ePUB) Smart, humorous and honest life advice from Veronica Dearly, a much-loved illustrator with a unique visual brand Life doesn't come with a manual but this illustrated guide to navigating its ups, downs and WTFs is the next best thing. With her trademark humor and engaging frankness, artist Veronica Dearly guides us on a visual journey into the parts of life that often leave us floundering. Taking inspiration from the popular Wheel of Life coaching tool, How to Do Hard Things explores key areas in turn, from mental health, mindset, and the dangers of overthinking to fitness and body image, career, love, spirituality, family, money, fun and friends to finding your direction, setting your own goals, and preparing for change. Veronica combines accessible guidance with uplifting pockets of inspiration and simple on-the-page activities throughout to encourage self-reflection, provide instant pick-me-ups, and help you realize that you really can do hard things. While acknowledging that real life is never perfect, this relatable, down-to-earth ebook shows how it is still possible to find the positives and make it a little bit better every day. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Veronica Dearly Size 43.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ttoEVxwGgu5k https://devuploads.com/dq3jr5n0bqcw
Teach Yourself How to Learn by Saundra Yancy McGuire (.ePUB)
📮 Teach Yourself How to Learn by Saundra Yancy McGuire (.ePUB) Following up on her acclaimed Teach Students How to Learn, that describes teaching strategies to facilitate dramatic improvements in student learning and success, Saundra McGuire here presents these “secrets” direct to students. Her message is that “Any student can use simple, straightforward strategies to start making A’s in their courses and enjoy a lifetime of deep, effective learning.” Beginning with explaining how expectations about learning, and the study efforts required, differ between college and secondary school, the author introduces her readers, through the concept of metacognition, to the importance and powerful consequences of understanding themselves as learners. This framework and the recommended strategies that support it are useful for anyone moving on to a more advanced stage of education, so this book also has an intended audience of students preparing to go to high school, graduate school, or professional school. In a conversational tone, and liberally illustrated by anecdotes of past students, the author combines introducing readers to concepts like Bloom’s Taxonomy (to illuminate the difference between studying and learning), fixed and growth mindsets, as well as to what brain science has to tell us about rest, nutrition and exercise, together with such highly specific learning strategies as how to read a textbook, manage their time and take tests. With engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, this book is an ideal motivational and practical text for study skills and first year experience courses. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Saundra Yancy Mcguire Size 1.7MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/38IVefQ2GOZm https://devuploads.com/7dazc0rzo7nb
Fitness Hacks for over 50 by K. Aleisha Fetters (.ePUB)
📮 Fitness Hacks for over 50 by K. Aleisha Fetters (.ePUB) Skip the gym and improve your physical and mental fitness in just minutes with these 300 quick and easy ways to add movement to your day! Being active and in shape helps you sleep, keeps you strong and healthy, and improves balance, your social life—and even your sex life! We all know exercise is good for us, but time, money, age, and inertia often keep us stuck on the couch. But you don’t need to join a gym—or even leave your house—to get fit and healthy! In Fitness Hacks for over 50, you’ll discover quick and attainable tips and strategies to maintain (or increase) your fitness and strength at any point in your life. These simple, easy-to-do movements and activities that just take a few minutes a day makes it easy and friction-free to look and feel better, regardless of your age and abilities. It’s never too late to get started! Let Fitness Hacks for over 50 put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle and a longer life that you can enjoy! ♻️ Book's Info: Author K. Aleisha Fetters Size 8.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/CsBP5P9FsofA https://devuploads.com/kzspafhrnd6e
Terribilita: A Novel by Ben Wyckoff Shore (.ePUB)
📮 Terribilita: A Novel by Ben Wyckoff Shore (.ePUB) Shore's debut historical fiction novel, Terribilita, is a can't-put-'er-down-'er with just the right amount of adrenaline coursing through its pages. “Shore captures not only the war and politics of the time period, but the romantic lens through which the characters view their world” (Kirkus Reviews) "'Terribilita' is a term used to describe how a piece of art evokes emotion from a viewer, be it awe, terror, or a subtler reaction. Good art makes you feel. Author Ben Wyckoff Shore delivers plenty of thrills, chills, and romance in his novel TERRIBILITA." (IndieReader) The rebel caprices of Enzo Ferrando have dire consequences. His father, the Risorgimento war hero is gunned down on his veranda. His son Lucca is forced into hiding as a deckhand on a merchant ship. Enzo himself is conscripted into the Italian army and forced to wage war on the African Horn, yet he yearns to take vengeance on his father’s killers and to reunite with his son. Set in the second half of the 19th century, Terribilita is a coming of age tale about family, and an examination of the redemptive power of violence. In this drum tight historical fiction novel, readers will encounter Bashi-Bazouk mercenaries, blackbirding pirates, Ethiopian army hordes, and historical figures of the era. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ben Wyckoff Shore Size 274KB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/3lJOf1CJIHfd https://devuploads.com/qb1579auvarl
Planetary Mine by Martin Arboleda (.ePUB)
📮 Planetary Mine by Martin Arboleda (.ePUB) A clarion call to rethink natural resource extraction beyond the extractive industries Planetary Mine rethinks the politics and territoriality of resource extraction, especially as the mining industry becomes reorganized in the form of logistical networks, and East Asian economies emerge as the new pivot of the capitalist world-system. Through an exploration of the ways in which mines in the Atacama Desert of Chile—the driest in the world—have become intermingled with an expanding constellation of megacities, ports, banks, and factories across East Asia, the book rethinks uneven geographical development in the era of supply chain capitalism. Arguing that extraction entails much more than the mere spatiality of mine shafts and pits, Planetary Mine points towards the expanding webs of infrastructure, of labor, of finance, and of struggle, that drive resource-based industries in the twenty-first century. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Martin Arboleda Size 794KB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dcpedhyOeoO4 https://devuploads.com/fefean2hjoiv
Executing Freedom by Daniel Lachance (.ePUB)
📮 Executing Freedom by Daniel Lachance (.ePUB) In the mid-1990s, as public trust in big government was near an all-time low, 80% of Americans told Gallup that they supported the death penalty. Why did people who didn't trust government to regulate the economy or provide daily services nonetheless believe that it should have the power to put its citizens to death? That question is at the heart of Executing Freedom, a powerful, wide-ranging examination of the place of the death penalty in American culture and how it has changed over the years. Drawing on an array of sources, including congressional hearings and campaign speeches, true crime classics like In Cold Blood, and films like Dead Man Walking, Daniel LaChance shows how attitudes toward the death penalty have reflected broader shifts in Americans' thinking about the relationship between the individual and the state. Emerging from the height of 1970s disillusion, the simplicity and moral power of the death penalty became a potent symbol for many Americans of what government could do—and LaChance argues, fascinatingly, that it's the very failure of capital punishment to live up to that mythology that could prove its eventual undoing in the United States. "Fiercely provocative . . . A must-read for socio-legal studies and punishment scholars who want to know more about how the phenomenon of capital punishment took on a life of its own in the modern US cultural imagination."—Theoretical Criminology ♻️ Book's Info: Author Daniel Lachance Size 1.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/o6IjBJfI5vPa https://devuploads.com/ay4ey68yqwuo
The Dragons and the Snakes by David Kilcullen (.PDF)
📮 The Dragons and the Snakes by David Kilcullen (.PDF) Just a few years ago, people spoke of the US as a hyperpower-a titan stalking the world stage with more relative power than any empire in history. Yet as early as 1993, newly-appointed CIA director James Woolsey pointed out that although Western powers had "slain a large dragon" by defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War, they now faced a "bewildering variety of poisonous snakes." In The Dragons and the Snakes, the eminent soldier-scholar David Kilcullen asks how, and what, opponents of the West have learned during the last quarter-century of conflict. Applying a combination of evolutionary theory and detailed field observation, he explains what happened to the "snakes"-non-state threats including terrorists and guerrillas-and the "dragons"-state-based competitors such as Russia and China. He explores how enemies learn under conditions of conflict, and examines how Western dominance over a very particular, narrowly-defined form of warfare since the Cold War has created a fitness landscape that forces adversaries to adapt in ways that present serious new challenges to America and its allies. Within the world's contemporary conflict zones, Kilcullen argues, state and non-state threats have increasingly come to resemble each other, with states adopting non-state techniques and non-state actors now able to access levels of precision and lethal weapon systems once only available to governments. A counterintuitive look at this new, vastly more complex environment, The Dragons and the Snakes will not only reshape our understanding of the West's enemies' capabilities, but will also show how we can respond given the increasing limits on US power. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Kilcullen Size 15.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/KGXdob1CjL2o https://devuploads.com/5c99u86399k0
Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion by Hugh B. Urban (.PDF)
📮 Secrecy: Silence, Power, and Religion by Hugh B. Urban (.PDF) The powers of political secrecy and social spectacle have been taken to surreal extremes recently. Witness the twin terrors of a president who refuses to disclose dealings with foreign powers while the private data of ordinary citizens is stolen and marketed in order to manipulate consumer preferences and voting outcomes. We have become accustomed to thinking about secrecy in political terms and personal privacy terms. In this bracing, new work, Hugh Urban wants us to focus these same powers of observation on the role of secrecy in religion. With Secrecy, Urban investigates several revealing instances of the power of secrecy in religion, including nineteenth-century Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the sexual magic of a Russian-born Parisian mystic; the white supremacist BrüderSchweigen or “Silent Brotherhood” movement of the 1980s, the Five Percenters, and the Church of Scientology. An electrifying read, Secrecy is the culmination of decades of Urban’s reflections on a vexed, ever-present subject. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Hugh B. Urban Size 4.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/y3RelU6bN5am https://devuploads.com/0h0cjczzccg5
Reincarnation: I Married My Ex's Brother by Imperial Songs (.ePUB)
📮 Reincarnation: I Married My Ex's Brother by Imperial Songs (.ePUB) "Marry me. Once we're married, I will be loyal to you for life—as long as you keep me alive." Qiao Jiusheng was pushed into the water by her older twin sister, had her identity stolen, losing her old love and life. With no other choice, she seeks out Fang Yusheng, the blind man rumored to have no interest in women. With blank and empty eyes, he says, "Sure." In her past life, she was betrayed by her sister and trapped in the basement. Her tongue was cut off as she watched her sister take her place, winning overall her loved ones, marrying her lover of six years, and starting a family with him. Now that she's back to a time before it all went wrong, Qiao Jiusheng escapes from the river and goes to her boyfriend's older half-brother. She puts on a mask and marries him, to fight their common enemy. The wheels of fate begin to spin, and the severed threads of destiny are once again entwined... Before their wedding, he tells her, "Don't peek at me so openly just because I'm blind and can't see you." On the night of their wedding, he tells her," You don't have to dress like a bear. I don't care for women." Half a year after their wedding, just because she gives another man another look, Fang Yusheng covers her laptop, phone, bedside drawers, desk, and wallet with nothing but his selfies. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Imperial Songs Size 2.8MB Category Fiction > Romance File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/j4KR3eBKzsn2 https://devuploads.com/f475e7cj3srw
The Python Application Architect's Cookbook by Furuta Kimiko (.ePUB)
📮 The Python Application Architect's Cookbook by Furuta Kimiko (.ePUB) Transform your Python code into robust, scalable applications with this indispensable guide. Designed for architects and developers alike, this cookbook offers a wealth of practical recipes and patterns to tackle the complexities of real-world application development. Delve into the art and science of Python application architecture as you master essential techniques for designing, building, and deploying efficient, maintainable systems. From microservices and cloud-native architectures to data pipelines and machine learning models, this book provides expert guidance on crafting solutions that deliver exceptional performance and reliability. With a focus on practical implementation, each recipe offers clear explanations, code examples, and best practices to help you make informed architectural decisions. Learn how to optimize performance, ensure security, and scale your applications to meet growing demands. Whether you're building enterprise-grade systems or innovative startups, The Python Application Architect's Cookbook is your essential companion for turning code into powerful, real-world applications. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Furuta Kimiko Size 12.4MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/8MWAPMgFNWZE https://devuploads.com/jwxjb3pr7jkr
Pen Testing from Contract to Report by Alfred Basta (.PDF)
📮 Pen Testing from Contract to Report by Alfred Basta (.PDF) Protect your system or web application with this accessible guide. Penetration tests, also known as ‘pen tests’, are a means of assessing the security of a computer system by simulating a cyber-attack. These tests can be an essential tool in detecting exploitable vulnerabilities in a computer system or web application, averting potential user data breaches, privacy violations, losses of system function, and more. With system security an increasingly fundamental part of a connected world, it has never been more important that cyber professionals understand the pen test and its potential applications. Pen Testing from Contract to Report offers a step-by-step overview of the subject. Built around a new concept called the Penetration Testing Life Cycle, it breaks the process into phases, guiding the reader through each phase and its potential to expose and address system vulnerabilities. The result is an essential tool in the ongoing fight against harmful system intrusions. Pen Testing from Contract to Report is ideal for any cyber security professional or advanced student of cyber security. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alfred Basta Size 31.7MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/PO1rMqDLaXj6 https://devuploads.com/1zcggx8pjnyp
Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate by Adora Nwodo (.ePUB)+
📮 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate by Adora Nwodo (.ePUB)+ Given the scalability, flexibility, and resilience that the cloud offers, technology companies around the world are transitioning to cloud computing. This paradigm shift has created an unprecedented demand for professionals equipped with the skills to design and implement cloud solutions. Today, one of the cloud platforms most often adopted is Microsoft Azure. The Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate Study Guide is your comprehensive resource for mastering the competencies required to design, develop, and deploy secure and scalable Azure architectures tailored to your organization's needs. Beyond its impact on your resume, this guide empowers you with the confidence to excel as a Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate. Developers should have a blend of cloud specific skills and programming knowledge. This means understanding programming languages like C#, TypeScript, or Python, and also understanding Azure SDKs, APIs, and development tools like Visual Studio and Azure DevOps. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Adora Nwodo Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/bYaGy5fJMEwD https://devuploads.com/ts0s447urqsd
Step by Step Cooking: Balinese by Heinz von Holzen (.ePUB)
📮 Step by Step Cooking: Balinese by Heinz von Holzen (.ePUB) Light, piquant salads such as the Pickled Vegetables and Corn and Fern Tips with Grated Coconut will whet the appetite for the meal ahead. Hearty one-dish meals like Fried Rice with Chicken and Prawns and Mushroom Soup can be prepared in minimal time. Main dishes like the Balinese Lamb Stew, Roast Chicken in Banana Leaf and Minced Seafood Sate will definitely liven up your table and impress your guests. Round off meals with a sweet finish with Coconut Pancakes or Iced Fruit in Coconut Dressing, or serve up the easy-to-prepare Fried Bananas or Steamed Jackfruit Cake for afternoon tea. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Heinz Von Holzen Size 25MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/9zfsRBQOLQbX https://devuploads.com/brb7651omgk9
Quilt It as You Go: 5 Different Ways by Carolyn S. Vagts (.PDF)
📮 Quilt It as You Go: 5 Different Ways by Carolyn S. Vagts (.PDF) Demonstrating how to conquer the quilting process one block at a time, this quilting companion offers readers five new techniques that they can incorporate into their day-to-day quilting. Eleven patterns from multiple designers are featured, offering readers a diverse selection of projects that they can tackle as they learn to build a quilt one piece at a time. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Carolyn S. Vagts Size 20MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/xl3GJdwXjfxI https://devuploads.com/9444mjwac9s6
Soil Science for Beginners by Iris Gardner (.ePUB)
📮 Soil Science for Beginners by Iris Gardner (.ePUB) Are you struggling with poor plant growth despite your best efforts? Wondering why your garden's soil doesn't seem to support your plants? Curious about the secrets of regenerative agriculture and how to apply them in your own backyard? ♻️ Book's Info: Author Iris Gardner Size 0.3MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Eu5KdNO3CkJ9 https://devuploads.com/epspex9xr5a7
The Singer's Guide to Complete Health by Anthony F. Jahn MD (.ePUB)
📮 The Singer's Guide to Complete Health by Anthony F. Jahn MD (.ePUB) Anthony F. Jahn, MD, internationally acclaimed otolaryngologist and Director of Medical Services at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, offers a comprehensive guidebook on a wide range of health and disorders that affect the voice. A vital tool for singers, voice teachers, and choral directors, The Singer's Guide to Complete Health empowers vocal performers to take charge of their own minds and bodies, providing advice about a variety of health issues that affect professional well-being as well as remedies to the most important and common health problems that singers face in their careers. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Anthony F. Jahn Md Size 21MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/muD3ZZE7Iw4C https://devuploads.com/mx66lsylhf4q
ESP32 MicroPython Programming by Sarful Hassan (.ePUB)+
📮 ESP32 MicroPython Programming by Sarful Hassan (.ePUB)+ Are you ready to explore the powerful world of ESP32 programming with MicroPython? Whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned hobbyist, this comprehensive guide will help you dive into Internet of Things (IoT) development and create real-world projects with ease.ESP32 MicroPython Programming: An Essential Guide for Absolute Beginners & IoT Projects is designed to provide a hands-on, project-oriented approach for learning how to program the ESP32 microcontroller using MicroPython. This book is written for those who are new to both the ESP32 and MicroPython, as well as experienced developers who want to dive into IoT projects. Whether you are an absolute beginner or have some programming background, this guide will take you through each step, from setting up the tools to building real-world applications. The ESP32 and ESP8266 are microcontrollers developed by Espressif Systems, commonly used in Internet of Things (IoT) projects. These microcontrollers are known for their built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, which make them highly popular for connecting devices to the internet and creating smart, connected systems. Take your first step into the world of ESP32 programming with MicroPython and create your own IoT solutions today! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sarful Hassan Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/XaMAd8rQtwLy https://devuploads.com/0olrefs13lln
The Amazing Mexican Cookbook: Mexican Recipes by Camila Navia (.ePUB)
📮 The Amazing Mexican Cookbook: Mexican Recipes by Camila Navia (.ePUB) Step into a world of culinary enchantment with "The Amazing Mexican Cookbook"! Prepare to embark on a tantalizing voyage through the vibrant and diverse tapestry of Mexican cuisine, where every page holds the promise of mouthwatering delights and unforgettable flavors. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Camila Navia Size 0.4MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/UBnuoPg0OkNl https://devuploads.com/v2w1qr7o3xkv
Statistics with R: A Beginner′s, 2nd Ed by Robert Stinerock (.ePUB)
📮 Statistics with R: A Beginner′s, 2nd Ed by Robert Stinerock (.ePUB) Statistics is made simple with this award-winning guide to using R and applied statistical methods. With real-world examples and a step-by-step approach, this book provides the practical skills students need to use statistical methods in their research. Hands-on exercises and online resources created by the author allow students to practice their skills using the data sets and R scripts from the book with detailed screencasts that accompany each script. There are two notable changes to the second edition that require a word of explanation. First, we extend and deepen the coverage of Bayesian methods across most of chapters of the book. The second notable change to this edition lies the tight coordination between (a) the screencasts and scripts that can be found on the website and (b) the examples and images that are found in the book itself. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Robert Stinerock Size 20.1MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/nkYxlvc1dpvP https://devuploads.com/8fbo0h445kcx
Guns of Navarone Series by Alistair MacLean (.ePUB)
📮 Guns of Navarone Series by Alistair MacLean (.ePUB) The Navarone Series deals with a trio of agents working for the S.O.E. The Special Operations Executive was a British intelligence organization created at the beginning of World War Two to engage in espionage, sabotage, and other activities as needed in enemy territories in Europe. Quite often the agents attached to this group were highly trained military officers and enlisted men but when working on an S.O.E. mission, they were there covertly and in civilian clothing making them spies under the Geneva Convention and therefore without any allusions as to their treatment and ultimate fate should they be captured. The term "Navarone" is used to describe the activities of three key people and comes about because the island of Navarone was the location of the first mission, the one that brought the trio together in the first place. They would be reunited on that Greek island briefly for the second mission but would then leave to head to the actual assignment. The two remaining recorded adventures have nothing really to do with the Navarone location except in context of the three men. The three men are Keith Mallory, Andrea Stavros, and Donovan "Dusty" Miller. Mallory is a New Zealand officer serving with the British forces for some time, holding the army rank of Captain. He was before the war an avid mountain climber making him an indespensible man in the cliffs of Navarone. The fact that he had been operating in and around Crete and was an expert in that area made him even more valuable. Andrea Stavros is a former Lt. Colonel in the now defunct Greek army, working with the Resistance and having no love whatsoever for the German invaders of his homeland. He is also a close friend and sometimes adversary of Mallory as the two had worked together before. Dusty Miller is an American explosives expert who had signed up with the R.A.F. and was brought along because he was the key man for actually destroying the artillery objective of the first mission. Once he had proven himself to the others, it was natural that he remain with the team although his dour personality coupled with his pessimism always made him a cheery complement. Mallory and Stavros like and dislike each other. Miller doesn't really like anyone, or at least trust anyone. Together they make a great team. spyguysandgalsdotcom ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alistair Maclean Size 8.0MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > War Thriller > WW2 File Type ePUB 1. The Guns of Navarone (1957) + The Guns of Navarone: The Original 1956 Magazine Serial (Jerry eBooks, 2019)1. The Guns of Navarone (1957) + The Guns of Navarone: The Original 1956 Magazine Serial (Jerry eBooks, 2019) Mallory, Miller and Andrea are united into a lethally effective team. Their mission: to silence the impregnable guns set in the tall cliffs of Navarone. On their success or failure rests one of the most critical offensives of the Second World War. 3. Storm Force from Navarone (1996)3. Storm Force from Navarone (1996) The surviving commandos are sent on a perilous journey through the Pyrenees to disable the greatest threat to the impending D-Day landings: the 'Werwolf' U-boats. But their Basque guides declare it mission impossible - D-Day is less than six days away. 4. Thunderbolt from Navarone (1998) 4. Thunderbolt from Navarone (1998) Summoned back to Naval HQ, Mallory, Miller and Andrea are given a final assignment: to reconnoitre the Greek island of Kynthos and destroy the German facilities developing the lethal V3 weapon. A rocket expert is to accompany them - but can he be trusted not to turn the operation into a suicide mission? 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/JF34Nmz99gTr https://devuploads.com/etlou0mgzxhn