Everything posted by JARVIS
Beethoven by Oscar George (.ePUB)
📮 Beethoven by Oscar George (.ePUB) Oscar Sonneck's "Beethoven: Impressions by His Contemporaries" offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and personality of the legendary composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. Drawing from a wealth of letters, diaries, memoirs, and accounts of those who knew him, this compilation provides a multi-dimensional portrait of the great master, showcasing both his brilliance as a composer and conductor, as well as his human flaws and idiosyncrasies. The book delves into various aspects of Beethoven's life, shedding light on his eating habits, growing deafness, and ill-health, which he bravely endured while continuing to create masterpieces. Readers get an inside look into his complex relationships with friends and acquaintances, revealing his tendencies to be suspicious and contemptuous of social norms and etiquette. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Oscar George Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/QQWCqfXpAUI0 https://devuploads.com/bt1xmnpuax7a
Janet’s World by Mike Sager (.ePUB)
📮 Janet’s World by Mike Sager (.ePUB) “Janet Cooke was a warning shot, a harbinger of all kinds of journalistic scandals to come.” —Howard Kurtz, author and media critic Janet Cooke caused one of the biggest scandals in the history of journalism when her Pulitzer Prize-winning article, about an eight-year-old heroin addict, turned out to be a fabrication. Cooke, a reporter for the Washington Post, worked under the legendary editors Ben Bradlee and Bob Woodward. Her disgrace was a jarring wake-up call for the news industry. Cooke’s transgressions rocked the foundations of public trust the press had built since the Vietnam and Watergate eras when the 4th Estate was seen as a force for objective reporting and an advocate for the public good. Immediately, Cooke became infamous, the first in a line of publicly exposed fabulists, including Stephen Glass of the New Republic and Jayson Blair of the New York Times. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mike Sager Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/eivrmYRY26qK https://devuploads.com/i8qtcvv3nlt6
Frances Oldham Kelsey, the FDA by Cheryl Krasnick Warsh (.ePUB)
📮 Frances Oldham Kelsey, the FDA by Cheryl Krasnick Warsh (.ePUB) The woman scientist who saved Americans from thalidomide In the early 1960s, Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration became one of the most celebrated women in America when she prevented a deadly sedative from entering the U.S. market. A Canadian-born pharmacologist and physician, Kelsey saved countless Americans from the devastating side effects of thalidomide, a drug routinely given to pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. As the FDA medical officer charged with reviewing Merrell Pharmaceutical's application for approval in 1960-61, Kelsey was unconvinced that there was sufficient evidence of the drug's efficacy and safety. Despite substantial pressure, she held her ground for nineteen months while the extent of the drug's worldwide damage became known-thousands of stillborn babies, as well as at least 10,000 children across 46 countries born with severe deformities such as missing limbs, arms and legs that resembled flippers, and improperly developed eyes, ears, and other organs. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Cheryl Krasnick Warsh Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/P1BtuE09QAPv https://devuploads.com/je7xwhtxondj
Descartes's Fictions by Emma Gilby (.ePUB)
📮 Descartes's Fictions by Emma Gilby (.ePUB) Descartes's Fictions traces common movements in early modern philosophy and literary method. Emma Gilby reassesses the significance of Descartes's writing by bringing his philosophical output into contact with the literary treatises, exempla, and debates of his age. She argues that humanist theorizing about poetics represents a vital intellectual context for Descartes's work. She offers readings of the controversies to which this poetic theory gives rise, with particular reference to the genre of tragicomedy, questions of verisimilitude or plausibility, and the figures of Guez de Balzac and Pierre Corneille. Drawing on what Descartes says about, and to, his many contemporaries and correspondents embedded in the early modern republic of letters, this volume shows that poetics provides a repository of themes and images to which he returns repeatedly: fortune, method, error, providence, passion, and imagination, for instance. Like the poets and theorists of his age, Descartes is also drawn to the forms of attention that people may bring to his work. This interest finds expression in the mature Cartesian metaphysics of the Meditations, as well as, later, in the moral philosophy of his correspondence with Elisabeth of Bohemia or the Passions of the Soul. This volume thus bridges the gap between Cartesian criticism and late-humanist literary culture in France. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Emma Gilby Size 1.1MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/2eiAg8LG2vCr https://devuploads.com/79bon5dj0w3d
Ancient Divination and Experience by Lindsay G.Driediger-Murphy(.ePUB)
📮 Ancient Divination and Experience by Lindsay G.Driediger-Murphy(.ePUB) This volume sets out to re-examine what ancient people - primarily those in ancient Greek and Roman communities, but also Mesopotamian and Chinese cultures - thought they were doing through divination, and what this can tell us about the religions and cultures in which divination was practised. The chapters, authored by a range of established experts and upcoming early-career scholars, engage with four shared questions: What kinds of gods do ancient forms of divination presuppose? What beliefs, anxieties, and hopes did divination seek to address? What were the limits of human 'control' of divination? What kinds of human-divine relationships did divination create/sustain? The volume as a whole seeks to move beyond functionalist approaches to divination in order to identify and elucidate previously understudied aspects of ancient divinatory experience and practice. Special attention is paid to the experiences of non-elites, the perception of divine presence, the ways in which divinatory techniques could surprise their users by yielding unexpected or unwanted results, the difficulties of interpretation with which divinatory experts were thought to contend, and the possibility that divination could not just ease, but also exacerbate, anxiety in practitioners and consultants. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lindsay G.Driediger-Murphy(.Epub) Size 1.6MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type Ancient Divination and Experience by Lindsay G.Driediger-Murphy(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/TNnTzO3FLIrp https://devuploads.com/xjejufs5qbq5
The Dispersion of Power by Samuel Ely Bagg (.ePUB)
📮 The Dispersion of Power by Samuel Ely Bagg (.ePUB) The Dispersion of Power is an urgent call to rethink centuries of conventional wisdom about what democracy is, why it matters, and how to make it better. Drawing from history, social science, psychology, and critical theory, it explains why elections do not and cannot realize the classic ideal of popular rule, and why prevailing strategies of democratic reform often make things worse. Instead, Bagg argues, we should see democracy as a way of protecting public power from capture-an alternative vision that is at once more realistic and more inspiring. Despite their many shortcomings, real-world elections do prevent the most extreme forms of tyranny, and are therefore indispensable. In dealing with the vast inequalities that remain, however, we cannot rely on standard solutions such as electoral reform, direct democracy, deliberation, and participatory governance. Instead, Bagg shows, protecting and enriching democracy requires addressing underlying inequalities of power directly. In part, this entails substantive policies attacking the advantages of wealthy elites. Even more crucially, deepening democracy requires the organization of oppositional, countervailing power among ordinary people. Neither task is easy, but historical precedents exist in both cases-and if democracy is to survive contemporary crises, leaders and citizens alike must find ways to revive and reinvent these essential democratic practices for the 21st century. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Samuel Ely Bagg Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/MmfBnQDfWC7Y https://devuploads.com/8rum1tnohpit
Women of Substance in Homeric Epic by Lilah Grace Canevaro (.ePUB)
📮 Women of Substance in Homeric Epic by Lilah Grace Canevaro (.ePUB) Women in Greek epic are treated as objects, as commodities to be exchanged in marriage or as the spoils of warfare. However, women in Homeric epic also use objects to negotiate their own agency, subverting the male viewpoint by utilizing on their own terms the very form they themselves are thought by men to embody. Such female objects can transcend their physical limitations and be both symbolically significant and powerfully characterizing. They can be tools of recognition and identification. They can pause narrative and be used agonistically. They can send messages and be vessels for memory. Women of Substance in Homeric Epic offers a new and insightful approach to the Iliad and Odyssey, bringing together Gender Theory and the burgeoning field of New Materialisms, new to classical studies, and thereby combining an approach predicated on the idea of the woman as object with one which questions the very distinction between subject and object. This productive tension leads us to decentre the male subject and to put centre stage not only the woman as object but also the agency of women and objects. The volume comes at a turning point in the gendering of Homeric studies, with the publication of the first English translations by women of the Iliad in 2015 and the Odyssey in 2017, by Caroline Alexander and Emily Wilson respectively. It makes a significant contribution to scholarship by demonstrating that women in Homeric epic are not only objectified, but are also well-versed users of objects; this is something that Homer portrays clearly, that Odysseus understands, but that has often escaped many other men, from Odysseus' alter ego Aethon in Odyssey 19 to modern experts on Homeric epic. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lilah Grace Canevaro Size 1.0MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Xw8wbcNEcJIb https://devuploads.com/9tyy66h5ouls
Expiration Date by Duane Swierczynski (.ePUB)
📮 Expiration Date by Duane Swierczynski (.ePUB) In this neighbourhood, make a wrong turn… … and you’re history. Mickey Wade is a recently-unemployed journalist who lucked into a rent-free apartment—his sick grandfather’s place. The only problem: it’s in a lousy neighbourhood—the one where Mickey grew up, in fact. The one he was so desperate to escape. But now he’s back. Dead broke. And just when he thinks he’s reached rock bottom, Mickey wakes up in the past. Literally. At first he thinks it’s a dream. All of the stores he remembered from his childhood, the cars, the rumble of the elevated train. But as he digs deeper into the past, searching for answers about the grandfather he hardly knows, Mickey meets the twelve-year-old kid who lives in the apartment below. The kid who will grow up to someday murder Mickey’s father. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Duane Swierczynski Size 1.00MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/UcGR0MBoS9r6 https://devuploads.com/gaz6aa33ubu7
The Austen Novels series by Hailey Jones (.ePUB)
📮 The Austen Novels series by Hailey Jones (.ePUB) Hailey Jones writes short & sweet Darcy and Elizabeth stories! Follow for more! She currently resides in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas with her husband and three young children. She is a stay-at-home-mom who squeezes in time for writing at very odd moments throughout the day. She is a home birth mama who loves reading, writing, cloth diapering, planning her kids' birthday parties, and mostly, watching old movies and TV shows with her dear husband. She also enjoys playing the clarinet and singing. She received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Liberal Arts degrees in English from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. She is currently writing the Austen Adaptation Series, a series of contemporary adaptations of Jane Austen's novels set in 2010s Arkansas, as well as more Pride & Prejudice variation novellas. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Hailey Jones Size 572KB Category Fiction > Romance ; Fiction > Regency; Adaptations & Pastiche File Type ePUB Mrs. Bingley’s Sister: A Pride and Prejudice Variation inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion (The Austen Novels)Mrs. Bingley’s Sister: A Pride and Prejudice Variation inspired by Jane Austen’s Persuasion (The Austen Novels) Inspired by the longing mood of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, this Pride & Prejudice variation explores what might have happened if Mr. Bingley returned to Hertfordshire from London after the Netherfield Ball and proposed to Jane as he originally intended to do. Jane becomes Mrs. Bingley, and Elizabeth still goes to Hunsford to visit Mrs. Collins, where she is met with an abysmal proposal from Mr. Darcy. Blinded by her own prejudice, she refuses him on the basis of her own dislike and his reported treatment of Mr. Wickham. After receiving a letter from Mr. Darcy, she drastically changes her mind and begins to reevaluate his character, but her change of heart comes too late—Mr. Darcy departs for good. Some events are altered due to the marriage of Jane and Mr. Bingley: The Gardiners never take Elizabeth to see Pemberley that summer—their trip to the Lake country ensues as originally planned. Lydia elopes with Mr. Wickham, but it is Mr. Bingley who takes credit for the marriage, sworn to secrecy by his best friend Mr. Darcy, so Elizabeth never ends up learning of his efforts on behalf of her happiness. Lady Catherine de Bourgh never calls on Elizabeth to berate her and demand an unreasonable promise, because without Mr. Darcy traveling to Hertfordshire again, there are no rumors to induce her ladyship to travel there. Read on to see how the following eight years pass after Mr. Darcy’s failed proposal at Hunsford—eight long years of longing, separation, and missed connections before Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth finally achieve their happily ever after. Jane and Lizzy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility (The Austen Novels Book 2)Jane and Lizzy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility (The Austen Novels Book 2) Inspired by the fraught dual love stories found in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, this Pride and Prejudice variation is a vagary which explores what might have happened if the Bennet family estate had been Netherfield Park, not Longbourn, and the aftermath of Mr. Bennet's early demise. Jane and Lizzy are still very young—nineteen and seventeen—and Mr. Collins, upon whom the estate had been entailed, takes over Netherfield Park with his greedy, selfish wife, Mrs. Caroline Collins (née Bingley). Her brother, the reserved yet surprisingly amiable Mr. Bingley, comes to stay, meeting Jane and falling in love—or so everyone thinks. Mrs. Bennet receives a message from a distant relative, a Sir John Rutherford, to move to Derbyshire where they can live in a cottage on his estate, and thus the Bennets leave their Hertfordshire home forever. Lizzy is thrown in with a taciturn Mr. Darcy, whom everyone says she should marry, since he is lonely and rich—but then she meets the marvelous, enigmatic, and romantic Mr. Wickham, and an infatuation like no other ensues, all while a concerned Mr. Darcy observes quietly from the sidelines. Explore what happens when two sisters—the eldest with an extraordinary amount of sense, the younger having too much sensibility—meet the men with whom they are meant to be. Read on to see how our favorite dear couples find their happily ever afters. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/2wRmlyZnGOvE https://devuploads.com/289378bkpcud
Vulture Capitalism by Grace Blakeley (.ePUB)
📮 Vulture Capitalism by Grace Blakeley (.ePUB) In the vein of The Shock Doctrine and Evil Geniuses, this timely and "galvanizing" (Naomi Klein, New York Times bestselling author) manifesto illustrates how corporate and political power brokers have used capitalism to advance their own interests at the expense of the rest of us--and how we can take back our economy. It's easy to look at the state of the world around us and feel hopeless. We live in an era marked by war, climate crisis, political polarization, and acute inequality--and yet many of us feel powerless to do anything about these profound issues. We've been assured that unfettered capitalism is necessary to ensure our freedom and prosperity but why, in our age of unchecked corporate power, are most of us living paycheck to paycheck? When the economy falters, why do governments bail out corporations and shareholders but leave everyday people in the dust? Now, acclaimed journalist and progressive star on the rise Grace Blakeley exposes the corrupt system that is failing all around us, pulling back the curtain on the free-market mythology we have been sold. She also clearly illustrates how, as corporate interests have taken hold, governments have historically been shifting away from competition and democracy towards monopoly and oligarchy. Tracing over a century of neoliberal planning and backdoor bailouts, Blakeley takes us on a deeply reported tour of the corporate crimes, political maneuvering, and economic manipulation that elites have used to enshrine a global system of "vulture capitalism"--planned capitalist economies that benefit corporations and the uber-wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. As "the sort of book that will help us make a better world" (Rob Delaney, New York Times bestselling author), Vulture Capitalism exposes the cracks already emerging within capitalism, lighting a path forward for how we can democratize our economy, not just our politics, to ensure true freedom for all. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Grace Blakeley Size 2.1MB Category Non-Fiction > General Society, Business & Economics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/aBDLCOLKmJpH https://devuploads.com/8kavv4vga9m9
Marilyn: A Biography by Norman Mailer (.ePUB)
📮 Marilyn: A Biography by Norman Mailer (.ePUB) —'Genius'The New York Times In 1973, Norman Mailer published Marilyn, his celebrated in-depth account of the life of Marilyn Monroe, as a glossy, fully illustrated coffee-table tome. His work was immediately acclaimed - and an enduring bestseller, rumoured to have sold more copies than any of his other works except The Naked and the Dead. Yet, until now, it has never been made available in an accessible mass-market paperback edition. This is one of America's greatest writers taking on the legend of one of Hollywood's greatest stars. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Norman Mailer Size 1.2MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0RyTEQm5cZla https://devuploads.com/y2oz24dw6ezh
Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate by Derar Alhussein(.ePUB)
📮 Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate by Derar Alhussein(.ePUB) Data engineers proficient in Databricks are currently in high demand. As organizations gather more data than ever before, skilled data engineers on platforms like Databricks become critical to business success. The Databricks Data Engineer Associate certification is proof that you have a complete understanding of the Databricks platform and its capabilities, as well as the essential skills to effectively execute various data engineering tasks on the platform. In this comprehensive study guide, you will build a strong foundation in all topics covered on the certification exam, including the Databricks Lakehouse and its tools and benefits. You'll also learn to develop ETL pipelines in both batch and streaming modes. Moreover, you'll discover how to orchestrate data workflows and design dashboards while maintaining data governance. Finally, you'll dive into the finer points of exactly what's on the exam and learn to prepare for it with mock tests. Databricks Runtime is a pre-configured virtual machine image optimized for use within Databricks clusters. It includes a set of core components, such as Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and other essential system libraries. The book is ideal for individuals who already have a strong foundation in SQL and a basic understanding of Python. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Derar Alhussein(.Epub) Size 31.8MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate by Derar Alhussein(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0gTY2XlHTFTR https://devuploads.com/gfii3og17tpl
All the Children Are Home by Patry Francis (.ePUB)
📮 All the Children Are Home by Patry Francis (.ePUB) Set in the late 1950s through 1960s in a small town in Massachusetts, All the Children Are Home follows the Moscatelli family—Dahlia and Louie, foster parents, and their long-term foster children Jimmy, Zaidie, and Jon—and the irrevocable changes in their lives when a six-year-old indigenous girl, Agnes, comes to live with them. When Dahlia decided to become a foster mother, she had a few caveats: no howling newborns, no delinquents, and above all, no girls. A harrowing incident years before left her a virtual prisoner in her own home, forever wary of the heartbreak and limitation of a girl’s life. Eleven years after they began fostering, Dahlia and Louie consider their family complete, but when the social worker begs them to take a young girl who has been horrifically abused and neglected, they can’t say no. Six-year-old Agnes Juniper arrives with no knowledge of her Native American heritage or herself beyond a box of trinkets given to her by her mother and dreamlike memories of her sister. As the years pass and outside forces threaten to tear them apart, the children, now young adults, must find the courage and resilience to save themselves and each other. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Patry Francis Size 945KB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/EgvXObdfiA5m https://devuploads.com/zoig5xgqajgo
One Ordinary Day at a Time by Sarah J. Harris (.ePUB)
📮 One Ordinary Day at a Time by Sarah J. Harris (.ePUB) Simon Sparks is the man you know from behind the counter at the local Prince Burger ('hold the gherkin!'), fry shovelling, shelf stacking, hiding away from the world. And Jodie Brook is the single mum you see crossing the street with her son Zak - always chasing a dream she can't reach. What if life could be so much more? When Simon and Jodie's worlds collide, it upends everything they know. But in chaos comes opportunity. And for every person who's ever doubted them, they find someone who'll finally believe. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sarah J. Harris Size 1.3MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/v2g8dCZBVPr3 https://devuploads.com/73gh0g53n9vu
The Stewart Hoag Mystery series by David Handler (.ePUB)
📮 The Stewart Hoag Mystery series by David Handler (.ePUB) aka Russell Andrews | Peter Gethers David Handler, who began his career in New York as a journalist, was born and raised in Los Angeles and published two highly acclaimed novels about growing up there, Kiddo and Boss, before resorting to a life of crime fiction. Under theAndrewsname, he has written four international bestselling thrillers: Midas, Gideon, Icarus, and Aphrodite. When using his real name, he is an editor, a screenwriter, a producer, a novelist, and the author of three bestselling nonfiction books: The Cat Who Went to Paris, A Cat Abroad, and The Cat Who'll Live Forever. He divides his time among homes in New York City and Sag Harbor, New York, and Sicily. Peter Gethersis the biggest name in publishing you've never heard of, with not just one career but four. Or maybe five. As editor-at-large for Random House, hes presided over big-name books: Stephen Sondheim, Harry Belafonte, and Barbara Walters of late, a bio of Graham Nash next month. He's written thrillers along with best-selling accounts of Norton, his late, lamented cat. Last year he co-wrote and co-produced the ongoing, off-Broadway hit Old Jews Telling Jokes. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Handler Size N/A Category Fiction | Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 01. The Man Who Died Laughing:01. The Man Who Died Laughing: Stewart Hoag’s first novel made him the toast of New York. Everyone in Manhattan wanted to be his friend, and he traveled the cocktail circuit supported by Merilee, his wife, and Lulu, his basset hound. But when writer’s block sunk his second novel, his friends, money, and wife all disappeared. Only Lulu stuck by him. The only opportunity left is ghostwriting—an undignified profession that still beats dental school. His first client is Sonny Day, an aging comic who was the king of slapstick three decades ago. Since he and his partner had a falling out in the late 1950s, Day has grown embittered and poor, until the only thing left for him to do is write a memoir. Hoagy and Lulu fly to Hollywood expecting a few months of sunshine and easy living. Instead they find Day’s corpse, and a murder rap with Hoagy’s name on it. 02.The Man Who Lived by Night:02.The Man Who Lived by Night: From the first time they played on the Ed Sullivan Show, Us was the hottest band on earth. For more than a decade, the group tore through the charts and indulged in an endless cycle of drugs, women, and violence, until two musicians died—the drummer by drugs, the guitarist by a crazed gunman. Once the band was finished, lead singer Tristam Scarr retreated to the English countryside, hiding from the world until the day he hires an American to ghostwrite his memoirs. Stewart Hoag arrives in London in the company of Lulu, his ever-hungry basset hound, to find the rock idol of his youth reduced to a wheezing, frail fortysomething. The first thing Starr tells him is that their drummer never overdosed—he was murdered. And as their interviews progress, Hoagy learns that working for a rock star is almost as dangerous as being one. 03.The Man Who Would Be F. Scott Fitzgerald:03.The Man Who Would Be F. Scott Fitzgerald: Stewart Hoag knows how quickly fame can fade. The same critics who adored his first novel used his second for target practice, ending his literary career once and for all. To keep his basset hound fed, Hoagy ghostwrites memoirs for the rich, famous, and self-destructive. His newest subject reminds him all too much of himself. By the age of twenty, Cam Noyes is already being hailed as the next F. Scott Fitzgerald. Though he’s only published one book, Cam runs with the big boys: dating artists, trashing restaurants, and ending every night in a haze of tequila and cocaine. So glamorous is his lifestyle that he’s having trouble starting his second novel, forcing his agent to hire Hoagy to get the little genius working on a memoir instead. As Hoagy digs into the kid’s life story, he learns that New York publishing is even more cutthroat than he thought. 04. The Woman Who Fell from Grace:04. The Woman Who Fell from Grace: Few American novels are as beloved as Alma Glaze’s Revolutionary War epic, Oh, Shenandoah. Although Glaze died before she could write a sequel, she left behind an outline for one, along with instructions that it not be written until fifty years after her death. The deadline has passed, and the American public clamors for the long-promised Sweet Land of Liberty. Only one thing stands in its way: Glaze’s heirs. Her daughter, socialite Mavis Glaze, is writing the novel under guidance from her mother, who she claims has been appearing in her dreams. As Mavis’s writing spirals farther into madness, her brothers hire Stewart Hoag, a ghostwriter famous for dealing with troublesome celebrities. When he arrives at the family’s Virginia manor, he finds that Alma’s is not the only unsettled spirit. Blood was spilt for Oh, Shenandoah, and more will die before the sequel hits the bestseller list. 05.The Boy Who Never Grew Up:05.The Boy Who Never Grew Up: In Matthew Wax’s films, politicians are honest, parents are respected, and nice guys finish first. Wax has been Hollywood’s most beloved director for decades, and his personal life seemed as squeaky-clean as the world of his films. But when he and his wife, leading lady Pennyroyal Brim, file for divorce, the mud starts to fly. She accuses him of bedroom tyranny, sexual perversion, and every stripe of abuse. When she announces a tell-all memoir, Wax fires back the only way he can. He calls Stewart Hoag, ghostwriter to the stars. To tell Wax’s side of the story, Hoagy and his basset hound Lulu have to get closer to the boy wonder than anyone ever has. The true story of the man behind America’s most family-friendly films is even darker than the press suspects, and people will die to keep it hidden from view. 06. The Man Who Cancelled Himself:06. The Man Who Cancelled Himself: Lyle Hednut, known to America as Uncle Chubby, has been the top draw in television comedy for three seasons straight. He is three hundred pounds of good humor and wholesome charm, beloved by children and adults alike until the day the police find him enjoying the show at the wrong kind of movie theater in Times Square. The arrest destroys his image, but his sitcom is too popular for the network to shut down. About to start production on the fourth season, he decides to tell his side of the story, and hires Stewart Hoag—failed novelist and ghostwriter for the disgraced—to do the writing. Hoagy quickly sees that Uncle Chubby’s cheer is no more than an act. The comedy icon is thin-skinned, irrational, and prone to rage. With a man like that in charge of a TV show, it won’t be long before comedy violence turns into the real thing. 07. Girl Who Ran Off With Daddy:07. Girl Who Ran Off With Daddy: Stewart Hoag has quit ghostwriting. Living in Connecticut with his ex-wife, Hoagy works on a novel and tends to Tracy, his brand-new daughter, who’s more beautiful than anything he’s ever written and only took nine months to make. Life is peaceful, until Thor Gibbs arrives to tear it apart. An unapologetically swaggering author, Thor is past seventy but still looks like the brash young man who befriended an aging Hemingway and inspired the first of the Beat poets. Once he was Hoagy’s mentor, but now he needs his help. Thor is in the middle of a tryst with his eighteen-year-old stepdaughter, and every newspaper, lawyer, and cop in the country wants him strung up from the highest tree. He hires Hoagy to help the beautiful young woman tell their side of the story. But trouble is following the controversial couple, and death is about to visit the cottage. 08. The Man Who Loved Women to Death:08. The Man Who Loved Women to Death: The author calls himself the Answer Man. He introduces himself to Stewart Hoag—onetime literary darling of the New York scene—with a letter begging for help with his first novel. Hoagy usually ignores such requests, but the Answer Man’s sample chapter grabs his attention. It is a chilling, first-person story about a man who picks up a girl in a pet shop, takes her home, and savagely murders her. The imagery is clear, the prose strong, and the storytelling as truthful as though the author had actually lived it. When he opens the next morning’s paper, Hoagy realizes he was reading nonfiction. A young pet shop employee has been bludgeoned to death, and the crime’s details match those in the manuscript. As the Answer Man keeps killing, he continues writing letters asking Hoagy to collaborate with him. If Hoagy can’t stop him soon, he may find himself starring in the book’s next chapter. 09. The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes09. The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes Once upon a time, Hoagy had it all: a hugely successful debut novel, a gorgeous celebrity wife, the glamorous world of New York City at his feet. These days, he scrapes by as a celebrity ghostwriter. A celebrity ghostwriter who finds himself investigating murders more often than he'd like. And once upon a time, Richard Aintree was the most famous writer in America — high school students across the country read his one and only novel, a modern classic on par with The Catcher in the Rye. But after his wife's death, Richard went into mourning... and then into hiding. No one has heard from him in twenty years. Until now. Richard Aintree — or someone pretending to be Richard Aintree — has at last reached out to his two estranged daughters. Monette is a Martha Stewart-style lifestyle queen whose empire is crumbling; and once upon a time, Reggie was the love of Hoagy's life. Both sisters have received mysterious typewritten letters from their father. —Hoagy is already on the case, having been hired to ghostwrite a tell-all book about the troubled Aintree family. But no sooner does he set up shop in the pool house of Monette's Los Angeles mansion than murder strikes. With Lulu at his side — or more often cowering in his shadow — it's up to Hoagy to unravel the mystery, catch the killer, and pour himself that perfect single-malt Scotch... before it's too late. 10. The Man Who Couldn't Miss10. The Man Who Couldn't Miss Stewart "Hoagy" Hoag and his beloved basset hound, Lulu, investigate a murder in a fabled Connecticut summer playhouse. Hollywood ghostwriter Stewart "Hoagy" Hoag has chronicled the rise, fall, and triumphant return of many a celebrity. At last he's enjoying his own, very welcome second act. After hitting a creative slump following the success of his debut novel, Hoagy has found inspiration again. Ensconced with his faithful but cowardly basset hound, Lulu, on a Connecticut farm belonging to his ex-wife, Oscar-winning actress Merilee Nash, he's busy working on a new novel. He's even holding out hope that he and Merilee might get together again. Life is simple and fulfilling—which of course means it's time for complications to set in.... When the police call to ask if he knows the whereabouts of a man named R.J. Romero, Hoagy learns of a dark secret from his ex-wife's past. It's already a stressful time for Merilee, who's directing a gala benefit production of Private Lives to rescue the famed but dilapidated Sherbourne Playhouse, where the likes of Katherine Hepburn, Marlon Brando and Merilee herself made their professional stage debuts. Her reputation, as well as the playhouse's future, is at stake. 12. The Man Who Wasn't All There12. The Man Who Wasn't All There After six glorious weeks of hard work on his long-overdue second novel, celebrity-ghostwriter Stewart "Hoagy" Hoag has hit a crossroads in his plot. He thinks a change of scenery will do him good - and he knows just the place. His ex-wife, the actress Merilee Nash, has offered him the use of her idyllic Connecticut farmhouse, while she's away shooting a movie in Budapest. Hoagy and his beloved basset hound Lulu settle in for a few days' rest and relaxation. Hoagy expects fall splendor, long walks and crisp night air. He doesn't expect Merilee's eccentric, unwelcoming neighbor. Austin Talmadge warns Hoagy not to get on his bad side, but what harm can a country oddball like Austin do? Quite a lot, it turns out. All Hoagy wants to do is relax and clear his head, but soon he's caught up in a strange, complex mystery - and he'll need all his wits about him, and Lulu's unerring nose, if he's to come out of this one alive . . . 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/57xcVQ1HX3D5 https://devuploads.com/jbztyv3oj7e6
Building AI-Powered Products by Marily Nika (.ePUB)
📮 Building AI-Powered Products by Marily Nika (.ePUB) Drawing from her experience at Google and Meta, Dr. Marily Nika delivers the definitive guide for product managers building AI and GenAI powered products. Packed with smart strategies, actionable tools, and real-world examples, this book breaks down the complex world of AI agents and generative AI products into a playbook for driving innovation to help product leaders bridge the gap between niche AI and GenAI technologies and user pain points. Whether you're already leading product teams or are an aspiring product manager, and regardless of your prior knowledge with AI, this guide will empower you to confidently navigate every stage of the AI product lifecycle. Confidently manage AI product development with tools, frameworks, strategic insights, and real-world examples from Google, Meta, OpenAI, and more. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Marily Nika Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/lK65Y7wJWiSa https://devuploads.com/8gor6qdtoyyw
Learning LangChain (Final Release) by Mayo Oshin (.ePUB)+
📮 Learning LangChain (Final Release) by Mayo Oshin (.ePUB)+ If you're looking to build production-ready AI applications that can reason and retrieve external data for context-awareness, you'll need to master LangChain—a popular development framework and platform for building, running, and managing agentic applications. LangChain is used by several leading companies, including Zapier, Replit, Databricks, and many more. This guide is an indispensable resource for developers who understand Python or JavaScript but are beginners eager to harness the power of AI. Authors Mayo Oshin and Nuno Campos demystify the use of LangChain through practical insights and in-depth tutorials. Starting with basic concepts, this book shows you step-by-step how to build a production-ready AI agent that uses your data. LangChain was one of the earliest open source libraries to provide LLM and prompting building blocks and the tooling to reliably combine them into larger applications. It has enabled software engineers who don’t have an ML background to utilize the power of LLMs to build a variety of apps, ranging from AI chatbots to AI agents that can reason and take action responsibly. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mayo Oshin Size 12.2MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/gTMlEyf3gcSG https://devuploads.com/ccv6k8dco6kc
The Soviet Union at War 1941-1945 by David Stone (.ePUB)
📮 The Soviet Union at War 1941-1945 by David Stone (.ePUB) Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 precipitated a massive clash of arms that gave rise to destruction and suffering on an unprecedented scale. The outcome of this ruthless struggle on the Eastern Front was decisive for the course of the war in Europe. Yet the campaigns fought there still receive less attention than those fought by the Western Allies, and are less well understood. That is why this new survey of the Soviet Union during the Second World War, edited by David R. Stone, is so timely and significant. Stone has brought together a distinguished group of experts who give a penetrating reassessment of the Soviet war effort and economy. They offer a telling insight into the way in which enormous obstacles were overcome - and sacrifices were made - in order to achieve an overwhelming victory that changed the shape of Europe. Their wide-ranging analysis seeks to dispel myths and misperceptions that have distorted our understanding of the performance of the Red Army and the Soviet people. Editor David R. Stone is professor of history at Kansas State University. He is a leading authority on the military and political history of the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s. As well as writing numerous journal articles, he is the author of two major studies: A Military History of Russia: From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya and Hammer and Rifle: The Militarization of the Soviet Union 1926-1933. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Stone Size 7.0MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/FVaSwXGAPrWS https://devuploads.com/tr86p745bd3r
Nature Crafts for Children by Clare Youngs (.ePUB)
📮 Nature Crafts for Children by Clare Youngs (.ePUB) Keep your kids’ boredom at bay with 35 environmentally-friendly ideas they’ll love to make. Designed with the environment in mind, this brilliant collection of craft projects will keep kids entertained for hours. It features decorations, toys, jewelry, gifts, and more, every one of them incorporating natural materials—woodland folk are created from pine cones and seed pods, a length of bark is the base for an animal painting, and a piece of slate is transformed into a pretty brooch or badge. The fun ideas range from bark rubbings for budding artists to herb head flowerpots for junior gardeners and are sure to give kids the creative bug. Best of all, finding the project materials encourages kids to get outside! They can gather shells on the beach to make the shell mice, or collect leaves and twigs on a countryside walk to make a printed fox wall hanging. Even their own backyard will become an exciting source of crafty materials. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Clare Youngs Size 44MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/UvJeLP9Rlney https://devuploads.com/yvf5togvtsks
Moving Between Worlds by Andrea Olsen (.ePUB)
📮 Moving Between Worlds by Andrea Olsen (.ePUB) Daily explorations to enhance embodied communication Communication is a fundamental human activity, and as much as 90% of all communication is non-verbal. Yet awareness of embodied intelligence in communication is rare. This book is the fourth in a series by interdisciplinary educator Andrea Olsen focused on embodiment. Through the exercises and readings in this book, we can deepen our relationship to ourselves and others and improve our communication skills, moving between worlds: inner and outer; self and other; self and Earth. Each of the thirty-one chapters combines factual information, personal anecdotes, and somatic excursions, inviting the reader to explore multiple learning styles and lenses for finding balance in a more-than-human world. This guidebook is a valuable resource for anyone seeking practical tools for living and communicating with more ease and clarity. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Andrea Olsen Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/mUzhcLZG5Uqg https://devuploads.com/gr4mfi2uq4zj
Delete the Adjective by Lisa Jaster (.ePUB)
📮 Delete the Adjective by Lisa Jaster (.ePUB) When you delete your adjectives, who are you? Most people limit themselves to their labels. They embrace barriers based on the box that society puts them in. But your adjectives aren’t your destiny. In Delete the Adjective: A Soldier’s Adventures in Ranger School, Lisa Jaster proves your merit should always trump your labels. Lisa didn’t confine herself to the adjectives of “middle-aged” or “female.” Instead, she became one of the first three women to graduate from the United States Army Ranger program. For those six months in the program, her adjectives didn’t matter. What mattered was that she slept on the same forest ground as her peers (typically twenty-three-year-old men on active duty). She ran the same mock missions and battle drills. She demonstrated the fortitude of a Ranger. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lisa Jaster Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/um3vVA7rSAON https://devuploads.com/ztek20fsc8nr
The 1965 Palm Sunday Tornadoes in Indiana by Janis Thornton (.ePUB)
📮 The 1965 Palm Sunday Tornadoes in Indiana by Janis Thornton (.ePUB) Author Janis Thornton reveals the stories of a day in Indiana like no other. Palm Sunday 1965 started as the nicest day of the year, the kind of weather that encouraged Hoosiers to get out in the sun, fire up the grill, hit the golf course, or roll down their car windows and take a leisurely drive. That evening, however, throughout northern and central Indiana, the sky turned an ominous black, and storms moved in, quickly manifesting as Indiana's worst tornado outbreak. Within three hours, twisters, some a half-mile wide, ripped through seventeen counties, devastating communities and leaving death and destruction in their wake. When the tornadoes were finished with Indiana, 137 people were dead, hundreds were injured, and thousands more were forever changed. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Janis Thornton Size 5.8MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Pf1NTqRLqMc3 https://devuploads.com/9axjzegjvbgd
Anatomy for Artists by Barrington Barber (.ePUB)
📮 Anatomy for Artists by Barrington Barber (.ePUB) Drawing the human figure with confidence and skill is perhaps the biggest challenge faced by artists, yet the most rewarding when it is achieved. In Anatomy for Artists, best-selling author and artist Barrington Barber provides clear annotated diagrams of every part of the human body useful to the artist, showing bone structure, musculature and surface views. Throughout the book he gives practical advice, gained from years of experience, on how to apply your new-found knowledge to the drawing of live models. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Barrington Barber Size 43.8MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/DhChDAkPsVpV https://devuploads.com/o64u0c20vf6y
The Pacific War by William B. Hopkins (.ePUB)
📮 The Pacific War by William B. Hopkins (.ePUB) This book provides a fresh take on World War II in the Pacific that goes beyond the simple recounting of battles won and lost to synthesize the strategies, politics, and key players that shaped the conduct of the war. The author takes a regional approach to this multifaceted, often nonlinear war conducted on land, sea (and significantly by America undersea), and in the air across the immense reaches of the Pacific to effectively develop the major themes and causes of the battles. ♻️ Book's Info: Author William B. Hopkins Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/9DnvkNi6Mlzo https://devuploads.com/palugbsye2ur
Stripes by Veera Välimäki (.PDF)
📮 Stripes by Veera Välimäki (.PDF) For years, Veera Välimäki has been fascinated by playing with colours and textures – and striping with them! In Stripes, she encourages you to start your own journey into the world of stripes. This collection features 20 knitting patterns, including sweaters, cardigans and shawls as well as a relaxed dress, a beanie and your new favourite pair of socks. Both the book and its knits are an ode to contemporary knitwear, exuding a sense of quiet, timeless confidence. Veera Välimäki is one of the leading knitwear designers in the world. Her designs are known for their simple, clean lines with modern details. Veera lives and works in a small village in Southern Finland surrounded by forests, fields and lakes. Since 2014, Veera has worked on the popular book series, Interpretations, together with Joji Locatelli (published by Pom Pom Press). Stripes is her third hardback book. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Veera Välimäki Size 38MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/tedFBhyYXHCZ https://devuploads.com/86w4are8dkjy