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Legendary Reader
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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 They Called Me a Lioness by Ahed Tamimi, Dena Takruri (.ePUB) “What would you do if you grew up seeing your home repeatedly raided? Your parents arrested? Your mother shot? Your uncle killed? Try, for just a moment, to imagine that this was your life. How would you want the world to react?” Ahed Tamimi is a world-renowned Palestinian activist, born and raised in the small West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, which became a center of the resistance to Israeli occupation when an illegal, Jewish-only settlement blocked off its community spring. Tamimi came of age participating in nonviolent demonstrations against this action and the occupation at large. Her global renown reached an apex in December 2017, when, at sixteen years old, she was filmed slapping an Israeli soldier who refused to leave her front yard. The video went viral, and Tamimi was arrested. But this is not just a story of activism or imprisonment. It is the human-scale story of an occupation that has riveted the world and shaped global politics, from a girl who grew up in the middle of it . Tamimi’s father was born in 1967, the year that Israel began its occupation of the West Bank and he grew up immersed in the resistance movement. One of Tamimi’s earliest memories is visiting him in prison, poking her toddler fingers through the fence to touch his hand. She herself would spend her seventeenth birthday behind bars. Living through this greatest test and heightened attacks on her village, Tamimi felt her resolve only deepen, in tension with her attempts to live the normal life of a daughter, sibling, friend, and student. An essential addition to an important conversation, They Called Me a Lioness shows us what is at stake in this struggle and offers a fresh vision for resistance. With their unflinching, riveting storytelling, Ahed Tamimi and Dena Takruri shine a light on the humanity not just in occupied Palestine but also in the unsung lives of people struggling for freedom around the world. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ahed Tamimi, Dena Takruri Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/GILctjc72ryf https://devuploads.com/z1iaoyc4pw0y
  2. 📮 Oliver Cromwell, 2nd Edition by Ian Gentles (.ePUB) This well-rounded study of Oliver Cromwell does equal justice to the public and private lives, political career, military abilities and passionate religiosity of a key figure in British History. Ian Gentles synthesizes much recent research into Cromwell's life, including his activity as a lay preacher, his patronage of the arts, and promotion of horse breeding. With analysis of fresh findings on Cromwell's pay as a soldier, his personal enrichment as general and lord protector, his little-known erotic side, and his generosity in the cause of international Protestantism, Gentles offers a truly comprehensive study of a central player in the English Civil War. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ian Gentles Size 7MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/9Ir06sjdRlxo https://devuploads.com/9jgi7hz2ymc0
  3. 📮 The Complete Guide to Nordic Walking: 2nd Ed. by Gill Stewart (.ePUB) A revised and updated second edition of the popular Complete Guide to Nordic Walking. Nordic walking, a specific technique for walking with poles that is far more effective in burning calories and whole-body toning than walking alone, is growing rapidly in the UK and worldwide. The Complete Guide to Nordic Walking: 2nd Edition will help you understand everything you need to know about Nordic walking whether you are a beginner, a more experienced Nordic walking enthusiast or a health and fitness professional. This updated guide expels all the myths and simply provides advice and information on how to Nordic walk, who with, where and most importantly why. Organised into clear sections to help you to find exactly what you are looking for, it is packed with tips, case studies, research, exercise plans and equipment advice. It is the complete manual for Nordic walkers of all levels. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Gill Stewart Size 124MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/pO6RW4xk7qyI https://devuploads.com/20rmuhqpo2pl
  4. 📮 I Have an Eating Disorder, Now What? by Kristi Lew (.ePUB) In a world steeped with media images of unrealistic bodies and new diet fads, many of those at highest risk for disordered eating don’t have access to accurate, straightforward information. This compelling guide to a variety of eating disorders—including anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and other lesser known ones such as pica and anorexia athletica—offers help: both in identifying anxious thoughts or habits about eating and seeking the appropriate, discrete help. A discussion of causes and consequences informs readers that while disordered eating is not their fault, they can—and must—overcome it. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Kristi Lew Size 7MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/lAkvaLi8UVeU https://devuploads.com/imv71san2hg4
  5. 📮 The Caveman Way to Get Healthy-Er by David Kolbaba (.ePUB) The Caveman Way to Get Healthy-er is an invitation to rediscover health through the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. Near Lake Superior, a fisherman reels in a Neanderthal encased in ice. Frozen alive, the Neanderthal thaws overnight as his rescuer sleeps. The fisherman wakes to a mammoth dilemma: how does one take care of this primitive human ancestor? Conversely, the Neanderthal is baffled by his human descendant's ignorance of basic survival skills, like eating, moving, and resting. The scenario begs the question: who is truly more primitive? This resource embarks on a light-hearted journey exploring 15 simple and effective natural health practices that can jump-start the healing process for a range of conditions, including obesity, diabetes, addiction, and cancer. Advocating for a return to more natural self-care methods, The Caveman Way to Get Healthy-er illuminates the body's internal processes to reveal why these care instructions make so much sense. Created for those whose health improvements have been stalled by time, energy, or financial constraints, this guidebook activates the "can do" part of one's brain, ensuring that meaningful progress is within reach. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Kolbaba Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ByqE54ER9MnL https://devuploads.com/m2fih5e30n6h
  6. 📮 Boots on the Ground by Leigh Neville (.ePUB) Written by a renowned expert in modern conflicts, this fully illustrated book provides an examination of ground warfare over the past 20 years and looks ahead to the future. Using lessons drawn from recent history including the war in Ukraine, Boots on the Ground offers a fascinating insight into how armies and battlefields of the future will look. Each chapter details one key aspect of modern ground warfare, expertly assessing the technologies and tactics in use at the sharp end. From artillery, nicknamed the "God of War," to combat engineering, to the so-called "battlefield taxis" or Infantry Fighting Vehicles, each chapter is packed full of detail and unpublished photographs. Boots on the Ground also reveals the increasing importance of the "Grey Zone" and how cyber operations will have a direct impact on operations. This has been evident in Ukraine where cities have been attacked by Russian drones and Ukrainian forces sank a Russian ship in the Black Sea using a Bayraktar drone. But a case is also made for the continued importance of the infantry, showing how technology can only do so much and only then if in the hands of well-trained boots on the ground. Including case studies from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine, and unrivalled access to serving Special Ops teams, Leigh Neville also offers an assessment of NATO armies and special forces and how prepared they are for possible operations against the evolving threats of Iran, Russia or even China. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Leigh Neville Size 134MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/wQJW0swYPzfF https://devuploads.com/npuhafl3b2i6
  7. 📮 Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom by Norman G. Finkelstein (.ePUB) The Gaza Strip is among the most densely populated places in the world. More than two-thirds of its inhabitants are refugees, and more than half are under eighteen years of age. Since 2004, Israel has launched eight devastating “operations” against Gaza’s largely defenseless population. Thousands have perished, and tens of thousands have been left homeless. In the meantime, Israel has subjected Gaza to a merciless illegal blockade. What has befallen Gaza is a man-made humanitarian disaster. Based on scores of human rights reports, Norman G. Finkelstein's new book presents a meticulously researched inquest into Gaza’s martyrdom. He shows that although Israel has justified its assaults in the name of self-defense, in fact these actions constituted flagrant violations of international law. But Finkelstein also documents that the guardians of international law—from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to the UN Human Rights Council—ultimately failed Gaza. One of his most disturbing conclusions is that, after Judge Richard Goldstone's humiliating retraction of his UN report, human rights organizations succumbed to the Israeli juggernaut. Finkelstein’s magnum opus is both a monument to Gaza’s martyrs and an act of resistance against the forgetfulness of history. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Norman G. Finkelstein Size 7.78MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB "In its comprehensive sweep, deep probing and acute critical analysis, Finkelstein's study stands alone."—Noam Chomsky"No one who ventures an opinion on Gaza . . . is entitled to do so without taking into account the evidence in this book."—The Intercept"In its comprehensive sweep, deep probing and acute critical analysis, Finkelstein's study stands alone."—Noam Chomsky "No one who ventures an opinion on Gaza . . . is entitled to do so without taking into account the evidence in this book." —The Intercept 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vrHNYdyYRcaA https://devuploads.com/vzbw4ovkungz
  8. 📮 Sweet Treats with Bonne Maman by Ilona Chovancova (.ePUB) Sweet Treats with Bonne Maman celebrates this iconic brand with a selection of delicious bakes to make and share! Founded in 1971, Bonne Maman has become an instantly recognisable institution. With products available in 125 different countries, it remains a top-selling preserves brand across the World and has become synonymous with being a quality product, available to all. This book brings together a selection of Bonne Maman's most delicious treats, including bakes such as marble cake, banana bread, madeleines, cookies, linzer biscuits, shortbreads and double chocolate muffins…perfect for snacks and to share with family and friends! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ilona Chovancova Size 8MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dHmtYcLwdjSd https://devuploads.com/fpectcnb5lv8
  9. 📮 "To His Coy Mistress" and Other Poems by Andrew Marvell (.ePUB) One of the greatest of the metaphysical poets, Andrew Marvell (1621–78) was also among the most eclectic. His lyrics, love poems, satires, and religious and political verse display a remarkable range of styles and ideas that make him one of the most interesting and rewarding poets to study. In addition to their complexity and intellectual rigor, Marvell's poems abound in captivating language and imagery. This collection includes such masterpieces as "To His Coy Mistress," "The Definition of Love," "The Garden," "The Coronet," "A Dialogue Between the Soul and the Body," "On a Drop of Dew," "An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland," "Upon Appleton House," and many others. Ideal for use in English literature courses, high school to college, this volume will appeal to poetry lovers everywhere. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Andrew Marvell Size 1.25MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ZtMTieXWVZg6 https://devuploads.com/dmgkfiys2ozq
  10. 📮 Post-Work by Helen Hester, Will Stronge (.ePUB) What does the future hold for work in our new age of crisis? How do we make sure that the uncertain future into which we are heading is heavenly and not hellish? How can we take the pleasures of work with us and eliminate the pains? The answer: we need a post-work vision. Questioning the received wisdom that work is good for you, that you are what you do and that 'any job is a good job', Post-work offers a new challenge to the work-centred society. This timely book provides a vital introduction to the post-work debate - one of the most exciting political and theoretical currents of recent years. It explores not only what the future of work will be like, but more importantly what the future of work should be like. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Helen Hester, Will Stronge Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/uHsgSvpMCJs4 https://devuploads.com/tr8p3d3oudiz
  11. 📮 The Far Edges of the Known World by Owen Rees (.ePUB) A tour of those farflung places where Romans rarely dared to venture' The Times'This is the book for expanding your ancient history horizon' Tristan Hughes, host of 'The Ancients' podcastWhat was it like to live on the edges of ancient empires, at the boundaries of the known world? When Ovid was exiled from Rome to a border town on the Black Sea, he despaired at his new bleak and barbarous surroundings. Like many Greeks and Romans, Ovid thought the outer reaches of his world was where civilisation ceased to exist. Our fascination with the Greek and Roman world, and the abundance of writing that we have from it, means that we usually explore the ancient world from this perspective too. Was Ovid's exile really as bad as he claimed? What was it truly like to live on the edges of these empires, on the boundaries of the known world?Thanks to archaeological excavations, we now know that the borders of the empires we consider the 'heart' of civilisation were in fact thriving, vibrant cultures - just not ones we might expect. This is where the boundaries of 'civilised' and 'barbarians' began to dissipate; where the rules didn't always apply; where normally juxtaposed cultures intermarried; and where nomadic tribes built their own cities.Taking us along the sandy caravan routes of Morocco to the freezing winters of the northern Black Sea, from Co-Loa in the Red River valley of Vietnam to the rain-lashed forts south of Hadrian's Wall, Owen Rees explores the powerful empires and diverse peoples in Europe, Asia and Africa beyond the reaches of Greece and Rome. In doing so, he offers us a new, brilliantly rich lens with which to understand the ancient world. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Owen Rees Size 70MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/HnDxDJfLXYTZ https://devuploads.com/kh5xuikguyfo
  12. 📮 UK and Ireland Circumnavigator's 3rd Edition by Sam Steele (.ePUB) An indispensable planning manual for all sailors and motorboaters yearning to cruise home waters. Sailing around Britain and Ireland may be a challenge that requires a great deal of preparation, but it is an extremely rewarding experience without taking you too far from home. The coastline is beautiful and it doesn't require extended time off work to embark on an adventure. This planning bible offers practical insights into every aspect of circumnavigating, covering: when to leave, choosing direction of travel, what charts and equipment are needed, how much it is likely to cost, possible routes (via canals or 'the long way'), likely pitfalls during the journey, and the types of running maintenance that might be required. Experienced offshore sailor Sam Steele includes 'ten of the best' castle anchorages, wildlife encounters, picturesque marinas and many more suggestions to help boaters make the most of their trip. Packed full of maps and photos, this revised third edition provides up to date information on local facilities and marinas, finances, safety and navigation. It also includes a new chapter on greener circumnavigation, with advice on how to achieve a lighter footprint for your cruise. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sam Steele Size 168MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/KOjBaamqSQDb https://devuploads.com/ewywg5wjn1l9
  13. 📮 Twisted: Wire Jewellery Techniques & Projects by Nadja Shields (.ePUB) A beautifully illustrated step-by-step guide to twisting, weaving and wrapping wire jewellery. In Twisted, wire artist Nadja Shields encourages you to twist, wrap and weave your way to a treasure trove of stunning jewellery. Featuring 15 step-by-step projects, you can use copper, steel, silver or even gold wire and embellish your pieces with sparkling gems or beads. Before embarking on your first project, discover the techniques used for various weaves, information on tools and materials, details on creating and assembling components, and options for setting gems and beads. After gaining a grasp of the basics, delve into projects ranging from beginner through to advanced, such as simple butterfly earrings, a beaded cuff bracelet and a complex bejewelled pendant. By the time you have completed the last project, you will have all the skills and techniques you need to become a confident and skilled wire artist, from the first twist to the final polish. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Nadja Shields Size 83MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/nsn1Zf81kDPx https://devuploads.com/qy3tucgbebd4
  14. 📮 A History of Philosophy by Anthony Carroll (.ePUB) A history of philosophy from the origins of reason in Ancient Greece to the most influential philosophers working today, this long-awaited single volume companion to Frederick Copleston's historic 11-volume series is a must-have for any aspiring philosopher. Frederick Copleston's 11-volume A History of Philosophy has been the go-to reference for philosophers and students for decades. It is universally recognized as a classic and sits on the shelf of countless leading thinkers today. This companion to Copleston's landmark work contains clear and succinct analyses of the major events and texts in philosophy, exploring the foundational principles and ideals that drove the development of Western thought. It grapples with the sometimes complex views and teachings of the greatest minds in philosophy, explaining their work with clarity and elegance. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Anthony Carroll Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/bAqnzp4J8JfY https://devuploads.com/57j13tnv5bum
  15. 📮 Detailing Worlds by Eric Bellin (.ePUB) In the 21st century, the word "detail" appears constantly in discussions of building, and we use it in many different ways-yet just over 250 years ago, "detail" meant nothing at all particular to the work of architects, engineers, or builders. Detailing Worlds is the first book to examine the origins and evolution of "detail" as a concept with meanings specific to practices of building. By exploring how past meanings and roles were ascribed to detail in different "worlds of practice"-those of academics, technicians, students, engineers, and architects- Detailing Worlds looks to the future, illuminating the ways disciplinary knowledge and the concepts on which it is based evolve and change over time. It is a story about how such concepts are slowly but constantly reconceived, redefined, and transformed by individuals as they interact with one another, and how this process is shaped by the ever-changing sociocultural and technological dimensions of the world around us. Richly illustrated with more than 200 images, including figures from rare texts, archival student drawings, and practitioners' construction documents from the 18th through 20th centuries, Detailing Worlds ventures to tell the history of a disciplinary-specific idea and offer insights about how we think and speak about the practice of building today. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eric Bellin Size 33MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/DhgLjWvSBqFY https://devuploads.com/sst40t988k5n
  16. 📮 Ancient Plant Wisdom by Jennifer O’Brien Payeur (.ePUB) Explores the lifestyle of indigenous peoples of the world who exist in complete harmony with the natural world and with each other. • Reveals a model of a society built on trust, patience, and joy rather than anxiety, hurry, and acquisition. • Shows how we can reconnect with the ancient intuitive awareness of the world's original people. Deep in the mountainous jungle of Malaysia the aboriginal Sng'oi exist on the edge of extinction, though their way of living may ultimately be the kind of existence that will allow us all to survive. The Sng'oi–pre-industrial, pre-agricultural, semi-nomadic–live without cars or cell phones, without clocks or schedules in a lush green place where worry and hurry, competition and suspicion are not known. Yet these indigenous people–as do many other aboriginal groups–possess an acute and uncanny sense of the energies, emotions, and intentions of their place and the living beings who populate it, and trustingly follow this intuition, using it to make decisions about their actions each day. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jennifer O’Brien Payeur Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0kPCNiP0oDI5 https://devuploads.com/2zpt73auyqsk
  17. 📮 The Last Eternal Series (Books 5 and 8) by Jacob Peppers (.ePUB) Jacob Peppers lives in Rome, Georgia with his wife, three children, and three dogs. Mostly, he lives in the basement as his wife has a habit of "accidentally" locking him in. Jacob is the author of the bestselling epic fantasy series, The Seven Virtues as well as The Nightfall Wars. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jacob Peppers Size 3.95MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB City of Steel and Shadow (The Last Eternal #5)City of Steel and Shadow (The Last Eternal #5) Death has a voice. The wanderer knew that, for he had heard that voice often enough. And as he walked through the village of Alhs, past the corpses of those who had chosen to stay, he heard it again. He heard it in the rasp of the wind along the eaves of the abandoned homes he passed, heard it in the slow, methodical banging of window shutters with no one to secure them. Death has eyes. Eyes that looked out from the corpses of those the wanderer had not been able to talk into coming with him and the others, that watched him walk down the empty street, searching in vain for any he might help, any he might save. And with each body passed, each tragedy witnessed, the wanderer made himself a promise. There would be a reckoning. He would see to it. For while death has a voice and eyes, that is not all it has. Death has a name. And so the wanderer sets out to Celes in order to find the ones to whom that name belongs, to find the enemy and, when he does, to find his vengeance. An Exile's Lament (The Last Eternal #8)An Exile's Lament (The Last Eternal #8) It marches with an army of thousands, an army that comes not to conquer but to destroy. Not to save but to kill. Monsters roam the shadowy alleyways of the city searching for those they might devour, and corrupt guardsmen wield their blades against those they are meant to protect. The wanderer has found new allies, ruthless criminals, a famous swordmaster, and a wizard of great power, yet even they may not be enough to face what comes. Assassin is dead but another, perhaps even greater threat has taken her place. An enemy who kills not with a sharpened blade but with a smile, with a whisper. Against such weapons, even the loyalty of those closest to the wanderer will be tested. Against such weapons, even the great may fall. Death comes to Celes… 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Wzih7vPvTDeQ https://devuploads.com/yr1fbdvecbyx
  18. 📮 The Fall of Selvandrea by Tim McKay (.ePUB) Remember the wolf. Remember what's out there in the dark. Valdaris was a middling artillery captain before his people fell to a conquering rival. Then he fell further still, snatched from the battlefield by a ruthless cult and cast into the depths of ultimate evil. Transformed by powers he can’t begin to understand, Valdaris seeks revenge on those who tried to destroy him. Instead, he’ll face monsters beyond his most terrifying nightmares. He joins with allies caught in the chaos of his war with evil, oblivious to his true nature and the darkness closing in on their world. Full of dragons, monsters, found family, magical weapons, intense duels, and epic battles, The Fall of Selvandrea follows a vigilante’s quest against malice, greed, and the shadow within. Heroes and villains join against the rising dark, and against a tyrant whose schemes may destroy them all. And from calamity’s ashes, a new power shall rise. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Tim Mckay Size 1.73MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/QgGAOC8yPkPP https://devuploads.com/8cmut664g81d
  19. 📮 Sons of Adakia by R.K. Lander (.ePUB) A betrayal born of revenge. An unlikely alliance. A realm on the brink of civil war. The fractured tribes of Adakia and the powerful Crown of Boscandia stand on the edge of chaos. With King Uwendo gone, Queen Duanib ascends to power, and shadows stir—an exiled Elderak who seeks retribution, wielding a force capable of annihilating all who stand in his way. Tarwenol Antadak returns with vengeance burning in his veins, bent on crushing those who banished him and seizing control of Boscandia. Amid the turmoil, Fel’annár and his slowly reforming Company find themselves in a desperate struggle. As hidden enemies conspire, Fel’annár’s evolving powers will prove more vital than ever. But secrets run deep in the House of Or’Talán, and the rise of the mysterious Sons of Adakia could tip the balance of power. But who are they? And what role will they play in the future destiny of Adakia? In this fast-paced sequel to The Silvan, R.K. Lander delivers a sweeping tale of political intrigue, unlikely alliances, and the unrelenting fight for justice. “Epic in scope, rich in political intrigue, and brimming with unforgettable characters, Sons of Adakia is an unmissable, action-packed continuation of the Silvan Outlands series.” ARC Reader. Genres: epic fantasy, high fantasy, sword and sorcery, military fantasy, action and adventure, progression fantasy, metaphysical and visionary fantasy, coming of age, elves and mythical creatures. ♻️ Book's Info: Author R.K. Lander Size 3.9MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dsEjmnzjsEYK https://devuploads.com/1wcj20tk62og
  20. 📮 First Contact by Albert Zhang (.ePUB) War comes suddenly in the far future, an enigmatic foe forcing humanity into a struggle for survival. The year is 2164. Humanity has slipped the surly bonds of its golden sun, and prospers as it finds a way across the stars. A new era of exploration dawns, its citizens asking the question eagerly: “Is there anyone out there?” Now, the answer comes suddenly and violently, a surprise attack on a peaceful colony. Deadly conflict, long forgotten by the governments of Man, makes itself known once more. New enemies emerge from the void: children of war, heirs to its terror and splendor. But this foe too has questions to answer, faced as it is with a civilization previously unimagined. An innocent colonist struggles to survive; a pilot must reckon with a new reality. A veteran soldier studies a peculiar enemy. Two leaders, alike in dignity, attempt to command their peoples. Through it all an ancient plan unfolds, the product of singular intent and repeated tragedy. Each shall find themselves cast into its machinations, be they agent, victim, or both. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Albert Zhang Size 1.70MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/3fvikTcsVV8b https://devuploads.com/krvdyyu3kuid
  21. 📮 The Several Lives of Chester Himes by Edward Margolies (.ePUB) A fascinating blend of hatred and tenderness, of hard-boiled realism and generous idealism colours the writings of Chester Himes. How did this gifted son of the respectable southern black family become a juvenile delinquent? How did he acquire self-esteem and a new sense of identity by writing short stories while in the Ohio state penitentiary? Chester Himes (1909-1984) had literary genius. Yet in his native country, he is recalled more as the author of successful detective novels (Cotton Comes to Harlem) than as a practitioner of the art of fiction. The genesis of his books is his own autobiography. In If He Hollers, Let Him Go and in the fratricidal shoot-out of his black detectives Grave Digger and Coffin Ed in Plan B he was an unsparing witness to our changing times. His painful experiences in American indelibly marked his fiction, which is filled with reflections on his difficult relationships, especially with women--his fair-complexioned mother, his African-American first wife Jean, his many white lovers, and finally his English wife Leslie. His career was beset by controversy, and he left America to live on the Left Bank in the colony of expatriates and as a colleague of Richard Wright. Eventually, he settled in Spain. Drawn from his letters, notebooks, memoirs, and his fiction, this straightforward account of Hime's varied, episodic life attempts to trace the origins of his significant literary gift. It details the socioeconomic, familial, and cultural background which fed his ambivalent views on race in America. Hime's Deep South childhood, his adolescence in the Midwest, his young manhood in prison (1928-1936), his years as a menial labourer, his struggles as an author in California and New York City, and finally his glory days as an expatriate and celebrity in France and Spain are plumbed deeply for their effects upon his works. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Edward Margolies Size 1.41MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Tvv9M0WhWFRF https://devuploads.com/6hgipy7leoml
  22. 📮 Wasting Talent by Ryan Leone (.ePUB) "...in this almost Grand Guignol style that invokes such surprisingly respected figures as Dennis Cooper, Hubert Selby, Chuck Palahniuk and early Poppy Z. Brite. (After all, if you're going to write a dark novel about drug addiction, why not make it literally The Darkest Novel Ever Written About Drug Addiction.)"- Chicago Center for Literature & Photography "William S. Burroughs once said, 'Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.' Ryan Leone, in his debut novel Wasting Talent proves this. Leone’s raw style and life experiences create a novel impossible to put down and equally impossible to forget. " - James Ward KirkHis music could have made Damien Cantwell the star of his generation.But living fast has its consequences, and Damien soon finds himself spiralling into a dark world full of unfettered debauchery and brutal violence.The horrors of drug addiction are painted in sharp, biting prose in this novel about throwing away everything and finding that some things are too precious to lose. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ryan Leone Size 0.36MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Wq2R6ppRD2F0 https://devuploads.com/yfr3inn8j5qe
  23. 📮 The Girls in the Stilt House by Kelly Mustian (.ePUB) Set in 1920s Mississippi, this debut Southern novel weaves a beautiful and harrowing story of two teenage girls cast in an unlikely partnership through murder—perfect for readers of Where the Crawdads Sing and If the Creek Don't Rise. Ada promised herself she would never go back to the Trace, to her hard life on the swamp and her harsh father. But now, after running away to Baton Rouge and briefly knowing a different kind of life, she finds herself with nowhere to go but back home. And she knows there will be a price to pay with her father. Matilda, daughter of a share-cropper, is from the other side of the Trace. Doing what she can to protect her family from the whims and demands of some particularly callous locals is an ongoing struggle. She forms a plan to go north, to pack up the secrets she's holding about her life in the South and hang them on the line for all to see in Ohio. As the two girls are drawn deeper into a dangerous world of bootleggers and moral corruption, they must come to terms with the complexities of their tenuous bond and a hidden past that links them in ways that could cost them their lives. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Kelly Mustian Size 2.63MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/CricPn1V7wOI https://devuploads.com/vbbz7bp66u06
  24. 📮 The Dark End of the Street by Jonathan Santlofer & S. J. Rozan (.ePUB) In one fast-paced story, a strong and aggravated man considers the pretty woman at the bar while he fingers the knife in his pocket. But what becomes of his prey when they move to the bedroom? In another tale, a man remembers the victim of a ghastly murder who visited the same hair salon as he does. And a Don Juan of a protagonist has a hobby of marrying vulnerable women, getting access to their bank accounts, and then robbing them blind. But there is much more to this collection than dark-haired vixens and crimes of passion. Some stories are brooding, some twisted; some bring righteous satisfaction, some linger in the back of your mind. What is truly on display is an impressive collection of literary talent: a group of some of the best writers we have, weaving fresh and memorable stories from a pair of classic themes. Taken as a whole, they are a rare treat for fans of great fiction, whether it's high literature, good old-fashioned suspense, or anything in between. Original black-and-white art by artist/author Jonathan Santlofer completes this innovative, exciting, and irresistibly intriguing book-a true literary gem. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jonathan Santlofer & S. J. Rozan Size 0.71MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/OMAcnSfWChgO https://devuploads.com/ejt8b16aej5v
  25. 📮 And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer by Fredrik Backman (.ePUB) With all the same charm of his bestselling full-length novels, here Fredrik Backman once again reveals his unrivaled understanding of human nature and deep compassion for people in difficult circumstances. This is a tiny gem with a message you’ll treasure for a lifetime. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Fredrik Backman Size 1.14MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/qyfUu2abVLFQ https://devuploads.com/ewwj56552zoi

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