Everything posted by JARVIS
That Fit Life by Jeremy B Goodman (.ePUB)
📮 That Fit Life by Jeremy B Goodman (.ePUB) Are you struggling to lose weight and looking for an effective method that will get you results? This book will show you how to live That Fit Life and how to transform your life, lose weight, and keep it off! Author Jeremy Goodman has a method that will help you become the best version of yourself. He is on a mission to help as many people as he can overcome weight loss struggles and help them reach their health and fitness goals. He has a deep passion for helping people and his personal experience and knowledge can help make a difference in your life. Jeremy's been where you're at. He lost over 100 pounds and has gone through a life-changing transformation using the principles in this book. He has the unique ability to bring out the best in others and help them reach their full potential. Now he is here to help you! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jeremy B Goodman Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/hllRPPOMj0PF https://devuploads.com/1s21pb9j7o8h
Bible Chronology Made Easy by Rose Publishing (.ePUB)
📮 Bible Chronology Made Easy by Rose Publishing (.ePUB) Did you know that the Bible has more than 1,100 chapters and 30,000 verses? It can be easy to get lost in all the people, places, and stories of the Bible. With Bible Chronology Made Easy you will discover where your favorite Bible stories fit within the larger story of God's Word. From Genesis to Revelation, all sixty-six books of the Bible are arranged chronologically in this pocket-sized handbook. See Bible characters and events in the order that they happened. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Rose Publishing Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/49JiWruiyUwe https://devuploads.com/crpujuxfhi3j
A Cook's Dictionary by Charles Sinclair (.PDF)
📮 A Cook's Dictionary by Charles Sinclair (.PDF) The Dictionary of Food is the indispensable companion for everyone who loves reading about food, or cooking it. We live in a globalised world, and our tastes in food have widened dramatically in recent years. The Dictionary of Food reflects this huge cultural shift. With concise descriptions of dishes, ingredients, equipment, and techniques, it brings the world's cuisines, familiar and less familiar, within our grasp. ' so interesting that it only stayed on my desk very briefly before it was taken away invaluable in anyone's kitchen and particularly useful for professional chefs.' - Caroline Waldegrave, Leiths School of Food and Wine ♻️ Book's Info: Author Charles Sinclair Size 15MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/KxDgzprHcRzR https://devuploads.com/q3a8ej1qfx52
The Ultimate Vegan Risotto Handbook by Gilbert C.A (.ePUB)
📮 The Ultimate Vegan Risotto Handbook by Gilbert C.A (.ePUB) Risotto is made up of starch, which is essentially a carbohydrate. This makes it very nourishing, as it is packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, as well as being easily digested.With a little bit of know-how, and some soothing, meditative stirring, a creamy, umami-rich risotto with perfectly cooked rice is guaranteed.This handbook will help you to master this classic dish and make the best plant-based risotto ever. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Gilbert C.A Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dq65rDaptvG1 https://devuploads.com/3r9bvmh8uss7
Pain: A Love Story by Serena Sterling (.ePUB)
📮 Pain: A Love Story by Serena Sterling (.ePUB) What do you do if you cannot find a solution to physical pain? When you're in pain, your first thought is to look for a physical cause. But what happens when all tests come back negative and every intervention tried doesn't work-where do you turn for an answer and relief? In Pain: A Love Story, Serena Sterling, PsyD explores how repressed emotions can manifest into physical and emotional pain, even acute and chronic illness. Dr. Sterling investigates the development of her own juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a physical response to the pressures placed on her by a high-performing family. Woven into her personal story are case studies, clients who have also developed painful symptoms that defy standard treatment. By understanding the uncovered thoughts, feelings, and beliefs they felt unsafe to have, many of these clients were able to identify their trapped emotions, which developed into pain, and heal. With vulnerability and honesty, Dr. Sterling explores why we repress our emotions, how our relationships can harm and heal us, and how being heard and seen is the most powerful antidote to pain. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Serena Sterling Size 775KB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/HNzYPSdJHNWZ https://devuploads.com/y1o6cjg1lrss
250 Bash Script Practices for Beginners by CloudMatrix s.r.o. (.ePUB)
📮 250 Bash Script Practices for Beginners by CloudMatrix s.r.o. (.ePUB) "250 Bash Script Practices for Beginners to Advanced Users" is the ultimate guide to mastering Bash scripting, catering to learners at all levels. This comprehensive book bridges the gap between novice and expert, offering a structured approach to understanding and implementing Bash scripts in real-world scenarios. Bash scripting is at the heart of Unix-based operating systems and powers some of the most critical tasks in the tech world. From managing servers to deploying applications, from parsing large data files to building automated workflows, Bash scripts can do it all. Despite its power, many learners struggle to find structured resources that cater to both foundational knowledge and advanced concepts. This book fills that gap by offering 250 carefully curated practices that cover real-world scenarios, step-by-step tutorials, and challenges to test your skills. Whether you're a complete beginner taking your first steps in scripting or an experienced professional looking to refine your skills, this book offers valuable insights and practical knowledge. IT professionals, developers, system administrators, and DevOps engineers will find this resource indispensable for automating tasks, optimizing workflows, and solving complex problems. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Cloudmatrix S.R.O. Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/GuGLGrfWqN1f https://devuploads.com/14g1urjoilul
Radio Moments: 50 Years of Radio by David Lloyd (.ePUB)
📮 Radio Moments: 50 Years of Radio by David Lloyd (.ePUB) In the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s Britain witnessed what many in the business saw as the second great age of radio. It was a period when FM radio blossomed and local stations opened and broadcast across the land. It was a step away from the output of the national broadcaster, the BBC, which had held a monopoly on the airways since its inception. Broadcaster, station manager and regulator for over forty years David Lloyd was very much a part of this revolution and is, amongst his peers, well placed to tell that story. Lloyd describes the period as one of innovation, his aim to create a timeline of radio of this era through to the present day, to capture those heady days, the characters, the fun and heartache, life on the air, life off the air. And to revisit those station launches, company consolidations, the successes and the failures. Told with the insight of an insider, with his characteristic wit and a huge dollop of nostalgia, David Lloyd brings to life a unique age in broadcasting in this fascinating account. David Lloyd has spent a lifetime in radio and has worked with some of the UK's biggest names. An award-winning broadcaster, he was part of the first wave of commercial radio in the 1980s. He later joined the Radio Authority, where he was given responsibility for overseeing compliance across the commercial radio industry. A Fellow of the Radio Academy, he has been MD and Programme Director of LBC, a programmer for Virgin Radio and a BBC manager and broadcaster. He was, until recently, Group Editorial Director at Orion Media. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Lloyd Size 1MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/i3akkP1z3r5t https://devuploads.com/35fhw1sy999k
Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin (.ePUB)
📮 Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin (.ePUB) Strobing lights and dark rooms; throbbing house and drag queens on counters; first kisses, last call: the gay bar has long been a place of solidarity and sexual expression—whatever your scene, whoever you’re seeking. But in urban centers around the world, they are closing, a cultural demolition that has Jeremy Atherton Lin wondering: What was the gay bar? How have they shaped him? And could this spell the end of gay identity as we know it? In Gay Bar, the author embarks upon a transatlantic tour of the hangouts that marked his life, with each club, pub, and dive revealing itself to be a palimpsest of queer history. In prose as exuberant as a hit of poppers and dazzling as a disco ball, he time-travels from Hollywood nights in the 1970s to a warren of cruising tunnels built beneath London in the 1770s; from chichi bars in the aftermath of AIDS to today’s fluid queer spaces; through glory holes, into Crisco-slicked dungeons and down San Francisco alleys. He charts police raids and riots, posing and passing out—and a chance encounter one restless night that would change his life forever. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jeremy Atherton Lin Size 14MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cXH2McQAZNUe https://devuploads.com/sh04vr2zsulk
California Apricots by Robin Chapman (.ePUB)
📮 California Apricots by Robin Chapman (.ePUB) Picked warm from a tree, a California apricot opens into halves as easily as if it came with a dotted line down its center. The seed infuses the core with a hint of almond; the fruit carries the scent of citrus and jasmine; and it tastes, some say, like manna from heaven. In these pages, Robin Chapman recalls the season when the Santa Clara Valley was the largest apricot producer in the world and recounts the stories of Silicon Valley's now lost orchards. From the Spaniards in the eighteenth century who first planted apricots in the Mission Santa Clara gardens to the post-World War II families who built their homes among subdivided orchards, relive the long summer days ripe with bumper crops of this much-anticipated delicacy. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Robin Chapman Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ANQLnRQdu6S1 https://devuploads.com/vdcqzpw3s10n
Black Dawn (Night World, 8) by L.J. Smith (.ePUB)
📮 Black Dawn (Night World, 8) by L.J. Smith (.ePUB) First he puts her in a dungeon. Then he realizes they are soulmates. Now he wants to make her a vampire princess. Maggie Neely is a short, spunky sixteen-year-old with auburn hair and an iron will. When her brother turns up missing, she's determined to find him. But she never suspects that the trail will lead her into the most secret heart of the Night World, a kingdom where no outsider has stepped in five hundred years... ♻️ Book's Info: Author L.J. Smith Size 6MB Category Fiction > Children/Young Adults File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/pMDWjcVKXWp6 https://devuploads.com/zyuckbt8aamk
Music Theory Secrets by Brent Coppenbarger (.ePUB)+
📮 Music Theory Secrets by Brent Coppenbarger (.ePUB)+ Modeled on the brilliant approach first formulated by distinguished professor of music and master clarinetist Michele Gingras in Clarinet Secrets and More Clarinet Secrets (both available from Rowman and Littlefield), Music Secrets is designed for instrumentalists, singers, conductors, composers, and other instructors and professionals seeking a quick set of pointers to improve their work as performers and producers of music. Easy to use, contributions to the Music Secrets series fill a niche for those who need quick and easy methods for learning what they need—from those just starting to the advanced musician in need of a refresher or new insights. Rhythms, melodies, and harmonies are the building blocks of music. In Music Theory Secrets: 94 Strategies for the Starting Musician, Brent Coppenbarger offers a full range of methods to help musicians, not only grasp, but remember those key elements upon which the music they play is built: pitch, rhythm, scales, key signatures, and harmony. With over eighteen years of experience teaching music theory, Coppenbarger offers the various teaching and memory strategies he has designed to help musicians understand and retain what they need to know. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Brent Coppenbarger Size 13MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/pJMsPowRnwBg https://devuploads.com/0ikyp5y9q8u0
We Are the Union by Eric Blanc (.ePUB)
📮 We Are the Union by Eric Blanc (.ePUB) A riveting account of labor's bottom-up resurgence, providing a roadmap for workers, unions, and social movements to win widely. After decades of union decline and rising inequality, an inspiring wave of workplace organizing—from Starbucks stores to Amazon warehouses to southern auto factories—has thrust unionization into the national spotlight. By analyzing this surge and telling the stories of the courageous workers driving it forward, We Are the Union makes a case for how to overcome business as usual in both corporate America and organized labor. Eric Blanc shows that recent struggles have developed a new organizing model, worker-to-worker unionism, which builds scalable power by giving rank-and-filers an unprecedented degree of leadership. Through digital tools and ambitious campaigns, young worker leaders are turning the labor movement back into a movement—and they're winning. Rigorously researched and compellingly written, We Are the Union illustrates how this new grassroots approach can exponentially grow the power of working people to overcome economic exploitation, racial injustice, and authoritarianism at work and beyond. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eric Blanc Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cF39x9f9qwDm https://devuploads.com/gknxhwsojztp
Painting Architecture by Leqi Yu (.ePUB)
📮 Painting Architecture by Leqi Yu (.ePUB) Comprehensive research on a unique painting genre from fourteenth-century China In Painting Architecture, Leqi Yu conducts comprehensive research on jiehua, or ruled-line painting, a unique painting genre in fourteenth-century China. This genre relies on tools like rulers to represent architectural details and structures accurately. Such technical consideration and mechanical perfection linked this painting category with the builder’s art, which led to the belittling of Chinese elites and eventually won the admiration of Mongol patrons. Yu argues that painters in the Yuan dynasty made new efforts towards a unique modular system and an unsurpassable plain-drawing tradition. She argues that these two strategies made architectural paintings in the Yuan dynasty entirely different from their predecessors, as well as making the art form extremely difficult for subsequent painters to imitate. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Leqi Yu Size 50MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/kQD31uO6Z7Dc https://devuploads.com/0jentgxcwvxr
SatisFRY: The Air Fryer Cookbook by Mona Dolgov (.ePUB)
📮 SatisFRY: The Air Fryer Cookbook by Mona Dolgov (.ePUB) Unlock the secrets to healthy recipes that taste unbelievably decadent with air frying expert Mona Dolgov’s new satis-FRY, the complete guide to air frying perfection. Do you still have your air fryer in your closet, afraid to unpack the box? Does you new oven have an air fryer setting and you don’t know where to start? satis-FRY gives you the cooking confidence and the WOW to make amazing meals, snacks, sides, and even air-baked desserts healthy-delicious. The air fryer is an amazing appliance and tool for a healthier lifestyle and now comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. No fuss, less mess, and faster cooking than the traditional oven and grill. Easy recipes will get you eating more veggies, using less oil for all of your meals and snacks, and perfectly portioned desserts. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mona Dolgov Size 38.1MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/OFZudN3HxexT https://devuploads.com/1u87hzo0aytl
Learn to Decorate Cupcakes and Other Bake by CICO Books (.ePUB)
📮 Learn to Decorate Cupcakes and Other Bake by CICO Books (.ePUB) Budding bakers will love these 35 recipes for making super-cute cakes! In this book you’ll learn how to make delicious cupcakes, cookies, cake pops and more – and transform them into fantastic creations. In Cool Cupcakes, you will find marvellous mini strawberry cakes, scrumptious spotty cupcakes and much more. In the next section, Cake Pops, you’ll find all sorts of adventurous creations like sailboat pops, goldfish pops and butterfly pops. Then, try your hand at Brownies, Cookies and Gingerbread, here you will find everything from brownie owls and ladybug cookies to a gingerbread family and snowy village. There are basic recipes so that you can make the cakes in any flavour you want, and a techniques section that will teach you all you’ll need to know. All the projects are clearly graded with a difficulty level and include adorable artworks to guide you along the way. With all these recipes and so much more, you’ll be a brilliant baker in no time. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Cico Books Size 34.0MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/axkRa77rxtdY https://devuploads.com/n6xyug1bnf18
Draw Yourself Calm by Amy Maricle (.ePUB)
📮 Draw Yourself Calm by Amy Maricle (.ePUB) Discover the relaxing, mindful practice of slow drawing Whether you enjoy drawing and doodling or are looking for a way to de-stress, boost creativity, and reconnect with what matters most, this appealing guide will invite you in to the soothing art of slow drawing. With 25 nature-inspired patterns designed to relax the mind, Draw Yourself Calm provides a welcome break from our stressful, always-on world. Ditch perfectionism, tune in to the moment, and nurture yourself creatively and spiritually – one line at a time. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Amy Maricle Size 215MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/PjYAtuk2vlop https://devuploads.com/8c274289n73l
Almost Complete Short Fiction by James E. Gunn (.ePUB)
📮 Almost Complete Short Fiction by James E. Gunn (.ePUB) James Edwin Gunn was born on July 12, 1923 in Kansas City, Missouri to Jesse and Elsie Mae (nee Hutchison) Gunn. He came from a publishing family: his father was a printer, two uncles were pressmen, another uncle was a proofreader, and his grandfather was a newspaper editor. Gunn became a professional writer in 1947 when he wrote a play produced by the University of Kansas, Thy Kingdom Come. When an act of Congress created James E. Gunn an officer, it would have been redundant to declare him a gentleman. Impeccably dressed, suave, and urbane, Jim Gunn was briefly an ensign, then lieutenant junior grade in the closing days of WWII before going from officer (and gentleman) of the U.S. Navy to gentleman and scholar as professor of English at a major university. Gunn wrote his first science fiction, ten short stories, and published nine from 1949 to 1952 as “Edwin James”, a pseudonym derived from his full name James Edwin Gunn. The first two in print, “Communications” and “Paradox” (the first sale), were published in September and October 1949 by editor Sam Merwin in Startling Stories and Thrilling Wonder Stories respectively. Gunn’s master’s thesis, a critical analysis of the genre, was also published in a professional magazine.. His 1951 thesis on science fiction (“Modern Science Fiction”) must have been one of the first ever. A 20,000-word excerpt appeared in a science fiction magazine. On June 12, 2015, Locus announced the selection of Gunn and four others for induction into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame. James Edwin Gunn died of natural causes on December 23, 2020, at age 97, in Lawrence, Kansas. ♻️ Book's Info: Author James E. Gunn Size 5.8MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB SHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHYSHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949 1949 Communications, Startling Stories, September 1949 Paradox, Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1949 1950 1950 The Man with Common Sense, Amazing Stories, July 1950 Private Enterprise, Astounding Science Fiction, July 1950 1951 1951 Slave Psychology, Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, January 1951 The Sun Came Up Last Night!, Science Fiction Quarterly, August 1951 These Things Are Sirius, Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1951 Mask of Peace, Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, September 1951 etc..... etc..... 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/rIcD5Mg8j197 https://devuploads.com/ol9trp4m8k08
The Botany of Beer by Giuseppe Caruso (.ePUB)
📮 The Botany of Beer by Giuseppe Caruso (.ePUB) From mass-produced lagers to craft-brewery IPAs, from beers made in Trappist monasteries according to traditional techniques to those created by innovative local brewers seeking to capture regional terroir, the world of beer boasts endless varieties. The diversity of beer does not only reflect the differences among the people and cultures who brew this beverage. It also testifies to the vast range of plants that help give different styles of beer their distinguishing flavor profiles. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Giuseppe Caruso Size 98.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/4LiqAtIb8TEo https://devuploads.com/cd69fqkmnbpz
Almost Complete Short Fiction by John Wyndham (.ePUB)
📮 Almost Complete Short Fiction by John Wyndham (.ePUB) John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris was born on July 10, 1903 in the village of Dorridge near Knowle, Warwickshire (now West Midlands), England, the son of Gertrude Parkes, the daughter of the Birmingham ironmaster John Israel Parkes, and her second husband, George Beynon Harris, a barrister. After leaving school, Wyndham tried several careers, including farming, law, commercial art and advertising; however, he mostly relied on an allowance from his family to survive. He eventually turned to writing for money in 1925 and by 1931 he was selling short stories and serial fiction to American science fiction magazines. His debut short story, “Worlds to Barter”, appeared under the pen name John B. Harris in 1931. Three novels as by Beynon were published in 1935/36, two of them works of science fiction, the other a detective story. During the Second World War, Wyndham first served as a censor in the Ministry of Information. He drew on his experiences as a firewatcher during the London Blitz and as a member of the Home Guard in The Day of the Triffids. The book had an enormous success and established Wyndham as an important exponent of science fiction. John Wyndham died in his sleep on March 11, 1969 in Petersfield, Hampshire, U.K. ♻️ Book's Info: Author John Wyndham Size 8.0MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB SHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHYSHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY 1919 1919 Vivisection, The Bee, November 1919 1931 1931 Worlds to Barter, Wonder Stories, May 1931 1932 1932 The Lost Machine, Amazing Stories, April 1932 The Venus Adventure, Wonder Stories, May 1932 The Stare, The Daily Express, November 15, 1932 Exiles on Asperus, Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter, December 1932 1933 1933 Wanderers of Time, Wonder Stories, March 1933 The Third Vibrator, Wonder Stories, May 1933 Spheres of Hell, Wonder Stories, October 1933 Invisible Monsters, Wonder Stories, December 1933 etc...... etc...... 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/jBxYLNYwgI3r https://devuploads.com/cjxc6egkgilu
Mastering Agile for Enterprises by Aditi Agarwal (.ePUB)
📮 Mastering Agile for Enterprises by Aditi Agarwal (.ePUB) Mastering Agile for Enterprises is the definitive guide for leaders, managers, and teams ready to embrace Agile and transform their organizations. This comprehensive resource equips you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to implement Agile frameworks effectively, build high-performing teams, and drive sustainable business transformation across industries. This book provides a practical guide to Agile methodologies, starting with the core Agile mindset and principles. It explains the benefits of Agile, like faster delivery, better collaboration, and customer satisfaction. You will explore various frameworks with real-world examples, learn how to build strong Agile teams, and tackle challenges effectively. The book also highlights Agile’s adaptability to remote work and its applications beyond software in areas like marketing, HR, and education. Lastly, it discusses emerging trends and the vital role of leadership in driving successful Agile transformations. By arming yourself with the knowledge and tools presented in this book, you will be well-positioned to use the full functionality of Agile within your organization. This translates to significant benefits, including increased efficiency, improved product quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Aditi Agarwal Size 7MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/LmLkKD2WDG9E https://devuploads.com/d8ijqdkiefm7
Almost Complete Short Fiction by Kara Dalkey (.ePUB)
📮 Almost Complete Short Fiction by Kara Dalkey (.ePUB) Kara Mia Dalkey was born in 1953 in Los Angeles, California and has lived in Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Colorado, and Seattle. She is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles. She was married to author John Barnes; they divorced in 2001. She is a member of the Pre-Joycean Fellowship and of the Scribblies. Much of her fiction is set in the Heian period of Japan. Dalkey is also a musician and has gigged extensively on electric bass (which she plays left-handed) and harmony vocals, with such bands as Runestone, the Albany Free Traders, and Nate Bucklin and the Ensemble (in Minnesota) and Relic and Voodoo Blue (in Seattle.) At different times she has also played drums, banjo and acoustic guitar. She is a songwriter, but her total output is low, and no CD or other album is in the works. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Kara Dalkey Size 1.4MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB SHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHYSHORT FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY The Hands of the Artist, Liavek, July 1985 Before the Paint is Dry, Liavek: The Players of Luck, June 1986 The World in the Rock, Liavek: Wizard’s Row, September 1987 Portrait of Vengeance, Liavek: Spells of Binding, November 1988 The Ghost of Wan Li Road, Things That Go Bump in the Night, September 1989 A Prudent Obedience, Liavek: Festival Week, May 1990 The Peony Lantern, Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue Ten, Winter, March 1991 Nightwail, Life on the Border, July 1991 You Want It When?, 2041: Twelve Short Stories About the Future by Top Science Fiction Writers, September 1991 The Chrysanthemum Robe, The Armless Maiden and Other Tales for Childhood’s Survivors, April 1995 Bouncing Babies, Not of Woman Born, March 1999 Lady Shobu, Tales of the Slayer: Volume 2, January 2003 The Lady of the Ice Garden, Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 2003 The Rule of Silence, Tales of the Slayer: Volume 4, November 2004 Hives, Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy, April 2006 fLatLand, Firebirds Soaring: An Anthology of Original Speculative Fiction, March 2009 Ghost Sword, Ghost Sword, November 2009 The Philosopher Duck, Asimov’s Science Fiction, June 2014 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cWGR4rW3iPZA https://devuploads.com/8cwbrke7eypa
Mastering Salesforce Flow for Enterprises by James A.Hutcherson(.ePUB)
📮 Mastering Salesforce Flow for Enterprises by James A.Hutcherson(.ePUB) This book gives you the knowledge to create real-world automation using Salesforce Flows. It starts with a detailed review of business process automation and the fundamentals used to discover, model, analyze, and optimize business processes. You will learn how each step of the process aligns with the information required to create efficient and effective Salesforce Flows. You will then examine how core features included within Salesforce are used to establish and enhance business processes across your instance and applications. You will see how Salesforce features were developed to help improve the collection of data, automate business processes, and enhance outcomes from the start. You will learn the best practices and frameworks used to improve how your business functions continually. With step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to create, test, debug, and improve Salesforce Flows using Flow Builder for several types of flows, including Screen, Record-triggered, and Screenless flow. You will examine how to design subflows that can reduce redundancy within your Salesforce instance. You will also learn when and how to use each flow type in an optimal way. You will examine how the use of advanced features such as AI for Flow, Flow Trigger Explorer, Flow Orchestrator, and Transform features improve your business automation outcomes. ♻️ Book's Info: Author James A.Hutcherson(.Epub) Size 16MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type Mastering Salesforce Flow for Enterprises by James A.Hutcherson(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/YKk8fyHOwwn3 https://devuploads.com/wsfllwa5wk70
101 Great Tanks by Robert Jackson (.PDF)
📮 101 Great Tanks by Robert Jackson (.PDF) 101 Great Tanks Including more than 200 images, 101 Great Tanks showcases the cream of military hardware from World War I's Mark V to today's M2 Abrams. Each featured tank is illustrated with a colour or black and white photograph, detailed profile artworks and full technical specifications. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Robert Jackson Size 77MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/yFaqO8UZ16y4 https://devuploads.com/zfrb5unecdgs
1915: Setbacks & Failures by John Christopher (.PDF)
📮 1915: Setbacks & Failures by John Christopher (.PDF) 1915, the second year of the Great War, was to see the failure of the Dardanelles landings and the sinking of the Lusitania, shown below, with the loss of 1,198 people, as well as the first bombing of mainland Britain by Zeppelin and the entry of Italy into the war. Huge battles would be fought at sea and on land, while the fledgling air forces of the fighting powers clashed in the clouds. 1915 will be remembered not just for the Lusitania but also for that most inhumane and indiscriminate weapon, poison gas, its first use being against the Russians on the Eastern Front.The Western Front was in stalemate, with the troops entrenched and little in the way of advance or retreat to counter the thousands of lives being lost on a daily basis. War in the east and in Mesopotamia was more fluid, with the armies of Germany, Turkey, Russia and Austria-Hungary moving over huge swathes of Central Europe and the Middle East.John Christopher and Campbell McCutcheon tell the story of 1915 at war using many rare and often unpublished images, showing the full horror of the conflict, as well as its impact on the everyday person. ♻️ Book's Info: Author John Christopher Size 115MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/IIrLeq97jOnc https://devuploads.com/4ma73cimouav
Spreading Joy by Joy Alukkas (.ePUB)
📮 Spreading Joy by Joy Alukkas (.ePUB) Thrissur, on the coast of Kerala, is known as India's 'gold town'. It was here that Puthussery Alukka Joseph Varghese moved into jewellery retail from his umbrella business in the late 1950s. One of his fifteen children, Joy Alukkas, seemed to have inherited his father's entrepreneurial spirit. In 1986, the quest for his personal El Dorado took Joy to the modern 'city of gold': Dubai. Getting to know the lay of the land, including aspects of procurement, staffing, sales and other regulations, exacerbated by the language barrier, was a challenge that could dampen any entrepreneur's spirit, but Joy persisted and opened the fi rst 'Alukkas' jewellery store in Abu Dhabi, followed soon after by another in Dubai. Just as business was taking off, the Gulf War broke out in 1990, disrupting every aspect of life and forcing Joy to return to India. Not only did a resilient Joy go back to the Gulf some months later, but he also re-established the Alukkas footprint, opening stores within and around the UAE. In the next two decades, he expanded his business to eleven countries with more than 160 outlets, and revolutionized the gold-retailing business with innovations such as the use of karatmeter, the fi rst billing so-ware in the industry and board rate for gold price, to mention a few. Throughout the years, the ethos of his business has remained the same: to be the 'customer's favourite jeweller'. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Joy Alukkas Size 9MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/YIHdoZ5dWndG https://devuploads.com/o7dmjlha6gao