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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 At Kingdom's Edge by Jacob Selwood (.ePUB) At Kingdom's Edge investigates how life in a conquered colony both revealed and shaped what it meant to be English outside of the British Isles. Considering the case of Jeronimy Clifford, who rose to become one of Suriname's richest planters, Jacob Selwood examines the mutual influence of race and subjecthood in the early modern world. Clifford was a child in Suriname when the Dutch, in 1667, wrested the South American colony from England soon after England seized control of New Netherland in North America. Across the arc of his life—from time in the tenuous English colony to prosperity as a slaveholding planter to a stint in debtors' prison in London—Clifford used all the tools at his disposal to elevate and secure his status. His English subjecthood, which he clung to as a wealthy planter in Dutch-controlled Suriname, was a ready means to exert political, legal, economic, and cultural authority. Clifford deployed it without hesitation, even when it failed to serve his interests. In 1695 Clifford left Suriname and, until his death, he tried to regain control over his abandoned plantation and its enslaved workers. His evocation of international treaties at times secured the support of the Crown. The English and Dutch governments' responses reveal competing definitions of belonging between and across empires, as well as the differing imperial political cultures with which claimants to rights and privileges had to contend. Clifford's case highlights the unresolved tensions about the meanings of colonial subjecthood, Anglo-Dutch relations, and the legacy of England's seventeenth-century empire. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jacob Selwood Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/uOAAn67yVBGS https://devuploads.com/ls2p34b8u4pe
  2. 📮 Not Out At Close of Play: A Life in Cricket by Dennis Amiss (.ePUB) ou could argue that Dennis Amiss’ seven-decade cricket career started the day he was born, when his parents named him after not one but two celebrated cricketers. Or maybe it started when he was 7, sneaking into the Birmingham Cooperative Society to play a few matches with his friends – as long as they avoided the groundskeeper! Or perhaps it was on 7 April 1958; not only his fifteenth birthday, but also his first day as a professional cricketer. Whatever day you start on, there’s no denying that Amiss has had an extraordinary career. He is one of England’s cricketing greats, with 100 first-class hundreds to his name and a place as one of Wisden’s Cricketers of the Year. Hugely well-respected on and off the pitch, he didn’t shy away from controversy, taking part in the 1982 ‘Rebel Tour’ of Apartheid South Africa, and somehow ending up in the midst of the battle between World Series Cricket and the England Cricket Board. Not Out at Close of Play is the story of how passion, commitment and practice – and no small amount of stubbornness! – took a boy from the backstreets of Birmingham to worldwide cricket stardom. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Dennis Amiss Size 1.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/GdkXTFCD3Gay https://devuploads.com/ii24k23d6ocq
  3. 📮 Victims Of The Oaks Colliery Disaster 1847 by Jane Ainsworth (.ePUB) This new book has developed as a result of the author Jane Ainsworth's deep interest in her coal mining ancestors - both paternal great grandparents, Charles Ernest Hardy and Edwin Hall Bailey, worked in collieries in the Barnsley area as did their descendants. At the end of 2017, Jane transcribed a ledger containing the minutes of the Colliers’ Relief Fund Committee for the 1847 Oaks Colliery Explosion for Barnsley Archives. This stimulated her empathy and curiosity about the lives of the people referred to in the minutes - widows, orphans, and a few survivors of the disaster – as well as the 73 victims. She was determined to research all of the individuals in as much detail as possible, despite the challenge of limited early records, to flesh out their stories and to pay tribute to the families of mineworkers whose lives at that time were considered of little value to the colliery owners and managers. Once again, Jane has created "a memorial book like no other" as a contribution to Barnsley’s mining heritage. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jane Ainsworth Size 97MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0vbSlywfczje https://devuploads.com/l4k88uie6lf6
  4. 📮 Napoleon And The Archduke Charles by F Loraine Petre O.B.E (.ePUB) The peace of Tilsit in 1807 was the Apogee of Napoleon's reign, he had subdued all of his continental enemies; Prussia a broken wreck after Jena-Auerstädt, Austria smashed at Austerlitz, Russia humbled after Friedland. However the new allies of the French smarted from the reduction of territory, prestige and glory, they were also being squeezed by the constraints of commerce embodied by the Continental system whereby Britain and her products were meant to be kept out of mainland Europe. They looked only for a sufficient time to re-gather their forces, bide their time and strike to take back what was formerly theirs, as the peace creaked and groaned under the pressure, Napoleon decided to dethrone the Spanish Bourbons in 1808. The Peninsular war would grow into a painful "ulcer" for the French and after set backs such as the disaster of Baylen, where an entire French army corps surrendered to the Spanish, and Vimiero where the French were kicked out of Portugal, the continent took heart and prepared to strike at Napoleon. ♻️ Book's Info: Author F Loraine Petre O.B.E Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/mwo4mQ4afexj https://devuploads.com/7a3t603xs1o8
  5. 📮 The Lost Diary Of George Washington by Johhny Teague (.ePUB) You are invited to travel by horse with the General, stay in his quarters, hear what he thinks, weigh upon his decisions, listen to his prayers, and fight by his side. Sometimes he will sound redundant. You will realize this is because many of the problems he faced were repetitive. Sometimes there will be little action. This will bother you. Please keep in mind, it bothered him more. You will see him in anguish and distress. You will experience his frustrations. You will grieve because of those who betrayed him. You will be a fly on the wall as he strategizes with his men. You will see some of those strategies carried out, while others were not executed. Even knowing the glorious outcome beforehand, you will see no possible way for victory to be had - until finally it is. You will be surprised to learn that this stoic figure had an inner turmoil few have ever faced. In the end, because of his own writings, you will know General George Washington more for who he was, above and beyond what he did or what others have said. You will hear it from his lips, in his own words. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Johhny Teague Size 1.2MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/1nPZONeSJWlU https://devuploads.com/x96uo9anj7jw
  6. 📮 100 Exercises for Showjumping by Sarah Tubbs (.ePUB) From guiding the showjumping horse through flatwork and the initial stages of training, to the collecting ring and competitions, 100 Exercises for Showjumping aims to cover all aspects of training with a wide range of exercises for all types of showjumping horses and ponies. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sarah Tubbs Size 59MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/r5RWxBDeNCai https://devuploads.com/vv3s8jrq67uj
  7. 📮 101 Fascinating Golf Facts by David McPherson (.ePUB) Tee off your season with 101 delightful trivia on the greatest game. Did you know a Canadian coined the term "mulligan" — a noun meaning "do-over" — which many recreational golfers take on the first tee after an errant drive? Or that the creators of one of the greatest board games ever, Trivial Pursuit, also built a devilish golf course north of Toronto? How about this fact: the world's most expensive public golf course will set you back $1,000 to play just one round. Here's one more: Scotland, where golf was invented in the Middle Ages, later banned the sport — not just once, but three times. In 101 Fascinating Golf Facts, author, historian, and award-winning golf journalist David McPherson shares these stories and 97 more fascinating and fun tales that illustrate the sport's rich history, entertaining both golf lovers and trivia buffs alike. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Mcpherson Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dokkt3txnZoY https://devuploads.com/d1zzwatgwfle
  8. 📮 Artificial Insect-Inspired Vision by Pavlo A. Molchanov (.PDF) This book offers a straightforward explanation of groundbreaking artificial vision technology, which can provide limitless scalable resolution and lens-less, human-like vision with electronic control over focus, field of view, and direction. This advanced technology addresses the challenge of rapidly transferring large volumes of visual data for remote imaging systems. It also presents the novel artificial eye concept, the foundation of this vision technology. This eye can serve as a wearable device for visually impaired individuals, eliminating the need for surgery or implants. It offers significant advancements in long-distance vision with high resolution and automatic recognition of surrounding objects. The book also provides a concise overview of the architecture and benefits of nature-inspired antenna arrays and their potential applications, enhancing the reader’s understanding and the importance of the presented vision technology. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Pavlo A. Molchanov Size 36.6MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/fjcVV7U50zKI https://devuploads.com/q1880ykixdd7
  9. 📮 Digital Embroidery: Painting with Threads by David Morrish (.ePUB) This book is a comprehensive and inspiring guide to the versatile art of digital embroidery. Packed with techniques, ideas and finished examples, it explains how to create exciting, vibrant designs using stitch, colour and texture. Its clear and detailed instructions explain the process fully, giving tips and troubleshooting advice throughout, so you too can start to paint with threads and enjoy the potential of this latest embroidery frontier. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Morrish Size 257MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vckDt8iDrcvD https://devuploads.com/j7kejgjcyq8b
  10. 📮 Gentlemen of the Woods by Willa Hammitt Brown (.PDF) Lumberjacks: the men, the myth, and the making of an American legend The folk hero Paul Bunyan, burly, bearded, wielding his big ax, stands astride the story of the upper Midwest—a manly symbol of the labor that cleared the vast north woods for the march of industrialization while somehow also maintaining an aura of pristine nature. This idea, celebrated in popular culture with songs and folktales, receives a long overdue and thoroughly revealing correction in Gentlemen of the Woods, a cultural history of the life and lore of the real lumberjack and his true place in American history. Now recalled as heroes of wilderness and masculinity, lumberjacks in their own time were despised as amoral transients. Willa Hammitt Brown shows that nineteenth-century jacks defined their communities of itinerant workers by metrics of manhood that were abhorrent to the residents of the nearby Northwoods boomtowns, valuing risk-taking and skill rather than restraint and control. Reviewing songs, stories, and firsthand accounts from loggers, Brown brings to life the activities and experiences of the lumberjacks as they moved from camp to camp. She contrasts this view with the popular image cultivated by retreating lumber companies that had to sell off utterly barren land. This mythologized image glorified the lumberjack and evoked a kindly, flannel-wearing, naturalist hero. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Willa Hammitt Brown Size 31MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/OaLqu6KSjNaw https://devuploads.com/ja4zxr7ijcza
  11. 📮 Price Catalysts by Jim Osman (.ePUB) In-depth and incisive, Price Catalysts explores the world of corporate special situations and demonstrates how savvy investors can profit from untapped investment opportunities in this niche sector of the market. The book is a resource for investors looking for a competitive edge in studying and comprehending the intricacies, dangers, and possible benefits of special situations. To illustrate the ideas and tactics covered in the book, the author provides real-world examples and case studies that are backed by data-driven analysis. The dynamics of business special situations will be better understood, and readers will learn how to find lucrative investment possibilities that the general market might miss. This book is essential reading for anybody interested in getting an advantage in the rapidly changing world of corporate finance and capital markets, including investors, financial professionals, and academics. The book provides readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and grab the unrealized potential in special situations, making it a vital instrument for investing success in the competitive market of today. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jim Osman Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vYL5SMLiBlmX https://devuploads.com/knx1nmwizauz
  12. 📮 The Making of Modern Corporate Finance by Donald Chew (.ePUB) Why did the "stagflation" of the 1970s—the improbable combination of high unemployment and runaway inflation—prove so painful and protracted? What explains the U.S. stock market's remarkable forty-year run of 12 percent average annual returns since then? Why is Japan still mired in a decades-long recession—and the Chinese economy in a tailspin? And what accounts for the resilience of U.S. stock and labor markets in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the face of the Fed's record interest rate hikes? Donald H. Chew, Jr., argues that answers to these questions lie in the principles and methods of "modern corporate finance." Ideas formulated and tested by finance scholars—notably, an efficient stock market in which prices reflect the long-run values of public companies and a "market for corporate control" that exerts continuous pressure on management—informed and spurred the investor-driven capitalism that has created the world's most productive and valuable companies. Drawing on his career-long relationships with leading academics and practitioners, Chew profiles key figures in the development of modern corporate finance while emphasizing their counterintuitive lessons for shareholders, companies, and countries. Corporate efficiency and value creation, he contends, are the fundamental source of the social wealth essential to addressing challenges such as poverty and climate change. Lively and provocative, this book makes corporate finance approachable—and even admirable—for readers interested in how the success and failure of companies affect their lives. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Donald Chew Size 760KB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ZuSUgy9aKwCz https://devuploads.com/a4r3flkn02n6
  13. 📮 The Art of Self-Leadership by Heather R. Younger (.ePUB) Learn to take control of your own professional destiny and lead yourself through challenging situations In The Art of Self-Leadership: Discover the Power Within You and Learn to Lead Yourself, celebrated workplace culture and employee engagement expert Heather R. Younger delivers an exciting and practical discussion of how to develop an entirely new mindset around personal advocacy and self-leadership. You'll learn how to take control of the workplace experience and set expectations up front about relationships. Younger explains how you can exercise your sphere of control and influence and manage your anxiety and stress with effective techniques. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Heather R. Younger Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/N7MTJhMfFoYT https://devuploads.com/7q5644lp9qg8
  14. 📮 Monetary Economics and Policy by Pierpaolo Benigno (.PDF) A unified framework for understanding monetary policy, including recent unprecedented interventions by central banks Over the past two decades, monetary policy has been deployed in unprecedented ways, as central banks attempted to mitigate the adverse consequences of the 2007–2008 financial crisis, the COVID-19 global lockdown, and recent inflationary surges. In Monetary Economics and Policy, Pierpaolo Benigno offers a new way to understand the potency and effectiveness of monetary policy, presenting a unified modeling framework to analyze policy challenges posed by both paper and digital currency systems. He investigates current theoretical and policy controversies, drawing connections with historical themes in monetary economics. Benigno examines how central banks control the value of their currency amid competition from cryptocurrencies and private money-like securities; discusses the desirability of inflation targeting for macroeconomic stabilization; and explores theoretical grounds for the unconventional monetary policies seen in the recent period of zero nominal interest rates, including forward guidance, quantitative and credit easing, and helicopter money. He accompanies his analysis with an innovative visual representation of the New Keynesian model and inflation-targeting policies. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Pierpaolo Benigno Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/jDwCkVAgZYVG https://devuploads.com/rjba6p6kx0gd
  15. 📮 Fences for Home and Garden by Jeff Beneke (.ePUB) From a home-improvement expert, a guide to building just the right fence to serve your individualized needs. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jeff Beneke Size 62MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB This complete guide shows homeowners how to:This complete guide shows homeowners how to: • build fences that provide privacy and security • mark boundaries • hide unpleasant views • keep animals in or out • beautify a yard • provide protection from the elements. Author Jeff Beneke guides readers through the building process with illustrated step-by-step instructions. Also included is information on how to repair fences and gates that have been damaged over time. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/mdtHwqg93Hpv https://devuploads.com/pvwm59m7jfy4
  16. 📮 The Journey: Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury (.ePUB)+ 'We shall go on a journey, across the river . . .' Join Big Panda and Tiny Dragon as they set off on an extraordinary adventure in this companion to the global bestselling phenomenon Big Panda and Tiny Dragon. Although content in their temple high up in the mountains, Tiny Dragon realises that something feels incomplete. So it is that they decide to make a journey together, to new and distant lands. As they encounter dangers and challenges, they learn that everything they need is already inside them and that change, though sometimes scary, is possible and, with patience, can lead to better things. Inspired by Buddhist philosophy and spirituality, the story of these whimsical characters makes the perfect gift for anyone looking for a little hope and comfort. ♻️ Book's Info: Author James Norbury Size 27MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/a8euH7KZxFok https://devuploads.com/0s48t8qzh0o8
  17. 📮 Brain Tools for the Busy by Jay Rai (.ePUB) Supercharge your resilience, energy and productivity without cramming another task into your already chaotic schedule Brain Tools for the Busy: Building Resilience through Neuroscience and Eastern Wisdom is an essential guide for those navigating the demanding challenges of their busy lives, without the luxury of slowing their pace. Guided by neuroscience expert and renowned executive coach Jay Rai, this work serves as your framework for mastering resilience. Dive into a heady mix of modern neuroscience, transformative psychotherapies, and timeless Eastern philosophies. Expect no fluff and jargon; this is your go-to manual for practical, implementable strategies that forge a steely mindset and fend off burnout in our relentless, always-on-the-move existence. Brain Tools for the Busy arms you with simple, effective techniques to strengthen your mental health, conquer stress, and skyrocket work performance—strategies so intuitive you can start using them instantly. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jay Rai Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Medical File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/f5UVcX6GP7SI https://devuploads.com/z1p1qzcqvcgk
  18. 📮 Cybersecurity: Data Protection and Strategies by Wesley Palmer (.ePUB) The first edition of Cybersecurity Data Protection and Strategies offers a wide range of topics related to data protection strategies. Information Technology (IT) students, practitioners, scholars, management and readers who are seeking deeper insight into cybersecurity strategies will find this text most useful. The text provides in-depth knowledge on the safe use of technologies as it relates to network, hardware, software, WIFI, mobile, and computer application (Apps). ♻️ Book's Info: Author Wesley Palmer Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Uc53xUNkkpyp https://devuploads.com/jobs9rjjbmcd
  19. 📮 Beginner's Guide to the Roots of Yoga by Nikita Desai (.ePUB) This will play a crucial role in preserving the true spirit of yoga for future generations.' – Vex King Learn how to incorporate traditional yoga into your modern practice – and feel the benefits. Yoga in its authentic form is focused on inclusivity, inner work and peace. But the yoga that is practised in the Western world has got a little lost along the way… Join Nikita Desai on her mission to help us understand yoga beyond the physical poses and pricey outfits that we're so familiar with today. Drawing on research and teachings from ancient sources, Desai helps us navigate this complex practice as we learn how to: ♻️ Book's Info: Author Nikita Desai Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/CRov7Mjq7hcQ https://devuploads.com/9xonwyutqmce
  20. 📮 From Cairo, With Love by Nancy Campbell Allen (.ePUB) Valentine Baker longs for adventure, so when the opportunity comes to travel to Venice and be a companion for the unconventional Contessa, she takes it--but they don’t stay in Venice long. Valentine finds herself on a ship bound for Cairo so the Contessa can hunt down a thief at one of her archeological digs there. Before they ever get close to the coast of Egypt, however, the ship is threatened by a violent storm and someone has an ulterior motive for sticking close to the Contessa and her traveling companions. Mr. Maxwell is assigned to protect the Contessa and the charming Valentine. He tries to keep his distance, but her warm nature and easy laugh draw him in. He soon comes to cherish their time together, until someone attempts to drug him, and the aftermath reveals serious consequences for Valentine. He’ll do anything to keep her safe and her reputation intact, yet with treachery on board and his heart at stake, Mr. Maxwell must make a choice that will change his life forever. Can he win the woman of his dreams or will whoever wants to hurt them get close enough to take away his one chance for love? ♻️ Book's Info: Author Nancy Campbell Allen Size 1MB Category Fiction > Romance File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/sSvaCfIz2LUd https://devuploads.com/hlayiqx2ve3r
  21. 📮 Lynch on Lynch: Main by David Lynch (.ePUB) David Lynch erupted onto the cinema landscape with Eraserhead, establishing himself as one of the most original, imaginative, and truly personal directors at work in contemporary film. He is a surrealist, in the tradition of the great Spanish director Luis Bunuel. Over the course of a career that includes such films as The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, and the seminal TV series Twin Peaks, Lynch has remained true to an artistic vision of innocence lost or adrift in the direst states of darkness and confusion. Nobody else sees the world quite as David Lynch does. Once seen, his films are never forgotten, nor does the world about us seem quite as it did before. In this definitive career-length interview book, Lynch speaks openly about the full breadth of his creative work, which encompasses not only movies but also a lifelong commitment to painting, a continuing exploration of photography, extensive work in television, and musical collaborations with composer Angelo Badalamenti and singer Julee Cruise. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Lynch Size 28MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/aMF0h5mjYVIC https://devuploads.com/m7494jz1ej4e
  22. 📮 The Cheese Biscuit Queen, Kiss My Aspic by Mary Martha Greene (.ePUB) The Cheese Biscuit Queen returns with signature sass, spirited stories, and 80 new recipes Mary Martha Greene is back and serving up generous portions of fabulous Southern cooking and lively storytelling in this sequel to her best-selling book The Cheese Biscuit Queen Tells All. In this new book, Queen Mary Martha exclaims, "kiss my aspic!," and invites readers into her world of Southern hospitality. She tells the kinds of stories that some might wish were kept within the family and shares recipes just as juicy and delicious as the best gossip. Greene's real-life characters sparkle with humor and Southern charm. If you come for the stories, you will certainly stay for the food. Organized by course, recipes include Shrimp Remoulade Deviled Eggs, Pride of the Pee Dee Chicken Bog, Chocolate Pound Cake with Pecan Fudge Icing, and Chatham Artillery Punch. Charmingly illustrated with vintage photographs and complete with a foreword by Cassandra King, author of Tell Me a Story: My Life with Pat Conroy, The Cheese Biscuit Queen, Kiss My Aspic! is the perfect addition to all kitchens celebrating food, family, friends, and Southern culture. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mary Martha Greene Size 5.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/rhCfKRBYRStq https://devuploads.com/ugjisnd1id5q
  23. 📮 Time Machines by Richard Taws (.ePUB) A riveting exploration of the relationship between art and telegraphy, and its implications for understanding time and history in nineteenth-century France. In Time Machines Richard Taws examines the relationship between art and telegraphy in the decades following the French Revolution. The optical telegraph was a novel form of visual communication developed in the 1790s that remained in use until the mid-1850s. This pre-electric telegraph, based on a semaphore code, irrevocably changed the media landscape of nineteenth-century France. Although now largely forgotten, in its day it covered vast distances and changed the way people thought about time. It also shaped, and was shaped by, a proliferating world of images. What happens, Taws asks, if we think about art telegraphically? ♻️ Book's Info: Author Richard Taws Size 7.1MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/IALllQ2F0Fwh https://devuploads.com/soh0wzcjywpk
  24. 📮 8 Steps to Living a Long Life by Peter Newton (.ePUB) ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT CHINESE SAGES, the way to achieve health, longevity, and enlightenment starts with the Earth Path of Taoism, which advises us to nurture the body, calm the mind, and stir the spirit. In this practical guide, Sifu Peter Newton explains the principles and practices of the path and provides an easy-to-follow eight-step process to integrate this longevity wisdom into daily life. Drawing from tai chi and qigong, he explores how to avoid premature aging, highlights body posture as well as a flexible outlook on life, and looks at profound breathing. As we work with the rhythms of yin and yang in our bodies and lives, we discover the benefits of meditation and the practice of "stirring the shen"—the notion of circulating primordial shen, the root of life. Last but not least, eight clearly explained mind-body Daoyin longevity exercises show how to redirect and refine qi, the internal energy of the body. Interwoven with longevity pearls of wisdom, this illustrated guide shows that regardless of physical ability or age, the Taoist Earth Path is accessible to everyone. Without doubt, we all share the ability to live a long and healthy life. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Peter Newton Size 7.9MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/MxRWAribgFGr https://devuploads.com/zmi8g92p09vg
  25. 📮 Your AI Ally by Alberto Posse (.ePUB) Harness the Power of AI to Revolutionize Your Productivity Are you ready to transform your productivity but unsure where to start? Embark on a journey where the future meets function in Your AI Ally. This comprehensive guide is your gateway to understanding and mastering AI tools, specifically tailored for beginners eager to harness the advancing world of artificial intelligence. Delve into the fascinating world of AI as we break down its evolution and current capabilities, revealing a future full of endless possibilities. Discover how AI personal assistants can not only simplify your life but enhance it in ways you never imagined. With guidance on essential tools like ChatGPT, Notion AI, and Google Assistant, you'll learn how to make AI work for you, turning complex tasks into seamless endeavors. This book offers tried and tested strategies to entwine AI seamlessly into your daily routine, providing immediate productivity boosts and time-saving solutions. Whether managing household operations or professional projects, AI becomes an indispensable part of your decision-making and workflow management, ultimately helping you achieve more with less effort. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alberto Posse Size 800KB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/TLzuoyGcebcS https://devuploads.com/8kjz8sdok6us

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