Everything posted by JARVIS
Royal Vendetta: The Crown of Spain 1829-1965 by Theo Aronson (.ePUB)
📮 Royal Vendetta: The Crown of Spain 1829-1965 by Theo Aronson (.ePUB) This is a story of wars, revolutions, exiles and restorations; a parade of kings, queens, regents and pretenders. Its central theme is the fight for the throne of Spain between the Bourbon and Carlist pretenders, a fight which started in 1833. Both branches of the family abound in colourful characters: the shrewd Maria Cristina, the masculine Infanta Carlota, the sensuous Isabel II, the effete King Francisco, the suave Duke de Montpensier, the showy Carlos VII, the licentious Alfonso XII. The drama is acted out in many countries in the court living in formal splendour in the Palacio Real in Madrid, Don Juan dying incognito in a house in Brighton, Isabel living out her voluptuous days in Paris, Carlos VII scheming in his palazzo on the Grand Canal, the future Alfonso XII at Sandhurst, the Infanta Eulalia in Chicago, the son of Alfonso XIII dying in a car accident in the U.S.A. When this book was first published in 1966, the spirit of Carlism was still very much alive; the Carlists had thrown their weight behind Franco in the Spanish Civil War, and the recent marriage of the Carlist pretender to Princess Irene of Holland had spotlighted the old feud. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Theo Aronson Size 500KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/utwQXUdqi6SQ https://devuploads.com/uwzksfz2tx0s
Mathematical Methods Applied in AI by Jiangping Hu (.PDF)
📮 Mathematical Methods Applied in AI by Jiangping Hu (.PDF) Due to rapid developments in computing, communication, and sensing technology, multi-agent systems have become increasingly ubiquitous. Their applications include mobile sensor networks, autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and smart grids. The complex unknown environment and inaccurate dynamics prose additional challenges for the modeling, control, and optimization of such systems. Therefore, Data Science and Machine Learning are providing opportunities to develop Artificial Intelligence-based methods and enable new control and optimization paradigms for multi-agent systems. The aim of this Special Issue is to bring together significant developments in the interface between Machine Learning, neurodynamics, and swarm intelligence. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jiangping Hu Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/hLVaPJy3hEca https://devuploads.com/enn6imp5ljnt
The Ultimate Gluten-Free Dessert Cookbook by Tammy Skeldon (.PDF)
📮 The Ultimate Gluten-Free Dessert Cookbook by Tammy Skeldon (.PDF) Craving decadent desserts but need to avoid gluten? The Ultimate Gluten-Free Dessert Cookbook is your go-to guide for baking sweet, satisfying treats without sacrificing taste or texture. Whether you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or simply want to enjoy healthier desserts, this cookbook is packed with 100 irresistible recipes designed for every occasion. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Tammy Skeldon Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/l6ZcqiK4oZSL https://devuploads.com/iucfxmobjg2d
The Unwanted series by Westbrooke Jameson (.ePUB)
📮 The Unwanted series by Westbrooke Jameson (.ePUB) Three years ago, a race of aliens called Narsoreal made contact and gained asylum on Earth. In exchange for technology and medical advancements, the United States government allows the Narsoreal to collect and bond with the country's "unwanted" citizens. In one city, a Narsoreal bond-matcher has set his sights on a small band of male and female prostitutes in desperate need of salvation. Each of the five has unique needs, but it just might be that there is a Narsoreal ready and willing to meet every one of them. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Westbrooke Jameson Size 568KB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB SHANNON'S SOLACESHANNON'S SOLACE Every day is a struggle for survival, and Shots often feels like everything is out of his control. He longs for someone to come into his life and offer him some peace, be the one he can lean on, and maybe someday forgive him his past and love him anyway. DEREK'S BLISSDEREK'S BLISS His every breath a struggle, Derek attempts to live out the remainder of his life with some measure of dignity while also preparing his little family of misfits for a time when he won't be there for them. Then the alien bond-matcher who swept Shannon off his feet has a proposal for Derek: Bonded Narsoreal have been known to cure their matches of just about everything. Is Derek willing to bond with an alien to save his own life? JOEL'S PROTECTIONJOEL'S PROTECTION The baby of the family at just eighteen, Joel feels useless, adrift, and like everyone's the boss of him. He jumps at the chance to match with his fairytale prince and live happily ever after. But though he's matched just like Shannon and Derek, Joel is still treated like a directionless kid. An opportunity for a hot public display of affection during a party just might guarantee that no one will ever think Joel's a kid from now on. He just has to step up and take one more chance. AMBROSIA'S WORTHAMBROSIA'S WORTH Ambrosia is all woman despite being genetically male. She likes who she is, how she looks, and she's not changing for any man. Not even for an alien who's supposed to love her forever-if that's even real. To save herself from being alone and sinking even farther down the poverty line, Ambrosia consents to a match...only to have him turn tail and run at the sight of her. Proven right again about love being the real fairytale here, she decides to live a great life one her own. But then he comes back, determined to make their connection work, and Ambrosia has to decide if her stubborn pride is more important than maybe-just maybe-falling in love. RENZO'S REDEMPTIONRENZO'S REDEMPTION Renzo's bio-family life is...complicated. Amongst his chosen-family he's accepted as bisexual and, just like them, he earns his money on the streets. And, though his mother will take that money, she won't accept her son or his method of earning what keeps their house and food on their table. The local gang is also sniffing around again, wanting to control his income or maybe just own him. When he reconnects with his friends, he discovers they've hit the jackpot and he would definitely like to get some for himself. He just never expected his match could change in ways that would satisfy this bi boy's every fantasy and help ensure the family connections he's always wanted. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/yEDBIsaDX0q0 https://devuploads.com/1nxv63fyx462
The Cuckoo Clock by Wesley Barefoot (.ePUB)
📮 The Cuckoo Clock by Wesley Barefoot (.ePUB) You know a murderer preys on your household—lives with you—depends on you—and you have no defence! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Wesley Barefoot Size 0.4MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/rVy5au5KwJBk https://devuploads.com/ht68x6i8ffuo
My Mexican Mesa, Y Listo! by Jenny Martinez (.PDF)
📮 My Mexican Mesa, Y Listo! by Jenny Martinez (.PDF) ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED COOKBOOKS OF 2024: Parade * ONE OF THE MOST EXCITING COOKBOOKS OF SPRING 2024: Epicurious From viral TikTok sensation Jenny Martinez, comes a mouth-watering cookbook featuring 100 authentic, homestyle Mexican recipes that are perfect for any occasion. When Mexican TikTok and Instagram star Jenny Martinez ends her videos by saying “y listo and enjoy” and takes a bite of her finished dish, you almost feel like you can taste the delicious food with her. Well, now you can! My Mexican Mesa, Y Listo! is here to provide family-style recipes for every occasion, beautifully photographed to capture the authentic spirit of the cuisine. Jenny may have moved from Mexico to the United States as a child, but her recipes are passed down through generations. She fondly recalls the smell of her mother’s birria (Mexican beef stew) all through the house, and it’s no surprise that birria is the recipe that first helped Jenny go viral on TikTok, achieving over a million views in the first day alone. Now fans can’t get enough of Jenny’s recipes, all presented in the warm and inviting manner for which she’s best known. Jenny considers a well-fed family to be the key to a happy family. As she says, every dinner should be celebrated, and food brings people together. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jenny Martinez Size 51MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/P7P4z2CL95KP https://devuploads.com/q7ztap6vokpx
Meat in the Kitchen by Chloe Tucker (.ePUB)
📮 Meat in the Kitchen by Chloe Tucker (.ePUB) Enjoy our exciting meat recipe book! Dive into a world of tasty meat dishes, perfect for meat lovers. Find great ideas for delicious steaks and roasts. This book will make cooking more fun and special. Learn to cook meat like a pro and enjoy great meals. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Chloe Tucker Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/5QGbPTOZ7QCb https://devuploads.com/k2rq3rhh5lzo
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World series by FUNA (.ePUB)
📮 Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World series by FUNA (.ePUB) FUNA is a Japanese author best known for Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! and Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Funa Size 97.4MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB Volume 1Volume 1 Volume 1 Mitsuha is your average teenage orphan—until one day she falls off a cliff, and finds herself in another world strangely akin to medieval Europe! Beset by wolves, she discovers she has the ability to travel freely between the two worlds, and decides to make a life for herself in both. Now all she needs to do is save up 80,000 gold coins for a comfortable retirement... Piece of cake, right?! No matter how out of control things get, Mitsuha keeps her cool, turning every hurdle into a business opportunity. From shopkeeper to war hero to viscountess, her meteoric rise seems unstoppable—but with each success comes new obligations and new costs. Does every step up just take her further from her goal?? Volume 2Volume 2 Volume 2 Thanks to her ability to freely travel between worlds, Mitsuha’s business is booming. One day, she witnesses a group of men trying to abduct one of her female customers. Mitsuha stops them with her stun gun, taking the opportunity to deliver a cool line she has always wanted to say... “I am the Lightning Archpriestess! Those in my way deserve no mercy!” After dealing with the would-be kidnappers, she discovers that the girl she saved is actually a princess! Just as Mitsuha tries to flee the scene, she is invited to the royal palace. Just how will our general store manager fare when called to an audience with the king? Volume 3Volume 3 Volume 3 The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha's General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha's going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now that she's been attached to a diplomatic delegation?! She's already got a lot on her plate, but she can't very well ignore a command from the king himself... And so Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano, aka the Lightning Archpriestess, sets off with Sabine and Colette in tow... But with a fully-equipped RV-not to mention Mitsuha's world-jumping power-it's not exactly going to be an arduous journey. Delicate negotiations, handsome princes, and bandit raids await as the girls leave their kingdom and their comfort zone for the first time!! Volume 4Volume 4 Volume 4 Having completed their diplomatic delegation, Mitsuha and the girls finally get to go home…but there's no time for our heroine to relax! In Japan, she becomes a small business owner and also opens her first store on Earth: an art gallery café. In the other world, the viscountess ventures solo to the enemy land across the sea, and even launches another shop! “I am Nanoha, crosser of dimensions in the name of a wandering god! I cast open a path to another world!” Using her world-jumping ability, Mitsuha becomes an explorer of the New World, a spy, a sculpture artist, and more! There's no stopping her now! Business is booming in volume 4! Volume 5Volume 5 Volume 5 The newly opened gallery café Gold Coin is a huge hit with the locals thanks to the savvy manager and waitress running it. Meanwhile, the café's owner Mitsuha is going on an undercover mission to the New World. Disguising herself as a foreign noble/royal, a sweet innocent fan of the navy, and even as the Envoy of the Goddess, Mitsuha gathers intel and spreads disinformation, sowing her seeds for future invasion. Joining forces with a young and ambitious local merchant, Mitsuha plots to tip Vanel's economy with Earth's spoils: sugar, spice, and other nice but useless foodstuff. Dodging pushy nobles, meeting the King of Vanel, and introducing a new business plan to Yamano County, the world-jumping heroine is on the fast track to becoming...the head of a secret evil economic empire?! Volume 6Volume 6 Volume 6 Joining forces with the ambitious merchant Lephilia, Mitsuha is on a roll in the New World. But now their inventory's been stolen by a jealous rival! She's not letting them get away, though. It's payback time-with the cunning use of her world-jumping ability, of course. In this volume, our heroine is cooking up even more storms: an exclusive club for young noble girls, a manmade island, and a new kind of weapon that'll knock a boy's socks off?! Sure, saving up gold coins for her retirement is important, but right now, Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano is amped up to undermine her enemy and strengthen her own county's and kingdom's economic power like a full-fledged ruler! Volume 7Volume 7 Volume 7 Just as business in the New World is starting to look stable, Mitsuha learns that something hostile is afoot in the Kingdom of Vanel… They're on the brink of war! All of her hard work will go to waste if she doesn't do something to stop her enemy from gaining too much power. Time to get busy! Training the Zeglusian navy, planning a maritime warfare tactic…How will Mitsuha use her world-jumping ability to solve the crisis? Meanwhile, our busy heroine has no idea of the tension running between…Beatrice and Colette?! Behold, the (fabricated) miracles of the Goddess! 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/jDWtBVZwsXRT https://devuploads.com/zy9emjg30k8m
Blender 4.2 User Guide by Tyler Donovan (.ePUB)
📮 Blender 4.2 User Guide by Tyler Donovan (.ePUB) Master Blender 4.2: The Ultimate Guide to 3D Creation, Animation, and Visual Effects. Blender 4.2 marks a significant leap forward in the world of open-source 3D creation software, and this comprehensive guide is your key to unlocking its full potential. Whether you're a newcomer to the 3D realm or a seasoned Blender user, this book has you covered, offering in-depth coverage of everything Blender 4.2 has to offer. This guide starts with the fundamentals and gradually advances to more complex techniques, ensuring you have the skills needed to create stunning 3D models, animations, and a wide array of creative projects. With Blender 4.2’s significant updates, such as enhanced geometry nodes, users now enjoy greater flexibility and control in procedural modeling tasks. The improved Cycles rendering engine takes realism to new heights, delivering lifelike lighting, shadows, and material simulations that bring your virtual creations closer to reality. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Tyler Donovan Size 24.6MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/MdY5K3cd9OWv https://devuploads.com/3oudzfa5zh3e
HomeMade Modern: Smart DIY Designs by Ben Uyeda (.ePUB)
📮 HomeMade Modern: Smart DIY Designs by Ben Uyeda (.ePUB) From founder Ben Uyeda of Homemade-Modern.com comes a collection of 30 DIY projects to furnish your home and outdoor space made from durable, recycled materials-metal, wood, and concrete. Focused on sustainable pieces with a high-end feel, this book is filled with projects that are both beautiful and easy to construct. Homemade Modern walks you step-by-step through the process of making furniture, from where to buy the materials (or where to scavenge!) to how to make the most of the tools you own. Not only will you save money, but you'll also make environmentally sustainable pieces that are solidly built, using real materials. All you need is a sense of adventure to make furniture that looks amazing and that you can actually afford. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ben Uyeda Size 38.6MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/CIxkg6XR4xOJ https://devuploads.com/16nz20qqhpim
Furniture Design by Jim Postell (.PDF)
📮 Furniture Design by Jim Postell (.PDF) The comprehensive guide to furniture design― expanded and updated Furniture designers draw on a range of knowledge and disciplines to create their work. From history to theory to technology, Furniture Design offers a comprehensive survey of the essential craft- and practice-related aspects of furniture design. Generously illustrated with photographs and drawings―including a new color section―this Second Edition features updated coverage of material specifications, green design, digital design, and fabrication technologies. It also features twenty-five case studies of furniture design that represent a broad selection of works, designers, and techniques, including recent designs produced within the last decade. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jim Postell Size 102MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ltM0j8anbIU3 https://devuploads.com/qrqwt03fwz9h
Driftwood Furniture by Derek Douglas (.PDF)
📮 Driftwood Furniture by Derek Douglas (.PDF) From the beach to the backyard. Driftwood is an ideal building material. It is abundant, renewable and (best of all) free. It is easy to work with, does not require complicated tools and the results are guaranteed to be unique since no two pieces of driftwood are the same. Using driftwood adds to the rustic setting of any garden or patio. Because of the natural process that creates driftwood, it requires no finishes and it is naturally waterproof and bug-free. Author Derek Douglas shows how to construct beautiful and useful chairs, tables, benches, arbors, and decorative objects. Nineteen projects are featured that will appeal to novice and experienced woodworkers alike. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Derek Douglas Size 28MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cBiXGLEi0tDM https://devuploads.com/k1nyth7y28g2
The War on the Eastern Front by Alexander Hill (.ePUB)
📮 The War on the Eastern Front by Alexander Hill (.ePUB) The RIA-Novosti press agency – now known as Sputnik in the West – has one of the best archives of Soviet Second World War photographs and for this remarkable book Alexander Hill has made a superb selection of them. These striking images record vividly, as only photographs can, the brutal conflict on the Eastern Front and the extraordinary experience of the soldiers and civilians who were caught up in it. Every aspect of the struggle is depicted – the fighting on the front lines and behind the lines, aerial combat and naval warfare, the ordeal of living under German occupation, the war industries and Lend-Lease and the massive sacrifices made at every level of Soviet society to defeat the Germans. The photographs and captions take the reader through the entire course of the war, from the Nazi-Soviet Pact and Soviet expansion into Poland, Finland and the Baltic Republics, through Operation Barbarossa and the German advances of 1941 and 1942, to the momentous battles at Stalingrad and Kursk and the sequence of massive offensives mounted by the Red Army that drove the Wehrmacht back to Berlin. The landscapes over which the armies moved, and the shattered towns and cities they left behind, are recorded as are individuals whose faces were captured by the camera during this devastating conflict over seventy years ago. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Alexander Hill Size 68MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/H9sWlhreUoNh https://devuploads.com/01af0r3yngd6
Little by Little: Quilts in Miniature by Mary Hickey (.PDF)
📮 Little by Little: Quilts in Miniature by Mary Hickey (.PDF) Miniature quilt patterns: Nine patch chain, puss in the corner, double Irish chain, log cabin, coming and going, monkey wrench, sailboat, bow tie, prairie lily, sawtooth star, old maid's puzzle, strawberry basket, snail's tail, variable star and crocus. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mary Hickey Size 24MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ckZF312JrZJ8 https://devuploads.com/1n6yvstizkfd
Newt: A Cookbook for All by Newt Nguyen (.ePUB)
📮 Newt: A Cookbook for All by Newt Nguyen (.ePUB) Newt's relatable charm and uproarious cooking videos have taken the internet by storm and now, he invites you to step into his world, where cooking is an adventure. His debut cookbook is for everyone, with more than 75 beginner friendly, hugely satisfying recipes. Best known for putting out hilarious cooking videos of bussin recipes to his more than 15 million followers online, Newt actually comes from very humble beginnings. His journey, from his tiny mobile-home kitchen, equipped with just a plug-in toaster oven and gas burner, to becoming a major TikTok sensation, is a testament to his unwavering belief: everyone, regardless of kitchen size, budget, or culinary experience, cook a mouthwatering masterpiece. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Newt Nguyen Size 171MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/c3cumTTykxF9 https://devuploads.com/p05z92p1ywwj
Dickens and Travel by Lucinda Hawksley (.ePUB)
📮 Dickens and Travel by Lucinda Hawksley (.ePUB) About the Author: Lucinda Hawksley is an author, broadcaster and public speaker. She has written more than twenty books, including critically acclaimed biographies, art history, social history, the history of London and travel writing. This is her third book about her great great great grandfather, Charles Dickens. Lucinda has appeared on television and radio programmes around the globe. She is a Patron of the Charles Dickens Museum in London. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Lucinda Hawksley Size 19MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/S01g8i1OviS9 https://devuploads.com/o4s9jc13g1dk
The Found and the Lost by Ursula K. Le Guin (.ePUB)
📮 The Found and the Lost by Ursula K. Le Guin (.ePUB) Every novella by Ursula K. Le Guin, an icon in American literature, collected for the first time in one breathtaking volume. Ursula K. Le Guin has won multiple prizes and accolades from the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters to the Newbery Honor, the Nebula, Hugo, World Fantasy, and PEN/Malamud Awards. She has had her work collected over the years, but never as a complete retrospective of her longer works as represented in the wonderful The Found and the Lost. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ursula K. Le Guin Size 3MB Category Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/DvTBXs5GK2Lh https://devuploads.com/zdighaw1wiwu
Alfresco: 125 Recipes for Eating & Enjoying by Weldon Owen (.ePUB)
📮 Alfresco: 125 Recipes for Eating & Enjoying by Weldon Owen (.ePUB) An inspiring guide to outdoor dining with 125 recipes for alfresco meals, from grilling favorites to make-ahead dishes and batch cocktails. Featuring more than 125 classic and contemporary recipes with an emphasis on fresh, seasonal ingredients, Alfresco provides everything you need to know about cooking and serving outdoor-oriented meals. The recipes span easy-to-eat and shareable appetizers (from skewers and flatbreads, to delicious favorites like paella); backyard favorites (such as grilled pizzas, whole grilled fish, and burgers); and fun desserts (like boozy ice cream floats and chai-smoked pineapple). Home cooks will find ways to take advantage of the garden-fresh produce of spring, summer, and fall when menu planning and tips for making the most of outdoor settings. Entertaining advice, including suggestions for serving food safely and making batch drinks and snacks, will ensure cooks entertain and serve with confidence. Vibrant food photography and tablescapes interspersed throughout the pages provide inspiration for making every meal outdoors a special occasion. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Weldon Owen Size 15MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Kome2pVdZU1q https://devuploads.com/ika857g3x7vf
The Complete Instant Pot Collection by Weldon Owen (.ePUB)
📮 The Complete Instant Pot Collection by Weldon Owen (.ePUB) In this officially-endorsed title, unlock the power and versatility of your Instant Pot or Duo Air Fryer. The Complete Instant Pot Collection demonstrates the increasing versatility of this popular and innovative pressure cooker—now paired with a lid for crisp cooking—with over 175 recipes for fast, healthy, everyday meals. The Instant Pot has become an instant classic, a must-have item for home cooks everywhere. Designed to increase the versatility of your Instant Pot or Duo Crisp machine, The Complete Instant Pot Cookbook features a curated collection of classic and contemporary recipes that utilize this innovative device to its maximum potential and yield delicious, streamlined meals. The well-tested recipes include all the basics—like yogurt, eggs, jam, rice, grains, and beans—as well as dishes for every meal of the day. You’ll learn the fundamentals and benefits of cooking various cuts of meat—such as pork shoulder, chicken thighs, or beef chuck—in an Instant Pot. Quick and simple soup stocks—including chicken, fish, bone, and vegetable—allow you to maximize the flavor of your favorite dishes in less time than traditional methods. Plus, the Instant Pot primer gives you all the insider tips on how to maximize the effectiveness and versatility of the Instant Pot and the Air Fryer lid. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Weldon Owen Size 71MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0FK3ijIFNPSW https://devuploads.com/3ev7berclvxx
Python Beyond the Basics: An In-Depth Guide by ByteNovus (.PDF)
📮 Python Beyond the Basics: An In-Depth Guide by ByteNovus (.PDF) Python Beyond the Basics: An In-Depth Guide for Advanced Users is a comprehensive exploration of advanced Python programming concepts. This book is designed for developers who have a strong foundation in Python and are ready to elevate their skills to the next level. Covering topics such as advanced data structures, functional programming, object-oriented design, iterators, generators, and concurrency, this guide offers practical insights and examples for tackling real-world problems. It also delves into Python's data model, testing, debugging, and performance optimization techniques. Whether you're working with Machine Learning, Data Science, or web development, this book provides the tools and techniques necessary to write efficient, scalable, and maintainable Python code. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bytenovus Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/TEU6h7WSmoTW https://devuploads.com/rr8x6e76o9v1
On the Wrong Side by Nicole Bedera (.ePUB)
📮 On the Wrong Side by Nicole Bedera (.ePUB) This explosive investigation reveals the profound failures of the Title IX system and identifies concrete, surprisingly simple steps we can take to protect students. The debate over campus sexual violence is more heated than ever, but hardly anyone knows what actually happens inside Title IX offices. On the Wrong Side provides the first comprehensive account of the inner workings of the secretive Title IX system. Drawing on a yearlong study of survivors, perpetrators, and the administrators who oversaw their cases, sociologist Nicole Bedera exposes the structures that predictably punish survivors who come forward in the service of protecting—or even rewarding—their perpetrators. In doing so, she reveals that the system tasked with ending gender inequality on campus only intensifies it, upending survivors' lives and threatening the degrees that brought them to college in the first place. Equally heartbreaking and optimistic, On the Wrong Side makes it easy to imagine life-changing interventions for the next generation of students by proposing specific solutions to the structural problems of Title IX. Bedera proves that ending campus sexual violence is within our grasp—and dares us to be courageous enough to take action. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Nicole Bedera Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/99qw7MxGYblj https://devuploads.com/wul91snxn1wp
The Architecture Lover's Guide to Paris by Ruby Boukabou (.ePUB)
📮 The Architecture Lover's Guide to Paris by Ruby Boukabou (.ePUB) Discover the architectural history behind Paris’s iconic building, famous landmarks, and charming neighborhoods with this handy visual guidebook. As you stroll the streets of Paris, this informative volume will help you unlock the secrets of the city’s beguiling beauty. Covering the major landmarks as well as dozens of lesser-known architectural gems, The Architecture Lover’s Guide to Paris puts essential history and fascinating details at your fingertips. Whether you are a Paris regular or visiting for the first time, this guide will help you understand how the city acquired its unique design palette. It also offers self-guided walking tours and suggestions of some of the best hotels, restaurants, cafés, churches, parks and more. You’ll discover ancient Roman baths, 17th century mansions, Art Deco theaters, and contemporary cultural complexes. You’ll also find out where to kick back, cocktail or mock-tail in hand, with a panoramic view over the capital. Written by Ruby Boukabou, author of The Art Lover’s Guide to Paris, this book is the perfect companion for anybody intrigued by the City of Light. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ruby Boukabou Size 128MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/v1rjpfYmeH51 https://devuploads.com/42um47rkfrdd
Everything I Need I Learned From Country Music by Stella Barnes(.ePUB)
📮 Everything I Need I Learned From Country Music by Stella Barnes(.ePUB) Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Country Music is a Nashville tribute perfect for any country music lover from Stella Barnes, featuring illustrations by Bob Delevante. You can always count on country music! Take it from your favorite country artists! Whether you’re nursing a beer and a broken heart or you’re raising a glass to the little things in life, they’re right there by your side with the lyrics you need to hear most. Now, you can find country’s best lessons right here in Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Country Music. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Stella Barnes(.Epub) Size N/A Category Non-Fiction > General File Type Everything I Need I Learned From Country Music by Stella Barnes(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/3K3z9E0GJ3IV https://devuploads.com/fv5d3p5x2xr4
Follow Your Bliss and Other Lies by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore (.ePUB)
📮 Follow Your Bliss and Other Lies by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore (.ePUB) What does it mean to pursue a calling? According to Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, it may mean ambiguity, uncertainty, and even suffering–but that's what makes it worthwhile. The common understanding of calling is often simplistic. You simply need to follow your bliss, or God's will. Miller-McLemore dives into the complex reality of what it means to pursue a calling, challenging the deceptive and destructive idea that a well-lived life is simple, with one perfect career, partner, or summons from God. Instead, she argues, to truly grapple with calling, we must consider how it evolves amid the constraints of life. Callings are often accompanied by loss, regret, failure, impediments, frustration, overload, and conflict, challenges that are an important part of a balanced life. Grounding her argument in stories from memoirs and biographies, fiction, and the people she has encountered in her thirty years of teaching and research, Miller-McLemore guides the reader through six dilemmas one may face throughout life, from missed or conflicted callings to unexpected or relinquished passions. Each chapter explores the pain and hardships around these complicated experiences and the enhanced insight and vitality that arises from enduring them. Intertwining faith, philosophy, and pragmatism, Miller-McLemore engages unflinchingly with the ways we find purpose in our lives, and how we make meaning of the search for a calling, no matter how rough the road it leads us down. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bonnie J. Miller-Mclemore Size 600KB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/q07eJhtwuMmI https://devuploads.com/1z5owj2n2d2z
Art in a State of Siege by Joseph Leo Koerner (.ePUB)
📮 Art in a State of Siege by Joseph Leo Koerner (.ePUB) An art historical epic for dangerous times What do artworks look like in extreme cases of collective experience? What signals do artists send when enemies are at the city walls and the rule of law breaks down, or when a tyrant suspends the law to attack from inside? Art in a State of Siege tells the story of three compelling images created in dangerous moments and the people who experienced them—from Philip II of Spain to Carl Schmitt—whose panicked gaze turned artworks into omens. Acclaimed art historian Joseph Koerner reaches back to the eve of iconoclasm and religious warfare to explore the most elusive painting ever painted. In Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Delights, enemies are everywhere: Jews and Ottomans at the gates, witches and heretics at home, sins overtaking the mind. Following a paper trail leading from Bosch’s time to World War II, Koerner considers a monumental self-portrait painted by Max Beckmann in 1927. Created when Germany was often governed by emergency decree, this image brazenly claimed to decide Europe’s future—until the Nazis deemed it to be a threat to the German people. For South African artist William Kentridge, Beckmann exemplified “art in a state of siege.” Koerner shows how his work served as beacon during South Africa’s racialist apartheid rule and inspired Kentridge’s breakthrough animations of drawings being made, erased, and remade. Spanning half a millennium but urgent today, Art in a State of Siege reveals how, in dire straits, art becomes the currency of last resort. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Joseph Leo Koerner Size 165MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/3dLvlKsPExVH https://devuploads.com/3249xoz3wrth