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Legendary Reader
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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 European Paganism by Ken Dowden (.ePUB) European Paganism provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of ancient pagan religions throughout the European continent. Before there where Christians, the peoples of Europe were pagans. Were they bloodthirsty savages hanging human offerings from trees? Were they happy ecologists, valuing the unpolluted rivers and mountains? In European Paganism Ken Dowden outlines and analyses the diverse aspects of pagan ritual and culture from human sacrifice to pilgrimage lunar festivals and tree worship. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ken Dowden Size 27MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/PhIkkILdQvKx https://devuploads.com/u9tqk3y509n9
  2. 📮 What Is It Like to Be an Addict? by Owen J. Flanagan (.ePUB) A powerful and important exploration of how addiction functions on social, psychological and biological levels, integrated with the experience of being an addict, from an acclaimed philosopher and former addict. What is addiction? Theories about what kind of thing addiction is are sharply divided between those who see it purely as a brain disorder, and those who conceive of it in psychological and social terms. Owen Flanagan, an acclaimed philosopher of mind and ethics, offers a state-of-the-art assessment of addiction science and proposes a new ecumenical model for understanding and explaining substance addiction. Flanagan has first-hand knowledge of what it is like to be an addict. That experience, along with his wide-ranging knowledge of the philosophy of mind, psychology, neuroscience, and the ethics and politics of addiction, informs this important and novel work. He pairs the sciences that study addiction with a sophisticated view of the consciousness-brain/body relation to make his core argument: that substance addictions comprise a heterogeneous set of "psychobiosocial" behavioral disorders. He explains that substance addictions do not have one set of causes, such as self-medication or social dislocation, and they do not have one neural profile, such as a dysfunction in dopamine system. Some addictions are fun and experimentation gone awry. Flanagan reveals addiction to be a heterogeneous set of disorders, which are picked out by multifarious cultural, social, psychological, and neural features. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Owen J. Flanagan Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cjbPcg266o3Y https://devuploads.com/41lywjeagi6b
  3. 📮 English for Everyone Junior Gramática inglesa by DK (.ePUB) Understand the rules of English grammar with this fun, fully illustrated reference book for children aged 5–9 who are studying English as a foreign language. This ultimate grammar guide features attractive illustrations, clear layouts, and simple explanations that present and explain the rules of the English language in a way that is easy for younger learners to understand and digest. The grammar covered in this reference guide will help children aged 5-9 to describe the world around them, talk about their likes and dislikes, ask questions, and form negative sentences. Grammar is first presented in a realistic scene, and then broken down into bite-size chunks that are easy to understand and digest. Each grammar rule is accompanied by a simple explanation that can be used by the teacher or parent. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Dk Size 47MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/O6LtaZ7ibDxV https://devuploads.com/whmm069gkt8j
  4. 📮 Insight Guides Argentina, 8th Edition by Insight Guides (.ePUB) This Argentina guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about Argentina's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Argentina travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of Argentina. This Argentina guidebook covers: Buenos Aires, Around Buenos Aires, Mar y Sierras, The Central Sierras, The Northeast, The Northwest, The Cuyo, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Insight Guides Size 87MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/dXp2PU2KRsZA https://devuploads.com/f0fzc9pdzjrx
  5. 📮 The Optimum Imperative by Ana Miljacki (.PDF) The Optimum Imperative examines architecture’s multiple entanglements within the problematics of Socialist lifestyle in postwar Czechoslovakia. Situated in the period loosely bracketed by the signing of the Munich accords in 1938, which affected Czechoslovakia’s entrance into World War II, and the Warsaw Pact troops’ occupation of Prague in 1968, the book investigates three decades of Czech architecture, highlighting a diverse cast of protagonists. Key among them are the theorist and architect Karel Honzík and a small group of his colleagues in the Club for the Study of Consumption; the award-winning Czechoslovak Pavilion at the 1958 World Expo in Brussels; and SIAL, a group of architects from Liberec that emerged from the national network of Stavoprojekt offices during the reform years, only to be subsumed back into it in the wake of Czechoslovak normalization. This episodic approach enables a long view of the way that the project of constructing Socialism was made disciplinarily specific for architecture, through the constant interpretation of Socialist lifestyle, both as a narrative framework and as a historical goal. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ana Miljacki Size 12MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/yw7BRt0voUjx https://devuploads.com/kf3lwufurf2t
  6. 📮 Women Photographers and Feminist Aesthetics by Claire Raymond (.PDF) Women Photographers and Feminist Aesthetics makes the case for a feminist aesthetics in photography by analysing key works of twenty-two women photographers, including cis- and trans-woman photographers. Claire Raymond provides close readings of key photographs spanning the history of photography, from nineteenth-century Europe to twenty-first century Africa and Asia. She offers original interpretations of well-known photographers such as Diane Arbus, Sally Mann, and Carrie Mae Weems, analysing their work in relation to gender, class, and race. The book also pays close attention to the way in which indigenous North Americans have been represented through photography and the ways in which contemporary Native American women photographers respond to this history. Developing the argument that through aesthetic force emerges the truly political, the book moves beyond polarization of the aesthetic and the cultural. Instead, photographic works are read for their subversive political and cultural force, as it emerges through the aesthetics of the image. This book is ideal for students of Photography, Art History, Art and Visual Culture, and Gender. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Claire Raymond Size 17MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/RtxLUYpMszpB https://devuploads.com/yjfeu2vyxzvc
  7. 📮 Our New Social Life by Natalie Kerr, Jaime Kurtz (.ePUB) A fascinating introduction to the science of connection that will ultimately improve your social life and lead to better relationships. In a world where everything seems to transform in a blink, anyone can suddenly find themselves scrambling for human connection. Someone who has always found it easy to connect can suddenly feel disoriented if they start a new job, move to a new region, or welcome a new member into the family. Others may have always found it difficult to connect, feel they've outgrown their circles, or may feel dissatisfied for a range of other reasons. In Our New Social Life, social connection and happiness experts Natalie Kerr and Jaime Kurtz explain the science behind these struggles and steer us toward timeless skills to overcome these challenges. Unlike much of the guidance found online, this book is based on decades of research, which the authors make accessible and useful to the reader, and offers tools for introverts and extraverts alike. Whether the barriers to connection are a function of modern life–such as being distracted by our devices, feeling overworked, and living far away from loved ones–or are more timeless–such as simply not knowing how to connect, misunderstanding the thoughts and feelings of others, undervaluing moments of solitude, and avoiding the sort of vulnerability that creates deep bonds–this book offers hope, encouragement, and relatability to help readers have a richer and more vibrant social life. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Natalie Kerr, Jaime Kurtz Size 300KB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/uRhCBakWwmCT https://devuploads.com/4rcnc6v96uvd
  8. 📮 The 'Annals' of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966 by Steven Fanning (.ePUB) This fascinating account is the principal source for a number of momentous political developments leading up to the millennium. These include struggles among the Carolingians, the rise of the Saxon dynasty in Germany, and various Viking and Magyar raids. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Steven Fanning Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/4LAOjGyunI0x https://devuploads.com/93osmnn3lc79
  9. 📮 Trolling Before the Internet by David Rudrum (.ePUB) Trolling began long before the internet. This accessible history traces the ancestry of its textual and rhetorical strategies, by looking at literature from ancient Greece to the 1980s. Trolling is the most controversial genre of writing to have risen to prominence in the 21st century, with far-reaching consequences for its writers and readers alike. But it is too often regarded as a technological problem, confined to the internet. This book takes a very different approach: it regards trolling as a cultural problem with a long and venerable literary history. Taking in the contrarianism of Lord Byron, the wit of Oscar Wilde, insult trading in Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift's disaster trolling, Martin Luther's dissemination of heresy through a public discussion forum, the grotesquely misogynistic abuse hurled in Archilochus's poetry, the taunting provocations of avant-garde manifestos, and not forgetting public humiliations in Beowulf, David Rudrum demonstrates that trolls' rhetorical shenanigans are neither new nor unvanquishable. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Rudrum Size 1.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/y0FnfYvs6wsU https://devuploads.com/ngtsoa7xhfvm
  10. 📮 GED Test Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies, 7th Ed. by Tim Collins (.ePUB) Nail the GED exam and start the next chapter of your life A GED credential can open doors, help you get into college, and improve your job prospects. GED Test Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies is the trusted study guide full of all the info you'll need to succeed on this important high school equivalency exam. Inside, you'll find study plans, overviews of each section on the test, and insider tips. Polish your grammar skills, beat the odds in math, and dive into science and social studies. Then skill up with three practice tests online, giving you plenty of opportunity to practice what you've learned. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Tim Collins Size 27MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/IDtnumG2E0RM https://devuploads.com/nqunjblynlq0
  11. 📮 Mindfulness for Unravelling Anxiety by Richard Gilpin (.ePUB) Anxiety is a state many of us know only too well and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is on the global increase too. Mindfulness for Unravelling Anxiety helps loosen the knots and tangles of anxiety and explores the ways we can break their stifling bonds through better understanding of the root of the problem – the mind. Richard Gilpin shares frank personal anecdotes and therapeutic insights, revealing how mindfulness can create a path for us through anxiety. With wisdom and clarity, he guides us through the transformative practice of mindfulness meditation. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Richard Gilpin Size 2MB Category Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/vgZUQTh0QXwt https://devuploads.com/hgvx3yxticr1
  12. 📮 The Superstruct Manifesto by David Guttman (.ePUB) This practical and insightful book offers guidance for founders who rely on software engineers to drive their company's success. With real-life examples and a fresh perspective, this manifesto helps navigate the complexities of hiring and managing engineering teams. "The Superstruct Manifesto" challenges common beliefs and encourages founders to create supportive environments that foster success. By avoiding the pitfalls of blindly following popular tech company trends, founders can cultivate the behaviors necessary for their organization's growth and progress. This resource is suitable for both experienced entrepreneurs and first-time founders looking to build and lead high-performing engineering teams. Discover how to minimize complications and distractions within the realm of software engineering. Unlock the full potential of your software engineers and propel your company towards sustainable growth and success. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Guttman Size N/A Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Bj0KtzynFSs0 https://devuploads.com/10z7md1xw9ok
  13. 📮 Teaching by Principles (4th Edition) by H. Douglas Brown (.PDF) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (Fourth Edition) by H. Douglas Brown and Heekyeong Lee is a comprehensive guide for language teachers, blending theory and practice. It outlines research-based principles such as communicative competence, learner-centered teaching, and interactive methods, emphasizing the integration of skills and meaningful communication. The book provides practical strategies for teaching grammar, vocabulary, and language skills, alongside guidance on classroom management, assessment, and incorporating technology. With a focus on reflective teaching, it encourages educators to adapt their methods to diverse learners, making it a foundational text in language pedagogy. ♻️ Book's Info: Author H. Douglas Brown Size N/A Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/cxh4roOsHfjD https://devuploads.com/o3n2rnasw300
  14. 📮 7 Books by Adam Nevill aka Adam L G Nevill (.ePUB) Adam Nevill was born in Birmingham, England, in 1969, and grew up in England and New Zealand. He is the author of the novels: Banquet for the Damned, Apartment 16, The Ritual, Last Days, House of Small Shadows, and No One Gets Out Alive. In 2012 The Ritual won the August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel; in 2013, Last Days won the same award. Both The Ritual and Last Days won the RUSA for Best in Category: Horror. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Adam Nevill Aka Adam L G Nevill Size 6.9MB Category Horror | Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB Apartment 16:Apartment 16: In Barrington House, an upmarket block in London, there is an empty apartment. No one goes in and no one comes out, and it's been that way for 50 years, until the night a watchman hears a disturbance after midnight and is drawn to investigate. What he experiences is enough to change his life forever. Soon after, a young American woman, Apryl, arrives at Barrington House. She's been left an apartment by her mysterious Great Aunt Lillian who died in strange circumstances. Rumors claim Lillian was mad, but her diary suggests she was implicated in a horrific and inexplicable event decades ago. Determined to learn something of this eccentric woman, Apryl begins to unravel the hidden story of Barrington House. She discovers that a transforming, evil force still inhabits the building, and that the doorway to Apartment 16 is a gateway to something altogether more terrifying. No One Gets Out Alive:No One Gets Out Alive: Darkness lives within ...Cash-strapped, working for agencies and living in shared accommodation, Stephanie Booth feels she can fall no further. So when she takes a new room at the right price, she believes her luck has finally turned. But 82 Edgware Road is not what it appears to be. It's not only the eerie atmosphere of the vast, neglected house, or the disturbing attitude of her new landlord, Knacker McGuire, that makes her uneasy - it's the whispers behind the fireplace, the scratching beneath floors, the footsteps in the dark, and the young women weeping in neighbouring rooms. And when Knacker's cousin Fergal arrives, the danger goes vertical. But this is merely a beginning, a gateway to horrors beyond Stephanie's worst nightmares. And in a house where no one listens to the screams, will she ever get out alive? Lost GirlLost Girl How far will he go to save his daughter? How far will he go to get revenge? It's 2053 and climate change has left billions homeless and starving - easy prey for the pandemics that sweep across the globe, scything through the refugee populations. Easy prey, too, for the violent gangs and people-smugglers who thrive in the crumbling world where 'King Death' reigns supreme. The father's world went to hell two years ago. His four-year-old daughter was snatched from his garden when he should have been watching. The moments before her disappearance play in a perpetual loop in his mind. But the police aren't interested; amidst floods, hurricanes and global chaos, who cares about one more missing child? Now it's all down to him to find her, him alone . . . Banquet for the DamnedBanquet for the Damned Few believed Professor Coldwell was in touch with an unseen world — that he could commune with spirits. But in Scotland's oldest university town something has passed from darkness into light. Now, the young are being haunted by night terrors and those who are visited disappear. This is certainly not a place for outsiders, especially at night. So what chance do a rootless musician and burned out explorer have of surviving their entanglement with an ageless supernatural evil and the ruthless cult that worships it? This chilling occult thriller is both an homage to the great age of British ghost stories and a pacy modern tale of diabolism and witchcraft. Last Days Last Days Last Days by Adam Nevill is a Blair Witch style novel in which a documentary film-maker undertakes the investigation of a dangerous cult—with creepy consequencesWhen guerrilla documentary maker, Kyle Freeman, is asked to shoot a film on the notorious cult known as the Temple of the Last Days, it appears his prayers have been answered. The cult became a worldwide phenomenon in 1975 when there was a massacre including the death of its infamous leader, Sister Katherine. Kyle’s brief is to explore the paranormal myths surrounding an organization that became a testament to paranoia, murderous rage, and occult rituals. The shoot’s locations take him to the cult’s first temple in London, an abandoned farm in France, and a derelict copper mine in the Arizonan desert where The Temple of the Last Days met its bloody end. But when he interviews those involved in the case, those who haven’t broken silence in decades, a series of uncanny events plague the shoots. Troubling out-of-body experiences, nocturnal visitations, the sudden demise of their interviewees and the discovery of ghastly artifacts in their room make Kyle question what exactly it is the cult managed to awaken – and what is its interest in him? Before You SleepBefore You Sleep (AKA Adam L G Nevill) A trilogy of horror stories from Adam L. G. Nevill’s first collection of short stories – SOME WILL NOT SLEEP – and an introduction to the nightmarish visions and ghastly spectres that have been disturbing the sleep of readers for years. In this book you’ll find two ghost stories and a tale of ancestral demoniac horror. Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors (AKA Adam L G Nevill) A bestial face appears at windows in the night.In the big white house on the hill angels are said to appear.A forgotten tenant in an isolated building becomes addicted to milk.A strange goddess is worshipped by a home-invading disciple.The least remembered gods still haunt the oldest forests.Cannibalism occurs in high society at the end of the world.The sainted undead follow their prophet to the Great Dead Sea.A confused and vengeful presence occupies the home of a first-time buyer . . . A bestial face appears at windows in the night. In the big white house on the hill angels are said to appear. A forgotten tenant in an isolated building becomes addicted to milk. A strange goddess is worshipped by a home-invading disciple. The least remembered gods still haunt the oldest forests. Cannibalism occurs in high society at the end of the world. The sainted undead follow their prophet to the Great Dead Sea. A confused and vengeful presence occupies the home of a first-time buyer . . . In ghastly harmony with the nightmarish visions of the award-winning writer's novels, these stories blend a lifelong appreciation of horror culture with the grotesque fascinations and childlike terrors that are the author's own. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/XC1kpyHqLr5t https://devuploads.com/v3qqy6nq8po8
  15. 📮 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne (.ePUB) In 1866, sightings of a legendary sea monster prompt a daring expedition out of New York City. Professor Pierre Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and whaler Ned Land are among the crew of the United States Navy frigate Abraham Lincoln. Though they are fearless, nothing prepares them for the “creature” itself—the Nautilus—a powerful, destructive submarine years ahead of its time. At the helm of the vessel is the brilliant Captain Nemo, who pulls the men deep into the wonders of the seas and the dark depths of his mind. Regarded as one of the great adventure novels of all time, Jules Verne’s prophetic masterpiece, republished here in Lewis Page Mercier’s translation, is at once an enthralling underwater quest and a tale of isolating madness. Revised edition: Previously published as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, this edition of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jules Verne Size 0.60MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/wbl700JQe6Yn https://devuploads.com/ppccv47z7a38
  16. 📮 Metal Rain by Hans Baernhoft (.ePUB) Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Marta Rozhdestvensky, an Ikea shop assistant is violently kidnapped from outside work and bundled into the boot of a car, sparking a nationwide manhunt... Wandsworth, London. Tyler Primovelli, a suicidal estate agent, finds a discarded hold-all containing a cell phone and a custom-made sniper rifle... Linking them both is Gregor Zinic, a retired Spetsnaz officer and Marta’s lover, forced to dump the rifle when his contract to assassinate an Irish financier is betrayed... Three lives locked together in an intricate web of deception and a desperate struggle for survival - all under the shadow of the terrifying Olevsky twins. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Hans Baernhoft Size 0.35MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/IkEBhoQnTEnw https://devuploads.com/9npa34go0a6x
  17. 📮 The Curious History of Vegetables by Bill Laws (.ePUB) Couch potatoes are idlers, cabbageheads are dunces, swede-bashers are stupid and you may as well give up life if you become a vegetable. A vegetable existence may imply dull monotony, but the humble vegetable has sparked protests, threatened to topple a British government and almost triggered a revolution. From the Scottish Presbyterian campaign against the ‘sinful potato’ to the class act that turned the carrot into a propaganda tool, from garlic inscriptions on Egyptian pyramids to Neolithic broad beans and medieval cabbage, and from the Dig for Victory campaign to competitive vegetable growing, The Curious History of Vegetables highlights just how vital our produce really is. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bill Laws Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/oZZeM5SAo9O8 https://devuploads.com/ezhj8xcxxd0z
  18. 📮 Under the Changing Skies by Paul Fleckney (.ePUB) A beautiful journey through the British countryside, drawn from the Guardian's beloved Country Diary. For over a century, TheGuardian's Country Diary has published the nation's most celebrated writers of natural history as they capture the essence of the British countryside. From Yorkshire to Belfast, Orkney to Cumbria, and Gwynedd to the Scottish Highlands, exquisitely written and softly observed snapshots emerge - of fishes lurking in dusky pools, of age-old trees beneath deep blue skies, of lives being lived alongside the ebbs and flows of the natural world. Bringing together the finest contributions to the column from recent years, Under the Changing Skies is an essential companion for all those with a deep love for the British countryside, charting its subtle changes over the course of the seasons. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Paul Fleckney Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/DJYZKqCBRVBD https://devuploads.com/xf3oqgkg09q5
  19. 📮 Robins in My Kitchen by Bryony Hill (.ePUB) It all began one late spring morning when a robin unexpectedly fluttered into Bryony’s bedroom. Unfazed, it perched on her dressing table briefly before flitting from room to room, eventually leaving through the kitchen window. With each passing day, the visits of the robin grew more frequent, its boldness evident as it fearlessly explored its surroundings. Soon, it began bringing moss and leaves to the kitchen window. With each further visit, more nesting materials would appear on the work surfaces or dropped onto the kitchen tiles. Then, one morning, Bryony heard scuffling and rustling noises as the robin began building a nest in the kitchen on the shelf of a pine dresser. Bryony found herself drawn into the remarkable journey of the robin. She witnessed the little bird’s unwavering dedication, and a few weeks later, four delicate eggs appeared. What followed was one of the most extraordinary experiences of Bryony’s life; as she observed the hatchlings grow under the vigilant care of their parents until one day, under the watchful eye of the father, Bryony released the fledglings into her garden. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bryony Hill Size 1.7MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/B8Hk4wfplnUs https://devuploads.com/r67l3sntfebc
  20. 📮 A Funny Place to Hold a War by Max Hennessy (.ePUB) A contest with the Nazis deep in the far corner of Africa. Fresh from the horrors of the Second World War, Ginger Donnelly is on the trail of Nazi saboteurs in Sierra Leone. Whilst taking a midnight paddle in a canoe cajoled from a local fisherman, Donnelly witnesses an unbelievable sight. An enormous seaplane thundering across the sky, crashing to the ground in a ball of brilliant flame. It seems like an accident... at least until a second plane explodes in a blistering shower along the same flight path. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Max Hennessy Size 0.59MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics Historical Fiction File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/GNDeBK7whjKy https://devuploads.com/imlzy85ogrud
  21. 📮 Killer Take All by Philip Race (.ePUB) They call him Johnny Berlin and he has an instinct for cards... for trouble...and for women. He'd dealt at all the biggest tables in Reno and Vegas. He'd told the head of the gambling syndicate to go to hell-and repeated the message to his hired killers. He'd had women throwing themselves at him at every turn... and he loved it. That was Johnny Berlin. Who would have thought he'd find the dice loaded against him in a peanut-sized town off a back road in northern California? Who would have thought he'd fall for a nice girl? And who would have thought he'd risk his life for her? Nobody...least of all Johnny Berlin himself. On his way from San Francisco, Johnny gets lost in the fog while driving the coastal route to Portland, Oregon. Stopping to get directions from a stranger turns out to be deadly, when that stranger-a dangerous racketeer-turns up dead... and Johnny is pegged as the killer. Now it'll take all his smarts and toughness to save himself and the woman he loves. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Philip Race Size 0.26MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/rXStx89pSFV2 https://devuploads.com/acbxu5d3yx5i
  22. JARVIS posted a post in a topic in Others
    📮 Old Times by Bill Brooks (.ePUB) As Nate Love placed the flowers on his murdered son’s grave, he thought that he shouldn't have had a son so late in his life. He wondered who it was would shoot that boy in the back over one damn cow? It was the cruellest of fates, he thought, not to know who did it. A dead boy should be able to tell who it was. There ought to at least be that kind of justice in the world. He knew there wasn't, though. He would have to find it for himself. But how could he do it alone? He wasn't what he once was; he was just old bones now.... That was when he went and wrote a letter to Monroe Hawks—"the meanest son of a bitch that ever lived." When they rode for Hanging Judge Parker, they were respected by the god-fearing and the godless alike. But that was then.... Now, both are long past their prime. Both know that soon they are going to be facing younger, stronger, faster men. And both Monroe Hawks and Nate Love know they won't be coming back.... ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bill Brooks Size 0.57MB Category Fiction > General Fiction/Classics Western File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/32MlkjmNmzRj https://devuploads.com/tonby57ncnqj
  23. 📮 Orchid Blue by Eoin McNamee (.ePUB) January 1961, and the beaten, stabbed and strangled body of a nineteen year old Pearl Gambol is discovered, after a dance the previous night at the Newry Orange Hall. Returning from London to investigate the case, Detective Eddie McCrink soon suspects that their may be people wielding influence over affairs, and that the accused, the enigmatic Robert McGladdery, may struggle to get a fair hearing. Presiding over the case is Lord Justice Curran, a man who nine years previously had found his own family in the news, following the murder of his nineteen year old daughter, Patricia. In a spectacular return to the territory of his acclaimed, Booker longlisted The Blue Tango, Eoin McNamee's new novel explores and dissects this notorious murder case which led to the final hanging on Northern Irish soil. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eoin Mcnamee Size 0.83MB Category Fiction > Mystery/Thriller File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/HBKaOk2wIFpy https://devuploads.com/mewkya2ypvm3
  24. 📮 The Winchester Powerhouse by Anthony Paice (.ePUB) Presenting portraits of the Winchester bishops down to the Norman Conquest, The Winchester Power-House is the first volume of a study covering the lives of some one hundred holders of the high ecclesiastical office. Characterised overwhelmingly by benevolence, the pre-Conquest prelates were at the forefront of the reconversion of southern Britain to Christianity. Beyond their spiritual role, however, they also helped to make Winchester – rather than London or Canterbury – the powerhouse of the expanding kingdom of Wessex and eventually of all England; they helped ensure that it remained the most prized and prestigious diocese in England down to the Reformation. As key counsellors to the Wessex kings, as reformers, even warriors on occasion, these men exerted a strong influence on the introduction of successive Saxon legal codes and judicial process. Indeed, during the development of an embryonic royal chancery in the early 11th century, the bishop was invariably the choice for chancellor, the king’s chief minister. It is no accident that the last bishop, Stigand, was both bishop of Winchester and archbishop of Canterbury. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Anthony Paice Size 900KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/uyX1YqpFBR6K https://devuploads.com/2at9j31s49vl
  25. 📮 Suicide Blonde: The Life of Gloria Grahame by Vincent Curcio (.ePUB) Written by a friend and co-worker, Suicide Blonde is the biography of a quintessential figure in the great American film noir of the 1940s and 1950s. Starring in such films as Crossfire, The Big Heat, In a Lonely Place, and The Bad and the Beautiful—for which she won an Oscar—Gloria Grahame was a legend offscreen as well as on. As part of the Hollywood dream factory—which made as well as destroyed careers overnight—Gloria Grahame was a survivor. She had enormous successes in such films as It's a Wonderful Life and The Greatest Show on Earth. And she had loyal fans who eagerly followed her strange private life... including her controversial and shocking fourth marriage to her stepson. Then, after the completion of the film for which she is most immediately remembered, Oklahoma!, she was blackballed by the industry that created her. Like so many of the characters she brought to life, Gloria Grahame was left down on her luck and out on her own. She was mysterious and enigmatic-she was a devastating beauty. But Gloria Grahame paid an enormous price to combine her personal life with her art. She suffered through a breakdown, battering husbands, disfiguring surgery, and a courageous eight-year battle with cancer, yet always she fought to work as an actress. Anyone who talks about classic movies ends up talking about Gloria Grahame. And eight years after her death, Suicide Blonde remembered her for what she really was, a woman on a collision course with the stars, and with herself, and a vastly underrated classic actress who will never be forgotten. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Vincent Curcio Size 0.39MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/FFTLKf5GefTB https://devuploads.com/9xvy2q5hfjhu

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