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Legendary Reader
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Everything posted by JARVIS

  1. 📮 Death to Bourgeois Society by Mitchell Abidor (.ePUB) Never before presented in English, here are the actual words and explanations of the acts of the Propagandists of the Deed, which had enormous impact on French political and cultural life Perhaps no period has so marked, so deformed, or so defined the anarchist movement as the three years in France from 1892 to 1894, the years known as the Age of Attentats, the years dominated by the Propagandists of the Deed. Death to Bourgeois Society tells the story of four young anarchists who were guillotined in France in the 1890s. The volume focuses on the main avatars of this movement and contains key first-person narratives of the events, from Ravachol’s forbidden speech and his account of his life, to Emile Henry’s questioning at his trial and his programmatic letter to the director of the prison in which he was held, to Auguste Vaillant’s confrontation with the investigators immediately after tossing his bomb, and Santo Caserio’s description of the assassination and his defense at his trial. In a time of cynicism and political decay for many, they represented a purity lacking in society, and their actions when they were captured, their forthrightness, their defiance up to the guillotine only added to their luster. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mitchell Abidor Size 900KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/OCIzPnOlLtKJ https://devuploads.com/ilwez0zjg5hl
  2. 📮 Bolsheviks Against Stalinism, 1928-1933 by Vadim Z. Rogovin (.ePUB) This is the second in a seven-volume series by the Russian Marxist historian, Vadim Rogovin, on the history of the Soviet Union between 1922 and 1940. Rogovin traces the inner-party struggles of 1928-1933, utilizing contemporaneous official documents; speeches and articles; Soviet archival material; memoirs of participants in political life; and documents by oppositionists in groups that were unknown to Soviet readers for many decades. The Left Opposition, led by Leon Trotsky, offered the most principled Marxist opposition to Stalinism, even as its members were being hounded into exile and imprisonment. Less known opposition groups, such as the Riutin group, are systematically presented. Rogovin analyzes the devastating impact of Stalinism on the Comintern. The alternative to Stalinism offered by the Left Opposition is presented chapter by chapter in this richly illustrated work. An appendix includes brief biographies of many oppositionists. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Vadim Z. Rogovin Size 16MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0x032vLZmEFU https://devuploads.com/rp25wo2so583
  3. JARVIS posted a post in a topic in Educational
    📮 Taboo by Eric Kaufmann (.ePUB) The once-dominant philosophy of the West, defined by free expression, equal treatment of individuals, national solidarity and scientific rationality, is under threat. 'Cultural socialism' – which advocates harsh restrictions on free speech, due process and national symbols in order to reduce psychological harm and bolster the esteem of formerly marginalized groups – is on the rise. Rather than focusing on Marxist revolutionaries or equality law, Eric Kaufmann concentrates on well-meaning left-liberals. He argues that the genesis of 'woke' cultural socialism emerged from liberal taboos around race that arose in the 1960s and came to be weaponised and extended to other areas, such as gender. Using extensive survey data, he shows that this process is driven mainly by values, not fear, and is only going to accelerate as culturally leftist generations enter the workforce and electorate. Its rise suppresses the open debate that makes effective policy-making possible, harming the minorities cultural socialists purport to help. Only if we shift from encouraging minority fragility to building minority resilience, using state power to check institutional illiberalism, can we resist cultural socialism and restore cultural flourishing. This is the authoritative study of the radical shift in values that has turbo-charged the culture wars of our time. No-one concerned with the cultural and political conflicts of our times can afford to miss it. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Eric Kaufmann Size 4MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/1KeNJxK7PSAX https://devuploads.com/w7s5hbdcqeln
  4. 📮 Bio-inspired Algorithms in Machine Learning by Balasubramaniam S(.PDF) Currently, Computational Intelligence approaches are utilised in various science and engineering applications to analyse information, make decisions, and achieve optimisation goals. Over the past few decades, various techniques and algorithms have been created in disciplines such as genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and fuzzy algorithms. In the coming years, intelligent optimisation algorithms are anticipated to become more efficient in addressing various issues in engineering, scientific, medical, space, and artificial satellite fields, particularly in early disease diagnosis. A metaheuristic in Computer Science is designed to discover optimisation algorithms capable of solving intricate issues. Metaheuristics are optimisation algorithms that mimic biological behaviours of animals or birds and are utilised to discover the best solution for a certain problem. Integrating bio-inspired algorithms with Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models enhances Computational Intelligence (CI). These algorithms, like neural networks modeling the human brain, ant colony optimization, and particle swarm optimization, offer robust, efficient, and flexible models. Their inherent parallelism, adaptability, and self-organization capabilities significantly improve ML/DL model design, accuracy, and generalizability. Genetic algorithms optimize neural networks and hyperparameters, while swarm intelligence identifies optimal solutions, aiding DL model training. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Balasubramaniam S(.Pdf) Size 29.5MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type Bio-inspired Algorithms in Machine Learning by Balasubramaniam S(.PDF 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/FScHv3ik5LMv https://devuploads.com/49tsmt760kos
  5. 📮 Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left by Helena Sheehan(.ePUB) Offers vivid first hand accounts of encounters with fellow socialists following the fall of the Soviet Union Most westerners glimpsed the breakup of the Soviet Union at a great distance, through a highly distorted lens which equated the expansion of capitalism with the rise of global democracy. But there were those, like Helena Sheehan, who watched more keenly and saw a world turning upside down. In her new autobiographical history from below, Until We Fall, Sheehan shares what she witnessed first-hand and close-up, as hopes were raised by glasnost and perestroika, only to be swept away in the bitter and brutal counterrevolutions that followed. In Until We Fall, we come along on Sheehan’s travels as she tracks the fallout from the transition from flawed forms of socialism to a particularly predatory form of capitalism. As a sequel to Navigating the Zeitgeist ― which captured 1950s cold-war America, the 1960s new left, the 1970s social movements and communist parties of Europe ― Until We Fall takes us through Eastern Europe from the 1980s onward and moves on to offer vivid accounts of encounters with fellow socialists in many other places, such as Britain, Greece, and Mexico. It includes an entire chapter on South Africa, where Sheehan participated in its political and intellectual life for extended intervals of the post-apartheid period. And it offers her unique take on her birthplace, the United States, along with the unfolding realities confronting her chosen home, Ireland. She also reveals major changes in the culture of academe in the decades she has taught in universities. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Helena Sheehan(.Epub) Size 1.3MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left by Helena Sheehan(.ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/pnaiSYSswvjv https://devuploads.com/4lv32l02e61q
  6. 📮 Buffett's Early Investments by Brett Gardner (.ePUB) Buffett’s Early Investments investigates ten investments that legendary investor Warren Buffett made in the 1950s and 1960s―earning him his first millions―and uncovers unique insights in the process. Using the same documents Buffett used when he made these investments, the author reveals the fascinating inside stories of: ♻️ Book's Info: Author Brett Gardner Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/SRh3wUyTM3OV https://devuploads.com/bqhys5cd6iia
  7. 📮 Visual Literacy by Mark Newman, Donna Ogle (.ePUB) Visual Literacy examines how teachers can use visuals to improve learning for all students. It provides teachers with a foundation in visual literacy, defined as the ability to read, think, and communicate with visually presented information. Results of studies of students’ using visual information indicate that most students are clearly lacking in the tools needed to use visuals effectively. The book orients teachers to visual literacy and the world of visuals. It discusses various classroom tested strategies and activities for all students, including second language learners, and students with special needs. Stressing visual literacy skills helps students understand a visual more deeply so they can master the content they are learning. Teachers will learn to employ a literacy triad of reading, thinking, and communicating to aid students in their study of visuals. First, they inquire into the visual, reading it for content and context, including assessing the authenticity of the document. Second, they think about the document by analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating it to come up with answers to their inquiry. Graphic organizers help students decipher the content and understand the meaning of the visual document, connecting it to prior and future instruction. Third, they communicate their findings using visuals. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mark Newman, Donna Ogle Size 7MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/0wuMEFfJVboT https://devuploads.com/ld920tbyuhye
  8. 📮 Fighting the Taliban by Bashir Sakhawarz (.ePUB) Following the defeat of the Taliban in 2001 Amir joined the Afghan Army becoming an officer. For the next five or so years he is involved in fighting the resurgent Taliban alongside American, British and other coalition soldiers. During an operation to capture a district in Faryab province, his friend Jawad and several other of his soldiers are killed in an ambush and he berates the Afghan Brigade Commander in front of other senior officers, including some from the coalition. Arrested on suspicion of sympathy with the Taliban he faces Court Martial until a US Marine who had been an adviser attached to the Afghan battalion defends him, producing evidence that the Afghan Brigade Commander deliberately suppressed intelligence because the Taliban were holding some of his family hostage. Amir is acquitted but is advised that many senior Afghan officers distrust him for what they see as a betrayal leading Amir to transfer to Special Forces where he is put in command of his own team. On one operation in Helmand, Amir and his team are cut off and besieged in an old fort for nine days, forced to survive by eating snakes and lizards after their food runs out. Fortunately, just before their ammunition ran out a British force backed up by helicopter gunships and American bombers breaks the siege. Amir went on to become a battalion commander for his last four years serving as the US started to withdraw troops and hand over responsibility to the Afghan Army. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Bashir Sakhawarz Size 2.3MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/ZHfaiuGoTU3c https://devuploads.com/n0kf24n4t1j0
  9. 📮 Scarcely English by Simon Heffer (.ePUB) The English language has evolved throughout its history, and usually for good reasons. However, in recent years, egged on by social media and the ubiquity and velocity of the internet, it has been subject to some grave assaults. There appear no longer to be any rules, in an era when, thanks to the web (another word to have changed its meaning) everyone can be a published author, completely unedited and unregulated. This often has dire consequences for the English tongue. Simon Heffer's A to Z runs though a whole litany of common confusions ('flaunt' and 'flout', 'imply' and 'infer', 'uninterested' and 'disinterested'), unidiomatic English ('fed up of', 'focus around', the use of 'impacted' in such construction as 'the loss impacted him badly'), and lazy expressions (these days every extended activity is an '-athon', every scandal is a 'Something-gate'). It bemoans some truly awful neologisms, 'infotainment' and 'funwashing' among them. And it registers the horror of those of us who do not believe that you can answer the question 'How are you?' with the words 'I'm good'. Trenchant and sprinkled with dry wit, Scarcely English is both a chamber of horrors of bad and lazy English and a plea for accuracy, clear thinking and elegance. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Simon Heffer Size 700KB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Jpa3J8XlI5lS https://devuploads.com/dd2bzb0zlwk6
  10. 📮 Evacuees and Crabapple Trees by Sheila Newberry (.ePUB) Sheila had such a remarkable way of bringing her characters and her stories to life and we are all very grateful for the lovely legacy she left behind through her novels.' Rosie Goodwin One last cough from the overheated engine of the Morris 8 and the bulging doors appeared to burst at the seams, with children tumbling eagerly out and dispersing in all directions - rushing past the shabby old weather boarded cottage into the tangled orchard and, with joyous whoops, discovering the gnarled plum trees groaning under the weight of huge, glistening purple-red Victorias. At the outbreak of World War II seven-year-old Sheila and her family left Surrey to take refuge in Suffolk. For Sheila country life was strange at first, but roaming the fields and picking wildflowers was what childhood dreams were made of. When the bombing died down, the family moved back to Surrey, but Sheila would later return to the countryside when she, her husband John and their children arrived at Crabapple Cottage, their new home in Kent. Over the next few years, they had many adventures as they adapted to the seasonal rhythms of country life. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Sheila Newberry Size 5MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/LhupwFvoIUda https://devuploads.com/rihw1vet1s1i
  11. 📮 The Best of Enemies by Norman Fowler (.ePUB) ***The tempestuous years of Margaret Thatcher and John Major. An insider’s account of the rivalries and battles that eventually brought down the Conservative government.*** The Best of Enemies is the political diaries of Norman Fowler, one of the most significant politicians of the late twentieth century. Covering the entire Thatcher/Major era – from the former’s election in 1979 to the latter’s defeat in 1997 – during which time Fowler held prominent positions in the Cabinet. As Transport Secretary he was responsible for making seat belts compulsory and later, as Health Secretary, he worked to draw public attention to the dangers of Aids. He was Chairman of the party from 1992–94. His diaries observe both Prime Ministers, and their Cabinet colleagues, at close quarters and Fowler brings his training as a journalist to bear on them. The diaries are full of insights and anecdotes and they resonate powerfully with the situation facing the Conservative Party today, including industrial strife, waning authority and a Labour Party looking like a government in waiting. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Norman Fowler Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/4jJjTTFnxPIX https://devuploads.com/nvwgngeft8rv
  12. 📮 Consolations II by David Whyte (.ePUB) David Whyte's Consolations use everyday words to present us with a prism through which to better understand ourselves and the lives we walk through. At the request of readers globally, Whyte returns with fifty-two short, elegant meditations on a single word ranging from 'Anxiety' to 'Body', 'Freedom', 'Shame' and 'Moon'. He embraces their nuances, amplitudes and depths, and, in doing so, confronts realities that many of us would spend a lifetime trying senselessly to avoid. In Consolations II, anxiety might be more mercifully understood as the preparation for being hurt, fixed beliefs are recognised as the very places where we do not wish to understand, guilt is a friend compassionately waiting for us to catch up and routine becomes a form of ritual and worship. Each piece in this life-affirming book is an invitation to slow down, shift our perspective and find comfort. In these pages, Whyte explores the full constellation of human experience. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Whyte Size 800KB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/L3dKN1l2Owak https://devuploads.com/rksmv8ivenl6
  13. 📮 The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn (.ePUB)+ Is it possible that behind what is taking place in America and the world lies a mystery that goes back to the gods of the ancient world…and that they now have returned? The Return of the Gods is the most explosive book Jonathan Cahn has ever written. It is so explosive and so revealing that no description here could do it justice. Jonathan Cahn is known for revealing the stunning mysteries, many from ancient times, that lie behind and are playing out in the events of our times. But with The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes this to an entirely new level and dimension. The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Jonathan Cahn Size 1.14MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy > Religion > Self-Help > Spiritual Growth > Christian File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/V2PRxAHSi4pl https://devuploads.com/3pqf45n0zmre
  14. 📮 Bobby Sands and Tragedy of Northern Ireland by John M. Feehan (.ePUB) Bobby Sands captured the imagination of the world when, despite predictions, he was elected a Member of Parliament to the British House of Commons while still on hunger-strike in the Northern Ireland concentration camp of Long Kesh. ♻️ Book's Info: Author John M. Feehan Size 600KB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/PJ6JcNRICjQ6 https://devuploads.com/zpvvzaj44qyy
  15. 📮 Stuffed by Chris Fennimore (.ePUB) Let's get cooking! Are you looking for a culinary activity for the whole family? Stuffed is the cookbook book to reach for. When we talk about a favorite food, chances are it’s a dish that stuffs one food inside of another. Think ravioli, pierogi, dumplings, enchiladas, samosas, crepes, blintzes – and many more. They have come into our culinary traditions from all over the world and made themselves at home. What is it about little balls of dough stuffed with all kinds of fillings that we love so much? Author and stuffed-food aficionado Chris Fennimore thinks he knows. It’s about the contrast of textures – the flaky and creamy in a single bite, or the rich with the mild. And the flavor pairings that transcend each individual element to create a unique magic. Stuffed is a richly illustrated celebration of the amazing diversity and appeal of this simple universal concept, from humble to elegant. Inside, you’ll find recipes for traditional stuffed doughs, but also stuffed vegetables, bread, pastries, seafood, meats, and sweets. Everything from arepas to zeppoli. The recipes and accompanying stories pay homage to generations of home cooks – many that speak of childhoods spent in the warmth of family kitchens where food meant love. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Chris Fennimore Size 54MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/zkIkFCKTx04m https://devuploads.com/1do4ddq9w5h7
  16. 📮 Age of Delirium by David Satter (.ePUB) The first state in history to be based explicitly on atheism, the Soviet Union endowed itself with the attributes of God. In this book, David Satter shows through individual stories what it meant to construct an entire state on the basis of a false idea, how people were forced to act out this fictitious reality, and the tragic human cost of the Soviet attempt to remake reality by force. “I had almost given up hope that any American could depict the true face of Russia and Soviet rule. In David Satter’s Age of Delirium, the world has received a chronicle of the calvary of the Russian people under communism that will last for generations.†?—Vladimir Voinovich, author of The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin. ♻️ Book's Info: Author David Satter Size 1.0MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/S9inMeadrqB7 https://devuploads.com/luk49hvi6voi
  17. 📮 A Forager's Life by Mike Krebill (.ePUB) Take a walk in the woods with Mike Krebill. When Mike tells you a story about his experiences with a wild plant or mushroom, you’re getting far more than guidebook data – you’re getting a lifetime’s worth of keen observing, experimenting and, sometimes, close calls. Mike is one of America’s most acclaimed foragers and wild food educators, a living encyclopedia of all things wild and edible. A Forager's Life is about a life spent in nature and in the classroom – from the thousands of wild edible forays with adults and young people, to the legendary Euell Gibbons and the first Earth Day, to the rise of today’s great foraging wave, a wave that is bringing city folks and country folks together in search of that most basic of life’s pleasures: wild foods. It's about waking up to the natural world, with the nurturing help of great mentors along the way. At its heart, it's the story of a natural-born teacher who never stopped being a curious little boy, and who knows how to appeal to the curious kid in all of us. That’s what earned him multiple awards during his long career as a middle-school science teacher, environmental educator and naturalist. Are there recipes? Yes, lots of them, all kid-tested and kid-approved. You might like to try the Queen Anne's Lace pancakes, for starters. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mike Krebill Size 44MB Category Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/wlHAxxc2XmBR https://devuploads.com/3dv968gvy9e9
  18. 📮 Cybersecurity Today: Cyber attacks by Debrupa Palit (.ePUB) This book comprehensively covers essential topics ranging from the fundamentals of cybersecurity to advanced hacking concepts, cyber law, malware detection, wireless networking, and strategies for staying secure in the digital world. This book starts with networking and security basics, covering network models, communication protocols, and cybersecurity principles. It explores hacking, cybercrime, ethical hacking, and legal issues. Topics like malware, cryptography, cloud security, wireless networking, and best practices for data protection are also covered. It provides practical guidance on password management, security software, and firewalls. The book concludes by discussing emerging trends in cybersecurity, including cloud security, IoT, AI, and blockchain, helping readers stay ahead of evolving threats. Readers will emerge geared up with a solid foundation in cybersecurity principles, practical knowledge of hacker tactics, an understanding of legal frameworks, and the skills necessary to recognize and mitigate cybersecurity threats effectively, helping them to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and competence. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Debrupa Palit Size 10MB Category Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/nLZVaX505i7e https://devuploads.com/g776l8l7w6cq
  19. 📮 The Scout's Guide to Wild Edibles by Mike Krebill (.ePUB) Ever seen a tasty-looking plant or mushroom in a yard or forest but weren’t sure if it would taste good…or even be edible? In The Scout’s Guide to Wild Edibles, renowned forager Mike Krebill profiles 40 widely-found edible wild plants and mushrooms of North America, in a guide small enough to fit right in a pocket. The author offers clear color photos and positive-ID tips for each plant, along with lip-smacking recipes and engaging projects and activities for all skill levels. The Scout’s Guide will help foragers locate, identify and safely enjoy wild edibles – with the added satisfaction of knowing exactly where their food came from. This is one of those "especially for now" kinds of books for the challenging times we are in. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mike Krebill Size 24MB Category Non-Fiction > Educational File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/Fd5l9BIlEPaj https://devuploads.com/qgtwah9qhmfv
  20. 📮 Gods, Goddesses and Women Who Serve Them by Susan Ackerman (.ePUB) A wide-ranging study of women in ancient Israelite religion. Susan Ackerman has spent her scholarly career researching underexamined aspects of the world of the Hebrew Bible—particularly those aspects pertaining to women. In this collection drawn from three decades of her work, she describes in fascinating detail the worship of goddesses in ancient Israel, the roles women played as priests and prophets, the cultic significance of queen mothers, and the Hebrew Bible’s accounts of women’s religious lives. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Susan Ackerman Size 3MB Category Non-Fiction > History File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/UBUmN0l1oeai https://devuploads.com/3uoahkgmtmu9
  21. 📮 You Have Not Yet Heard Your Favourite Song by Glenn McDonald (.ePUB) If you want to know anything about how music surfaces today, how to find it, or how to create it, you will find what you need right here. ' Joseph Menn, Washington Post writer For the first time in history, almost every song ever recorded is available instantly. Everywhere. You Have Not Yet Heard Your Favourite Song charts what music's dazzling digital revolution really means for fans and artists. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Glenn Mcdonald Size 1.5MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/YIkOVRRzLj2t https://devuploads.com/5giu1m0e6v2y
  22. 📮 Texas Hold’em For Dummies (2nd Ed) by Mark “The Red” Harlan (.ePUB)+ The most fun you can have learning Texas Hold’em (and we ain’t bluffin’) Playing Texas Hold’em is about the most fun you can have with two cards in your hand. Navigating the slang, rules, and intricacies of the game can be challenging, though. With Texas Hold’em For Dummies, 2nd Edition, you’ll learn the tricks you need to know to win your first online or in-person game. From ranking the various poker hands to applying betting strategies, this book helps you build the skills necessary to achieve poker room success. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Mark “The Red” Harlan Size 4.52MB Category Non-Fiction > General > Cards > Gambling > Games > Reference File Type ePUB In Texas Hold’em For Dummies, you’ll learn to:-In Texas Hold’em For Dummies, you’ll learn to:- ► Improve your chances at casinos and in online poker rooms ► Participate in a poker tournament with confidence ► Bluff, bet, raise, and fold in the right way at the right times The perfect handbook for beginning poker players who want to play in-person or online, Texas Hold’em For Dummies is also an essential companion for more experienced players looking to brush up on the fundamentals and improve their skills. 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/HtJz6sotRfkG https://devuploads.com/bdn5in6u6og8
  23. 📮 Disabled Witchcraft by Kandi Zeller (.ePUB) Magick is all around us and should be for everyone. But the practices in many witchcraft books can be difficult for many of us to perform due to chronic illnesses, sensory issues, allergies, or other disabilities—and the financial limitations that often go hand in hand with them. In this guide, disabled witch Kandi Zeller sets out to change that. Through 90 inclusive (and sometimes spicy) magickal rituals designed for witches with disabilities of all kinds—especially the invisible ones—Disabled Witchcraft lays out a truly accessible magickal practice with a solid dose of humor and heart. If your spoons (aka available energy and executive function) are limited on any given day, that doesn't need to be a hindrance to following your spiritual path. From guidance on using crystals for nervous-system regulation to tarot readings for spoonies to laying a curse upon unjust health systems, you'll find practical tools to harness the magick of your disabilities, fight both ableism and capitalism, and embrace a more expansive version of the path. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Kandi Zeller Size 7MB Category Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/RkSySaHlupgf https://devuploads.com/lvr2oxfl47d8
  24. 📮 30 Days to Eliminate Clutter and Debt by Paula Langguth Ryan (.ePUB) Put an End to Stress and Chaos! At the crossroads of your clutter and debt you'll find a group of core beliefs that block you from making progress. Through bite-sized daily readings, this book helps you explore and identify the conscious and unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that have kept you stuck in the cycle of clutter and debt. Through targeted self-reflection and a single piece of daily guidance, you will transform your beliefs about clutter and debt – and use your inner wisdom and power to create lasting positive change. Designed to complement whatever organizing systems you're guided to use. Put an end to financial stress and overwhelming chaos and create an orderly and financially secure life, today. ♻️ Book's Info: Author Paula Langguth Ryan Size 6MB Category Non-Fiction > General File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/lDV0Oqz9j5lV https://devuploads.com/ma33do2guvgj
  25. 📮 Spicy Salsas & Moles by Ericka Sanchez, Nicole Presley (.ePUB) Things are about to get HOT in the kitchen with Ericka Sanchez and Nicole Presley's newest cookbook all about salsa Mexican American authors and recipe creators Sanchez and Presley are dishing up all their dirty secrets for authentic salsa in this collection guaranteed to make you sweat. From cooked salsas and fresh salsas to moles and enchilada sauces, your taste buds will be tingling with every tempting full-color photo. With a range of heat levels, you can turn up the spice with Mango Habanero Salsa or go for a slow burn with Smoky Red Pepper Salsa. The cookbook includes instructions for prepping and seasoning your molcajete, and a recipe for homemade tortilla chips that gives a whole new meaning to the term "love triangle." With recipes to turn even skeptics into salsa lovers, Spicy Salsas & Moles is sure to leave you wanting more! ♻️ Book's Info: Author Ericka Sanchez, Nicole Presley Size 63MB Category Non-Fiction > Food & Drink File Type ePUB 📥 Download Links: https://uploda.sh/JC2Q7X3YsdSk https://devuploads.com/74wlg0sr4adr

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