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  • Legendary Reader

📮 Captain Awesome series by Stan Kirby (.ePUB)

Bad guys beware! Eugene McGillicudy just happens to be the most awesome superhero of all time…Captain Awesome. MI-TEE! Now readers between the ages of five and seven can read chapter books tailor-made for a younger level of reading comprehension. Heavily illustrated with large type, Little Simon's young chapter books let young readers feel like they are reading a “grown-up” format with subject, text, and illustrations geared specifically for their own age groups!

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♻️ Book's Info:


Stan Kirby




Childrens > Chapter Books | Humor

File Type


1. Captain Awesome to the Rescue! (2012)2. Captain Awesome Vs. Nacho Cheese Man (2012)3. Captain Awesome and the New Kid (2012)4. Captain Awesome Takes a Dive (2012)5. Captain Awesome, Soccer Star (2012)6. Captain Awesome Saves the Winter Wonderland (2012)7. Captain Awesome And The Ultimate Spelling Bee (2013)8. Captain Awesome Vs. the Spooky, Scary House (2013)9. Captain Awesome Gets Crushed (2013)10. Captain Awesome and the Missing Elephants (2014)11. Captain Awesome vs. the Evil Babysitter (2014)12. Captain Awesome Gets a Hole-in-One (2014)13. Captain Awesome and the Easter Egg Bandit (2015)14. Captain Awesome Goes to Superhero Camp (2015)15. Captain Awesome and the Mummy's Treasure16. Captain Awesome vs. the Sinister Substitute Teacher 17. Captain Awesome Meets Super Dude! Super Special18. Captain Awesome Has the Best Snow Day Ever? 19. Captain Awesome Takes Flight20.Captain Awesome for President21.Captain Awesome and the Trapdoor22. Captain Awesome Says the Magic Word23. Captain Awesome, the Show Must Go On!24. Captain Awesome Vs. the Evil Ice Cream Jingle 25. Captain Awesome Is a Spy!26. Captain Awesome and the Smile Snatcher

1. Captain Awesome to the Rescue! (2012) 2. Captain Awesome Vs. Nacho Cheese Man (2012) 3. Captain Awesome and the New Kid (2012) 4. Captain Awesome Takes a Dive (2012) 5. Captain Awesome, Soccer Star (2012) 6. Captain Awesome Saves the Winter Wonderland (2012) 7. Captain Awesome And The Ultimate Spelling Bee (2013) 8. Captain Awesome Vs. the Spooky, Scary House (2013) 9. Captain Awesome Gets Crushed (2013) 10. Captain Awesome and the Missing Elephants (2014) 11. Captain Awesome vs. the Evil Babysitter (2014) 12. Captain Awesome Gets a Hole-in-One (2014) 13. Captain Awesome and the Easter Egg Bandit (2015) 14. Captain Awesome Goes to Superhero Camp (2015) 15. Captain Awesome and the Mummy's Treasure 16. Captain Awesome vs. the Sinister Substitute Teacher 17. Captain Awesome Meets Super Dude! Super Special 18. Captain Awesome Has the Best Snow Day Ever? 19. Captain Awesome Takes Flight 20.Captain Awesome for President 21.Captain Awesome and the Trapdoor 22. Captain Awesome Says the Magic Word 23. Captain Awesome, the Show Must Go On! 24. Captain Awesome Vs. the Evil Ice Cream Jingle 25. Captain Awesome Is a Spy! 26. Captain Awesome and the Smile Snatcher

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