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đź“® House of Garner Series by Erin R Flynn (.ePUB)

Flynn/Erin/Joyee is a born Chicagoan who decided to state hop a bit, given she works from home. She currently resides in Georgia with her pup, Lord Vader Flynn.

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Erin R Flynn





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1. No Longer Alone

1. No Longer Alone My name is Inez Garner, and my story has sort of been told… But not. I’m turning twenty-three and find out I’m not human; I’m apparently a vampire. Sure, who hasn’t read that story? Oh, but I’m a princess. And there’s a zombie apocalypse—although I’m debating where the line is of apocalypse vs. post-apocalypse. There’s also a quest that I’m compelled to be on, and it might all be coming from the Goddess. Awesome. It seems She has big plans for me. And I have to deal with ghosts. When I kill corrupted—the nice PC name people call zombies, as it’s not their fault they eat people—I then have to deal with their ghosts. Which is super when being hunted for years by some guys I don’t want to know better. Add to everything, I have to apologize to heroines for judging them when they fall in bed with the hot guy and buy the story he gives. I get it now. Sex is splendid. I’m not one to believe a con, but he’s got answers I need, like why I have no memories before I was eighteen. Plus, the fangs sort of sold it for me. I hope he forgives me for shooting him.

2. Team Inez

2. Team Inez - My name is Inez Garner, and I’m a vampire princess. It still sounds crazy to me too, but again, the fangs sold me, especially now that I have my own and drink blood. Things have become more complicated as people give me answers, but I’m no longer alone to handle it all. I have Darius and Jaxon, plus my knights, and maybe one of the oldest vampires alive joining us to help keep me alive. That’s not terrifying or anything. But they think I’m Aether’s champion—who is not a guy, but the Goddess of everything—and that’s going to upset a lot of people. Which means they’ll want me dead because sure, there’s not an apocalypse or corrupted trying to eat us all, so I should be the priority never. Having help is great though, and it seems like the tide is turning in the war we’re all fighting. We’re working hard to try for a future, and now with some of the amenities we can have because of my abilities with electricity, it looks like we have an actual chance. Well, some days, other days don’t go so well.

3. Reaching for Home

3. Reaching for Home - My name is Inez Garner, and I’m a vampire princess. I no longer swallow a hysterical giggle when I say that but I’m still trying to accept all that comes with it. Now that I’m not recovering from years of starving and feeding as I should, my power is growing and honestly, it scares me and makes me a huge target. Luckily, the crazy of the apocalypse keeps me pretty distracted. More ghosts are coming and while that fries me out, it’s helping a lot of people. Everyone’s pushing for us to stop living in the apocalypse and with help from other courts, maybe we can make it to post-apocalypse. Team Inez is growing as people put their faith in me that it’s the winning team. It’s hard not to collapse under that pressure but those with me are stepping up. I still don’t get what Darius, Jaxon, Cerdic, or even Kristof see in me—though I worry the guy had a nervous breakdown—but maybe one day it won’t be like this and I can figure out who I am and what I’m feeling. Yeah right.

4. Princess Ninja Warrior

4. Princess Ninja Warrior - My name is Inez Garner, and I’m a vampire princess, a fiancée to two wonderful men, girlfriend to two others, survivor of the apocalypse, awesome with a rifle… And in way over my head. Aether’s quest is FINALLY done. After five long, grueling years, I’ve collected and hidden everything She wanted me to. We made it to where my coven is supposed to be and handled the heartache that went with it. But what comes next? I think I know, but what if I’m wrong? It’s all on me. I’m still recovering from my power frying me out, and if I make the wrong move, thousands of people who I care about could wind up dead. We’re on a good path though and I put my faith in those who are supporting me so we can have a real home. Each day is a little better than the next for the ones joining us and I hold onto that as I take the leap. Except Aether’s apparently not done with me. What could possibly go wrong?

5. Extending Family

5. Extending Family - My name is Inez Garner, and I’m a vampire princess, wife to two vampire nobles, fiancée to two more, and girlfriend to another. I’m the leader of a new coven that is made up of mostly shifter clans and thriving better than established covens and they love that. But we’re still in a precarious position as our main location for the coven only has the castle. And what a castle it is, built by my husband who abandoned me. I’m not bitter. I’ve come a long way from barely surviving, and I think we’ve reached the point where we have survived the apocalypse and crossed into the post-apocalypse phase. We’re still debating that, but the zombies—or the corrupted, as some idiot named them to be PC—are under better control and not constantly trying to eat me. Unfortunately, I think that means those who survived will come out of hiding and be stupid, which is dangerous. No matter how strong we are, someone will always find an opening or make a move we’re not ready for. Does this mean I finally get to play with the fighter jets?

6. Team Changes

6. Team Changes - The dreams started the day I announced to the settlement in Texas we weren’t human. There had been non-humans in the group, and one had become the new snitch to run back to his old coven he had fled from to give information. It hadn’t worked well for the guy from Princess Safie of house Darbandi’s coven, but that was totally separate.

7. Redefined Commitments

7. Redefined Commitments - My name is Inez Garner. I’m a vampire princess, champion of our Goddess, Aether, and savior for those who have endured the apocalypse so far. I’ve accepted that. It even sounds impressive… Until you add the rest. Three of my four marriages have failed. I’m in love with a fifth man who doesn’t know if I’m worth loving. My mental, emotional, and physical health all broke at the same time, and the recovery has to be slow. And I’m probably the most hunted woman on the planet, especially by a God and His minions. Now it’s not impressive and mostly depressing. So, I’m fixing my life where I can. We can’t stop all of the chaos, but I am the boss, and I’m going to limit what I can… Right after I save some more people and add to our overflowing plates. Oh, and take on another princess. At least we finally get to use the fighter jets. Someday, I will be in one if it’s the last thing I do. But even among all of that, Kristof loves me and I’m not alone. He sees me and some of the mistakes he’s made. I’m not the only one exhausted and ready for the apocalypse to be over, right?

8. Amassed Forces

8. Amassed Forces - in charge of saving as many from the apocalypse as possible. Oh, and trying to get the world back to what it used to be as much as possible… When I have no memories of it. What could possibly go wrong with that? Especially when the apocalypse did not bring out the best in people and it seemed mostly snakes and monsters survived. The best part? Erebus’s champion has made her first move and come at us. It was lame, but she won’t stay that way for long, so that should worry anyone smart. And I’m smart enough to know not to underestimate people I shouldn’t so we all survive. At least there’s good news. My recovery is better. I feel stronger. I feel supported and loved by more than only my Kristof. If we can just stay on this path and everyone works together, we can all come out ahead and have lives worth living once we win. That’s an achievable, realistic goal. Yeah, right, a bunch of people will undoubtedly try to mess it up. The question is who will go first?

9. Princess For All

9. Princess For All - My name is Inez Garner… Formerly Viola Velius. I guess? I mean, I believe it, but it doesn’t seem real without my memories. And why that name? That sounds like a bad Bond girl name. Like someone was trying for an innuendo but was too dumb and missed the mark? Then again, given how unhinged my mother was, maybe that really was her goal? Understandably, my head is a mess. Especially after being the one to kill my brother after his abuse of me I don’t remember. And why do people keep saying that we should call someone named Jerry Springer? I really need to ask what that means and remind people I don’t have memories of the things they talk about. There is never a good time for your monstrous family to appear and try and restart your brainwashing, but during the apocalypse? Really? Like… Really? Maybe I should take a page out of my husbands’ books and just start drinking? Seems fitting.

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