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đź“® Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World series by FUNA (.ePUB)

FUNA is a Japanese author best known for Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! and Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement.

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Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Volume 1

Volume 1 Volume 1 Mitsuha is your average teenage orphan—until one day she falls off a cliff, and finds herself in another world strangely akin to medieval Europe! Beset by wolves, she discovers she has the ability to travel freely between the two worlds, and decides to make a life for herself in both. Now all she needs to do is save up 80,000 gold coins for a comfortable retirement... Piece of cake, right?! No matter how out of control things get, Mitsuha keeps her cool, turning every hurdle into a business opportunity. From shopkeeper to war hero to viscountess, her meteoric rise seems unstoppable—but with each success comes new obligations and new costs. Does every step up just take her further from her goal??

Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2 Thanks to her ability to freely travel between worlds, Mitsuha’s business is booming. One day, she witnesses a group of men trying to abduct one of her female customers. Mitsuha stops them with her stun gun, taking the opportunity to deliver a cool line she has always wanted to say... “I am the Lightning Archpriestess! Those in my way deserve no mercy!” After dealing with the would-be kidnappers, she discovers that the girl she saved is actually a princess! Just as Mitsuha tries to flee the scene, she is invited to the royal palace. Just how will our general store manager fare when called to an audience with the king?

Volume 3

Volume 3 Volume 3 The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha's General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha's going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now that she's been attached to a diplomatic delegation?! She's already got a lot on her plate, but she can't very well ignore a command from the king himself... And so Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano, aka the Lightning Archpriestess, sets off with Sabine and Colette in tow... But with a fully-equipped RV-not to mention Mitsuha's world-jumping power-it's not exactly going to be an arduous journey. Delicate negotiations, handsome princes, and bandit raids await as the girls leave their kingdom and their comfort zone for the first time!!

Volume 4

Volume 4 Volume 4 Having completed their diplomatic delegation, Mitsuha and the girls finally get to go home…but there's no time for our heroine to relax! In Japan, she becomes a small business owner and also opens her first store on Earth: an art gallery café. In the other world, the viscountess ventures solo to the enemy land across the sea, and even launches another shop! “I am Nanoha, crosser of dimensions in the name of a wandering god! I cast open a path to another world!” Using her world-jumping ability, Mitsuha becomes an explorer of the New World, a spy, a sculpture artist, and more! There's no stopping her now! Business is booming in volume 4!

Volume 5

Volume 5 Volume 5 The newly opened gallery café Gold Coin is a huge hit with the locals thanks to the savvy manager and waitress running it. Meanwhile, the café's owner Mitsuha is going on an undercover mission to the New World. Disguising herself as a foreign noble/royal, a sweet innocent fan of the navy, and even as the Envoy of the Goddess, Mitsuha gathers intel and spreads disinformation, sowing her seeds for future invasion. Joining forces with a young and ambitious local merchant, Mitsuha plots to tip Vanel's economy with Earth's spoils: sugar, spice, and other nice but useless foodstuff. Dodging pushy nobles, meeting the King of Vanel, and introducing a new business plan to Yamano County, the world-jumping heroine is on the fast track to becoming...the head of a secret evil economic empire?!

Volume 6

Volume 6 Volume 6 Joining forces with the ambitious merchant Lephilia, Mitsuha is on a roll in the New World. But now their inventory's been stolen by a jealous rival! She's not letting them get away, though. It's payback time-with the cunning use of her world-jumping ability, of course. In this volume, our heroine is cooking up even more storms: an exclusive club for young noble girls, a manmade island, and a new kind of weapon that'll knock a boy's socks off?! Sure, saving up gold coins for her retirement is important, but right now, Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano is amped up to undermine her enemy and strengthen her own county's and kingdom's economic power like a full-fledged ruler!

Volume 7

Volume 7 Volume 7 Just as business in the New World is starting to look stable, Mitsuha learns that something hostile is afoot in the Kingdom of Vanel… They're on the brink of war! All of her hard work will go to waste if she doesn't do something to stop her enemy from gaining too much power. Time to get busy! Training the Zeglusian navy, planning a maritime warfare tactic…How will Mitsuha use her world-jumping ability to solve the crisis? Meanwhile, our busy heroine has no idea of the tension running between…Beatrice and Colette?! Behold, the (fabricated) miracles of the Goddess!

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